Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3446 Blood God Son Clone

Chapter 3446 Blood God Son Clone

In fact, as early as in the chaotic period, Fang Yi was full of doubts in his heart.

Because he saw Patriarch Styx, and the whole process of the other party picking the twelfth-grade blood lotus was under his witness. .

This had to make him suspicious.

Recalling the sudden disappearance of the blood demon ancestor in Tianshan, Hua Lian'er was considered by the ghost mother to be one of the clones of the blood god, all the answers have actually been revealed, but there is no definite evidence, Fang Yi does not want to believe that's all.

Because once the identity of the blood demon patriarch is confirmed, then Hua Lian'er, I'm afraid...

However, everything in front of him has confirmed his guess.

Fang Yi had no choice but to accept it.

And that mass of bloody energy, what Fang Yi heard, actually condensed a ferocious face, the face could not be seen in detail, only the distorted facial features, and the powerful anger revealed.

really! !

Fang Yi's pupils also shrank suddenly.

But he still didn't make a move, because he didn't know how to make a move. Once he made a move, it would definitely cause great trauma to Hua Lian'er, and it was still unknown whether he could wipe out the bloody ability.

How the strange soul was eliminated in the human killing monument is still inexplicable to him.

You must know that this soul must have a great connection with the blood god son clone of the ancestor of Styx, and Hua Lian'er is more likely to be one of the blood god son clones, but why does Hua Lian'er resist this bloody energy and give birth to a rebellious will? What exactly is going on?

Does the Blood God Son avatar have an independent soul?will?

Waiting for the harvest of Patriarch Styx?

Or, Hua Lian'er's soul was originally the avatar of the Son of the Blood God, and once awakened, it turned into one of the divine thoughts of Patriarch Styx?

As it stands, it appears to be the former.

Otherwise, why would Hua Lian'er develop a rebellious will?Moreover, Hua Lian'er's reaction when she mentioned the big wood before seemed to confirm this from the side.

However, knowing all this, Fang Yi still didn't know what to do.

Fang Yi didn't know what was going on with the billions of blood god son clones of Patriarch Styx, and I'm afraid no one would know, and under such circumstances, how could he change his hands easily? If one is not good, Hua Lian The son will surely perish.

This is absolutely not allowed by him.

But, let the two groups of energies continue to fight, Hua Lian'er may not last long, and it will still be nothing in the end.

The only way seems to be to find out what happened to Hua Lian'er.

To find effective countermeasures.

However, before that, Hua Lian'er's situation must be stabilized, and her spiritual world cannot continue to collapse, otherwise, even if he figured everything out, it would be futile.

"Stop me!"

Fang Yi scolded angrily, and the terrifying killing spirit and the meaning of destruction intertwined, making him seem like a god of death.

The powerful aura directly engulfed those two clusters of energy. Although the two clusters of energy were amazing, but limited by Hua Lian'er's collapsed spiritual world, the power displayed by the energy was extremely limited.

It's not surprising, because everything they have depends on Hua Lian'er.

So they actually didn't dare to act recklessly. Once Hua Lianer really died, everything they did would be in vain. It is precisely because of this that Hua Lianer's spiritual world seems so dilapidated, but Still able to maintain without collapse.

Because whether it is the blood energy or the black ice lotus, they are all robbing the control of this body and soul.

"Patriarch Minghe, get out of this body for me."

The terrifying killing intent suppressed the mass of blood-red energy, and Fang Yi's angry and loud voice also sounded.

The face transformed by the blood-red energy was facing Fang Yi at this moment, with a trace of astonishment on his face, as if he was a little surprised that Fang Yi was able to reveal his identity.

But soon, the corner of his mouth raised slightly, evoking a hideous smile.

Satire?Disdain?High above?

That contemptuous gaze looked at Fang Yi, just like looking at an ant.

"Damn you!!"

The next moment, an old and indifferent voice sounded out of nowhere, and then, a huge wave of blood came from nowhere, swallowing Fang Yi like a terrifying wave.

not good! !

Fang Yi's complexion also changed drastically. The terrifying blood color was like overwhelming mountains and seas, and the powerful aura almost made him unable to resist at all.

How could this be?Why was he able to unleash such a terrifying attack?

If so, how could Hua Lian'er resist?

Fang Yi was completely dumbfounded!

He dared to attack because he thought he had seen through the state of the bloody energy. He relied on Hua Lian'er, and he would inevitably be restricted. No matter how powerful he was, he would not be able to attack unscrupulously. Hua Lian'er was about to collapse first.

And in this case, everything he did would be in vain, so...

But the reality has exceeded expectations.

The bloody energy didn't care about it at all, and engulfed him unscrupulously, as if it wanted to crush him completely.

Do not!wrong!

How can Hua Lian'er's spiritual world be able to support such a terrifying power?

Suddenly, Fang Yi finally discovered that although the terrifying blood-colored energy was coming towards him, part of it was maintaining the stability of this space.

It was also at this moment that Fang Yi realized that he had overlooked one point.

If there is no outsider like himself, the blood energy will never be able to act recklessly. As guessed, everything about him depends on Hua Lian'er's body, so it is impossible to have no scruples.

But it's completely different for me, an outsider.

He doesn't need to care about himself, as long as he can control the energy so that it doesn't spread out and destroy this space, it doesn't matter how powerful it is.

Knowing this, Fang Yi's face instantly became extremely ugly.

That terrifying blood color almost made him suffocate.

Even before facing those peak powerhouses at the seventh level of the Dao, he had never felt such a sense of powerlessness, but at this moment...

This is Patriarch Styx?

Do not!This is just a clone of the Blood God Son, and Patriarch Styx has billions of clones like this.

Fang Yi's complexion changed drastically, and he retreated violently. However, everything was in vain. The terrifying blood-red energy had already locked him in, and it seemed that it would not be difficult to insert his wings.

This! !

Even Fang Yi felt like falling into an abyss at this moment.

Under the shroud of that terrifying blood-colored energy, there was a feeling of incomparable insignificance in his heart, as humble as dust.

Since practicing, he hasn't had a similar feeling for a long time, but at this moment, this feeling can't be suppressed, making his entire back drenched and trembling.

Seeing that it was at a critical juncture, suddenly, one after another black ice lotus bloomed, and another terrifying demonic energy roared, like an ancient fierce beast, facing the mass of blood-colored energy. The energy is not weak at all.


(End of this chapter)

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