Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3443

Chapter 3443

"Bring it to me!"

Seeing that Fang Yi was about to be submerged in the huge waves, Jin Ling Zhanxian finally couldn't bear it anymore, and the huge golden handprint suddenly probed and grabbed Fang Yi directly.

Obviously, this is to completely take Fang Yi down before Fang Yi temporarily.

After all, what he wanted was still in Fang Yi.

However, Fang Yi's state at the moment, even if they are a little confused, they don't know whether it is Fang Yi himself, Prince Longyan, or both.

Don't blame them, after all, how could someone as strong as Prince Longyan be taken away?

Moreover, he is also a Dao Erzhong, which makes them unbelievable no matter what.

You must know that seizing a body is not that simple, even if they are unable to seize a sixth level of the Dao, the most they can do is behead the opponent.

But Fang Yi's current state, no one knows what's going on, so...

Jinling Zhanxian was in a hurry.

Wulei Tianjun didn't respond at all. Maybe he wasn't interested in Fang Yi, Abi Excalibur, or Twelve-Rank Blood Lotus. Her only purpose was to hinder the blood race.

Niehai is adjacent to the blood race, and neither of them will sit back and watch the other become stronger, which is easy to understand.

So she just watched indifferently at the moment.


The palm of Jinling Zhanxian stretched out, and the bright golden light instantly penetrated the billowing energy storm, and Fang Yi was about to be firmly grasped in his hand.

"You are presumptuous!" Seeing this, the Blood Emperor of Beiming was furious.

Jinling Zhanxian is taking food from a tiger's mouth, how can he agree.

And Fang Yi was about to give up this body. In the terrifying energy storm, even if he didn't want to give up, there was nothing he could do. The power of the seventh level of the Dao was not something he could compete with, so... just didn't expect that at this moment, Jin Ling Zhan Xian thrust a bar horizontally, allowing his body, which was almost out of control, to regain the initiative once again.

However, he did not escape, and it was impossible in this situation.

Instead of this, it is better to make the conflict between the two sides more exciting.

While thinking about it, Fang Yi's mouth curled up into a sneer, and his body fell into the huge golden palm of Jinling Zhanxian as before.

At the same time, his divine sense receded instantly, causing a ripple in the berserk energy.


He had to sacrifice a body to completely intensify the conflict between the two superpowers. Only in this way could he gain enough time and space.

As for Hua Lian'er, he had already been included in the water temple by him.

And in order to make all this more real, the moment his body was held by the Golden Spirit Zhanxian, the Murder Monument seemed to lose control, and fell directly from the Nine Heavens into Wufeng Mountain.


The crowd watched this scene in astonishment, with a hint of disbelief and suspicion in their eyes.

Although in the hands of the two superpowers, they all knew that Fang Yi could not escape death, but when they actually saw this scene, they always felt that something was wrong, as if they should not die so easily.

However, the body was firmly held by Jinling Zhanxian, and the murder monument also fell into the depths of Wufeng Mountain.

Everything seems to indicate that Fang Yi has fallen.

"You bastard! Old Golden Spirit thief, leave him behind!!"

The Blood Emperor of Beiming was furious at the moment. Fang Yi was taken away from his territory in the sea of ​​blood. This was undoubtedly tantamount to slapping him in the face, which he could not accept no matter what.

Putting all this aside, Fang Yi still has the whereabouts of Abi Excalibur hidden in his body.

The twelfth grade blood lotus has already come out, and it is on the opponent's body. How can he let the golden spirit war fairy succeed.

The terrifying power erupted instantly.

Not only that, in the huge sea of ​​blood, auras like abysses swept over. Obviously, the Blood Emperor of Beiming had already notified the other powerhouses.

With this place as the center, the huge area has been completely blocked by the strong blood clan.

not good!

Jinling Zhanxian naturally also noticed all this, and his face changed slightly.

The always indifferent Heavenly Monarch Without Tears couldn't help but a look of fear flashed in her beautiful eyes.


Without the slightest hesitation, the Golden Spirit Zhanxian turned into a golden thunderbolt and flew away into the distance.

"You bastard! Where are you going!" The Blood Emperor Beiming yelled angrily, turning into a blood-colored afterimage and chasing after him at a faster speed. The huge scene seemed to be in a trance.

"The Monument of Man Killing, the Monument of Man Killing is in Wufeng Mountain!"

Suddenly, I don't know who exclaimed.

Immediately, the eyes of the crowd brightened, full of greed, and rushed into Wufeng Mountain.

And above the void, Wulei Tianjun looked intriguingly at a certain place in Wufeng Mountain, and then disappeared out of thin air, as if he had never appeared.

"She actually found me?"

Fang Yi, who was in the Water God Temple, was horrified when he saw the place where Wulei Tianjun disappeared.

Because from the gaze of the other party, he could feel that Wulei Tianjun seemed to have discovered him and perceived his existence, maybe not so sure, but with some special induction.

Fortunately, the other party doesn't seem to have any intention of getting to the bottom of it.

But, how did she discover herself?And why didn't you embarrass yourself?

Fang Yi was puzzled.

But at this moment, he didn't have time to pay attention to these things, and quickly checked Hua Lian'er's situation. Fortunately, Hua Lian'er was fine, but his spirit fell into a coma, as if he had been traumatized.

For ordinary people, it is extremely difficult to repair the wounded soul.

But this is not too difficult for Fang Yi who has understood the way of rebirth.

It's just that in the current situation, we have to wait and see.

Afterwards, his sharp eyes swept towards the depths of Wufeng Mountain like a god of death, where the monument of killing people was located, and countless warriors flocked towards it like a madman.

It's just that they never thought that what awaited them was another nightmare.

The man-killing stele stands in it, and a faint killing atmosphere permeates it, as if waiting for its next owner.

A bloody killing was also staged because of this.

Fang Yi just watched all this silently, witnessed the killing, and let the terrifying killing aura rage, his own aura also inflated a little bit.

The human killing monument and his mind have long been integrated, and the terrifying killing is just the nourishment for his promotion.

And these people will also be the stepping stones for him to reach the peak.

It's just that they are still trapped in it, completely ignorant of all this, or some of them have doubts, but facing the killing monument, no one can resist the temptation.

Man said it was them, why not the Blood Emperor of Beiming and the Golden Spirit War Immortal.

In the distant sky, the terrifying battle caused the entire world to collapse. It already explained everything. It must be the peak duel between the Golden Spirit Warrior Immortal and the blood clan powerhouse.

It's just that the instigator of all this is looking at all this indifferently at this moment, as if he was an outsider.


(End of this chapter)

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