Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3458 Space Shuttle

Chapter 3458 Space Shuttle

"My lord, there is news that that kid seems to have entered the Scarlet Sky!"


Hearing the report from the servants, the Blood Emperor of Beiming shrank his pupils, showing a hint of disbelief. The Scarlet Abyss is located in the Sea of ​​Blood. No one knows better than him how dangerous this area is.

Especially the Scarlet Sky is an absolutely dangerous place in this area.

In the blood race, no one would venture into it unless they had great perseverance or could not wait, because that would be almost tantamount to death.

Of course, this is obviously not that exaggerated for him who is at the seventh level of the avenue.

Fang Yi rashly entered it, which also reduced the scope of his pursuit countless times, so he was naturally happy to see it.

However, the other party knew that the future was dangerous, so why did they go deep into it?

Is that woman?

Yes!At this moment, the blood emperor of Beiming was thinking more in his heart. Hua Lian'er suddenly appeared. Originally, he thought it was a clone of the blood god son, and he was about to dedicate it to the blood god. There are twelve grades of blood lotus, which he never dreamed of.

It also made him very regretful that the twelfth grade blood lotus just slipped away from his hands.

Whenever he thinks of this, his teeth itch with hatred.

But now, that kid came here again, could it be that he learned something from that woman?The two of them obviously knew each other, maybe there was a bigger secret hidden in this woman, and she was pregnant with the twelfth grade blood lotus, maybe she had a great connection with the blood clan.

Therefore, no matter what the reason was, he had to find the two of them.

No matter how expensive it is.

However, the Scarlet Sky seems to have a small range, but every crack is extremely vast, and it is undoubtedly extremely difficult to capture the two of them.

The only consolation is that as long as the Scarlet Sky is blocked, one day they will be able to take down the opponent.

"Pass down this emperor's order to let all the strong blood clans in the vicinity rush to the bloody sky. This time, this emperor must take him down."


With an order, the wind and clouds surged, and countless strong men quickly gathered towards the blood-colored sky.


hoohoo! ! !

In the dark space, Fang Yi and the two naturally knew nothing about the outside world, but everything was expected, so even if they knew something, the two of them would not have much fluctuation.

On the contrary, in this dark space, a tyrannical roar came, which made the two people's eyes light up.

Before, the two of them had already flown for an unknown distance. This endless dark space seemed to be empty and impenetrable, and it was causing them great distress. However, the roar of the beast was like the dawn of dawn. Feeling scared, but his eyes brightened.

Roar! !

The roaring sound became more and more intense, and it was getting closer and closer. I saw a strange ripple coming from the space in front of me. A huge monster stepped out of the ripple, and the terrifying aura instantly enveloped the entire space, revealing a strong blood taste.

boom! !

The surrounding space roared endlessly, and the blood-origin beast rolled up a huge wave, and rushed towards the two of them directly, its blood-eating eyes were red, making people palpitating.

The terrifying aura emanating from his body made people tremble even more.

In addition, on the surface of his body, there seemed to be a layer of faint white energy.

It was extremely fast, and its terrifying giant claws slapped the two of them directly, as if it wanted to completely crush them into slag.

However, Fang Yi and Ao Xue are obviously not soft persimmons. Although this blood beast is powerful, it has not reached the point where they are afraid. Although the speed is fast enough, it can't stop them.


Hearing Ao Xue's cold shout, he stretched out his palm, and a terrifying dragon claw instantly condensed, facing the blood-origin beast head-on.

Seeing that the two are about to have a head-to-head confrontation.

But at this moment, the faint white energy around the blood beast suddenly trembled slightly, and then, its huge figure disappeared out of thin air, as if it had never appeared before.

Ao Xue's terrifying dragon claws also came to nothing.

what happened?

Ao Xue's face changed, full of disbelief.

But at the next moment, a dangerous aura came from behind him suddenly, and he quickly saw that the blood-born beast appeared behind him at some unknown time, as if it had directly traveled through the space and suddenly attacked from behind.

Fortunately, Ao Xue's strength is great, and his reaction is extremely fast. If it were an ordinary person, he might have already figured it out.

"Tsk tsk! Even this uncivilized beast can travel through space without energy fluctuations. It's really amazing."

Fang Yi, who has a certain understanding of the way of space, naturally sees that this is the ability to travel through space.

He can also achieve similar abilities, but he can't be as silent as the blood beast, and there are still some fluctuations in energy.

However, with the way of water, everything can be hidden.

But these blood-born beasts didn't have assistance, they just simply shuttled back and forth, as if this was their innate ability, perhaps it was because they were born in such a space that they were able to do so silently.

It had to be said that this made their danger level suddenly increase a lot.

Not to mention the same level, even one level higher, I'm afraid it will be extremely embarrassing in their hands, and if they are not careful, they will suffer heavy injuries.

"Naughty animal! You are courting death!!"

Ao Xue was obviously irritated, which made him feel like he was being played.

Being teased by an uncivilized ferocious beast, one can imagine the anger in his heart, and the aura around him also rose sharply. Just when he was about to kill the blood beast, Fang Yi suddenly spoke.

"Wait! Let's subdue first."

Hearing this, Ao Xue said, the blood-colored giant palm that had already been slapped turned into a blood-colored cage in an instant, enveloping the blood-originated beast.

It has to be said that this blood-born beast is so amazing that it is about to be imprisoned.

The white energy around him trembled again, and then disappeared in place out of thin air, extremely strange.

Ao Xue was furious all of a sudden, and he left with a fierce aura.

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but shook his head and smiled, "Don't worry, just force him to use the ability to travel through space."

Ao Xue is obviously not stupid, after all, he is a super genius of the Dragon Clan, so how could he be stupid.

Before, he was only angered by the blood-born beast. Hearing the words now, he immediately understood Fang Yi's meaning. This was to comprehend the mystery from the process of the blood-born beast traveling through the space.

And this is mostly the strange power of space in this space.

Knowing this, Ao Xue was naturally not angry, but he did not slack in his strikes, forcing the blood beast to shuttle back and forth, so embarrassed.

As for him, he devoted himself wholeheartedly into those white energies.

The same is true for Fang Yi, his divine sense not only enveloped the white energy, but also sensed the changes in the surrounding space, and nothing could escape his eyes and ears.

Slowly, he finally had some clues.

But unfortunately, the blood-born beast seemed to have exhausted itself, and the faint white energy around it became increasingly dimmer until it finally disappeared completely, and it was unable to shuttle freely, and died in the hands of Ao Xue. .


(End of this chapter)

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