Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3449

Chapter 3449

Seeing Fang Yi's puzzled face, Ao Xue said again: "It is said that when the first Buddha left, he once incorporated the golden lotus of twelve grades of merit into the three Buddhist scriptures of Da Leiyin Temple. , the present Tathagata Sutra, and the future Maitreya Sutra, as long as you comprehend these three scriptures, you will be able to condense the golden lotus of merit."

"As the comprehension deepens, the condensed merits and virtues of the Golden Lotus will be higher."

"And if you want to condense the real golden lotus of the twelve grades of merit, you must thoroughly comprehend the three scriptures."

so wonderful?

Hearing this, Fang Yi's eyes lit up.

Subconsciously, he thought of the meritorious golden lotus that he had condensed. Although he was not sure if it was the meritorious golden lotus, since the people of Da Leiyin Temple said so, it must not be false.

It's just that he has never heard of the past, the current Tathagata Sutra, and the future Maitreya Sutra, let alone comprehended it.

He just obtained a stone of rebirth, the Dao relic in the mouth of the emperor's sword, and thus condensed the golden lotus of merit. Does this Dao relic have any special origin?

Is the so-called Bliss Sect in Tianshan somehow related to the Great Leiyin Temple?

Moreover, Fengshenmeng seems to be inextricably related to the Bliss Sect, I'm afraid...

"Then, is there anyone in Daleiyin Temple who has condensed the complete twelve-grade golden lotus?" After pondering for a while, Fang Yi asked again.

Ao Xue shook his head.

"I don't know, but there were rumors a long time ago that there was a traitor in Daleiyin Temple, and the Lantern Sutra was stolen in the past, and there is no possibility of condensing the golden lotus of the twelve merits."

"Of course, this is just a legend. It can't be true. Everyone in the Great Leiyin Temple is a soul-type powerhouse. It is almost impossible to defect. The opponent's malicious slander or other reasons cannot be ruled out."

The way of the soul controlled by Daleiyin Temple has the function of baptizing the soul. To put it bluntly, it is the effect of brainwashing. It makes people devote themselves to the Buddha, is extremely devout, and betrayal is almost impossible.

Fang Yi is also well aware of this.

However, he didn't know whether it was because of this incident that Da Leiyin Temple acted in this way to prevent betrayal, or whether it had always been like this.

Anyway, those bald donkeys didn't give him the slightest favor.

As for the past burning lantern sutra that was stolen from Ao Xue's mouth, could it be related to the way of rebirth?

It has to be said that this possibility is not necessarily impossible.

In the past, what was contained in the Lantern Sutra might have reached the way of rebirth. After wandering outside, it was understood by others, condensed the way of rebirth, and then fell, leaving behind the relic of the great way, which was obtained by myself by chance. .

Although the probability of this is not high, it may not exist, and this also explains why the monks of Daleiyin Temple have been chasing him. The so-called golden lotus of merit is probably the burning lamp sutra in the past.

But it's a pity that he doesn't know anything about the sutra of burning lamps in the past.

Of course, what the monks of Daleiyin Temple wanted was not the Sutra of Burning Lamps in the Past, but the way to rebirth.

I just didn't expect it, because Hua Lianer...

At this moment, Fang Yi's eyes could not help flashing a strange light. If there is really no other way, then Misu Mountain may have no choice but to make a breakthrough.

"You don't have any ideas, do you?"

Ao Xue seemed to have noticed something, and looked deeply at Fang Yi.

Fang Yi is so bold that he has seen it all the way. If other people have such thoughts, he will definitely sneer, but if Fang Yi has such thoughts, he will not be surprised at all.

This is a weirdo who dares to provoke any kind of enemy even though he has only the second level of Dao Dao.

What's even more incredible is that he is often able to save the day.

I have to say, this point really made Ao Xue admire.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you. During the countless thousands of years of changes in the Three Realms, the Great Leiyin Temple has suffered the least impact. It has a profound foundation, and there are probably few forces in the entire Three Realms that can compare."

"The Three Great Sutras are their treasures. How dare you have any unreasonable thoughts, hmph..."

Ao Xue gave Fang Yi a warning look.

It seems to be saying: Don't seek death, you have already provoked enough forces.

However, Fang Yi smiled lightly.

He naturally understood the tyranny of Daleiyin Temple, he had heard about it as early as in Buzhou Mountain.

Moreover, he knew that Misu Mountain was different from other mountains in that various forces were complex, and Misu Mountain could be said to be monolithic. Although there were many temples of various kinds, Daleiyin Temple was the most revered.

Rushing into it can be said to be death.

Not to mention, the monks of Mount Misu are still looking for him all over the world.

It's just that it's about whether Hua Lian'er can get better, no matter how dangerous it is, she has to try.

Of course, if there were other ways, Fang Yi would not choose this path. This is a choice of desperation, and there is no rush right now.

What's more, even if he has the heart, he doesn't know where the entrance to Mount Misu is.

"You think too much, first think of a way to solve the current situation before talking!"

Fang Yi smiled and said casually.

It's just that this look, in Ao Xue's eyes, always gave him a strange feeling.

"Although the current situation is critical, since you can hide your aura without being discovered, it shouldn't be too difficult to leave. Without further ado, let's leave!"

Fang Yi's appearance has not attracted the attention of those strong people so far. Obviously, Fang Yi can isolate the induction of those strong people.

The way of water is varied, and concealment is one of them.

It shouldn't be too easy to use the external rules of water to cover himself. What's more, he also has a water temple. Under the double-layer concealment, no matter how powerful a warrior is, it is impossible to find his traces out of thin air.

Especially in this blood city where fish and dragons are mixed together.

Although the influx of these people brought some troubles to Fang Yi, it also gave Fang Yi the best cover.

There are pros and cons to each!

Just, leave?Fang Yi didn't have that plan yet.

"Not enough."

He shook his head, "Bloodline City is really busy right now, wouldn't it be a pity to leave here?"

"What else do you want to do?" Ao Xue's face suddenly darkened, and he looked at Fang Yi, just like looking at a monster, so scary.

Fang Yi didn't answer, but there was a weird smile on the corner of his mouth, and he looked in a certain direction.

There, he clearly sensed a slight fluctuation coming from the Murder Monument.

It's the evil fairy!

Relying on the suppression of the killing monument, he can instantly sense where the four superpowers are, no!Now the four of them have become three, and Prince Longyan has fallen.

"No way, I can only ask you for help!"

The corners of Fang Yi's mouth rose slightly, and he was already thinking about it again.

Wanting to find out about Hua Lian'er from the Blood Emperor of Beiming is tantamount to pulling a tooth out of a tiger's mouth. However, Fang Yi has to figure out this point. He wants to know why Hua Lian'er has become like this.

It is obviously not possible with his strength, but it may not be impossible with the evil fairy.

Because behind the evil fairy, there is another person.


(End of this chapter)

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