Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3453 Scarlet Giant Beast

Chapter 3453 Scarlet Giant Beast

"Just leave like this?"

Ao Xue looked back at the distant blood city, feeling unreal.

In such a dragon's pond and tiger's den, the two of them left so quietly without attracting anyone's attention. I have to say, it is so unbelievable.

You must know that there are many strong people above the seventh level of the avenue around the Bloodline City.

For such a strong person, even the slightest breath fluctuation could not escape their eyes and ears, but the fact is that the two really left quietly without attracting anyone's attention.

He could even feel the terrifying aura surging in Bloodline City, where a terrifying battle must be taking place.

If nothing else, this should be the big gift that Fang Yi was talking about, right?

At this moment, he couldn't help but take a deep look at Fang Yi.

"Why? Can't bear it?"

Fang Yi also turned his head and glanced at Bloodline City, and said half-jokingly.

Being able to leave so easily and strangely is naturally due to the merits of the Water God Temple. Any restrictions are futile for the Water God Temple. Ao Xue was also brought out by Fang Yi together in the Water God Temple.

Of course, he didn't know that it was the water temple, and he didn't ask.

This is his advantage.

"I just want to see how much the big gift you left behind can drive these people crazy. If you let them know that all of this is your arrangement, the arrangement of a Daoduer, I'm afraid..."

The corner of Ao Xue's mouth turned into a strange color.

Afterwards, he turned around and headed towards the bloody abyss.

Naturally, he wouldn't look back, no matter how curious he was, he wouldn't bet on his own life.

Fang Yi smiled, looked at Blood City once again, and turned around to leave.

Behind him, the sound of fierce fighting in Bloodline City became more and more loud, shaking the whole world to the point of collapse.


Bloody Abyss is not far from Bloodline City.

Of course, the so-called not far away is relative to the huge sea of ​​blood. Compared to a super strong like Fang Yi, it is actually thousands of miles away. It will be half a month after the two arrive.

The vast sea of ​​blood, with a strange aura, makes people have an indescribable feeling when they are in it.

As if being watched by some powerful existence all the time, I feel uncomfortable.

"This is the Bloody Abyss?"

Fang Yi muttered, looking at this endless ocean, he had a feeling of deja vu.

I just thought about it carefully, but found that it didn't seem to be the case.

The two continued to go deeper.

As he moved forward, the surrounding waves became more and more turbulent, and the blood color became more and more viscous, just like real blood, and a dangerous aura also approached.

With the cultivation base of the two, they can also perceive the existence of danger.

You must know that this is only the periphery, and if the periphery is like this, the degree of danger inside can be imagined.

However, the two obviously don't take it seriously, they have been to even the most dangerous places, let alone this bloody abyss.

Roar! !

Suddenly, there was a roar of a beast in front, which was extremely tyrannical.

Accompanied by a fierce fight, the sword energy soared into the sky.


In this vast sea of ​​blood, Fang Yi was a little surprised to meet other people so quickly. This world is vast, and under normal circumstances, it is not easy to meet other people. This is enough to illustrate that the blood-colored abyss It is indeed a sacred place for adventurers from all walks of life.

"Go and see!"

I am very unfamiliar with this place, and there are people around here, so I might as well understand the situation first, it is worse than trying to figure it out by myself.

yes!For the sake of caution, the two of them came all the way here without showing up in front of others, so naturally they had no way of finding out the general situation of the Scarlet Abyss.

Now in the Scarlet Abyss, I don't care so much.

Soon, the situation ahead appeared in front of my eyes.

I saw two blood-red giant beasts like a lion and a tiger frantically attacking a man in blue robe. Defeat, danger abounds.

The most terrible thing is that this giant beast seems to be one with the surrounding bloody ocean, making it difficult to distinguish.

It looks like an entity, but also like an illusion, very strange.

Even Fang Yi couldn't help frowning slightly.

"What a weird creature!"

He muttered in his mouth, a little curious about these giant beasts.

Ao Xue didn't change his face, he pointed directly at the two giant beasts, looking a little ready to move, but he didn't make a move.

At the scene, under the impact of the two giant beasts, a piece of flesh and blood was torn off by the man in the blue robe, and the blood mist was sprayed, which was a tragic scene.

"It's almost there!" Fang Yi murmured.

In an instant, Ao Xue was like an afterimage, quickly attacking and killing him.

I saw that he was as fast as lightning, a bloody light flashed across, and he had already appeared on the battlefield. His majestic power was like a huge wave. Before he got close, the two giant beasts were blown away, and the blue-robed man survived. .

The man in the blue robe was obviously not in a hurry, and he didn't know what happened, so he quickly looked at Ao Xue.

However, before he came back to his senses, Ao Xue's figure sped up again, passing through the two giant beasts like lightning.

The figures of the two giant beasts that were about to pounce on them seemed to be fixed in mid-air.

boom!boom! !

Then, there were two loud noises in succession, and the two giant beasts exploded, turning into blood mist that filled the sky, and merged into the endless sea of ​​blood.

The surroundings returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

Only the pale face of the blue-robed man and his fearful eyes looked at Ao Xue vigilantly.

"Many...thank you, fellow daoist, for your help."

The man in the blue robe was obviously a little scared, and he couldn't even speak clearly.

Don't blame him, in this bloody abyss, the weak prey on the strong, and meeting a warrior stronger than himself is not necessarily a good thing, and there is a danger of death at any time.

"Don't be nervous, we have no malicious intentions."

Fang Yi also stepped forward slowly at this time, with a gentle smile on his face.

Only then did the blue-robed man discover Fang Yi. Ao Xue's dominance obviously made him a little restless, so he couldn't observe the surrounding situation at all, and all his mind was concentrated on Ao Xue.

"You often come here to explore?" Fang Yi smiled lightly and spoke again.


Feeling the gentle smile on Fang Yi's face, the blue-robed man seemed to have finally relaxed, and hurriedly replied.

"Thank you two fellow Taoists for your help. Lan is very grateful." The blue-robed man quickly introduced himself. It turned out that his name was Lande and he also came from Bloodline City. I don't know anything about what happened in the city.

Fang Yi also made up an identity at random, and then began to ask questions.

"The two of us have heard that there is a strong power of space in the bloody abyss. This is the first time we have come here. I don't know what is going on in the bloody abyss?"

That's it!

When Rand asked, he seemed to be completely relieved, and then he began to speak slowly.


(End of this chapter)

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