Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3461 Beheading

Chapter 3461 Beheading

But, can you escape?

I saw that the blood strong man quickly shot out like a lightning bolt.

Just kidding, even his companion is dead, and it is almost instant kill, how dare he stay, instead of sitting and waiting for death, fleeing is undoubtedly the best choice.

It has to be said that his choice is extremely wise, and his speed is astonishingly fast. It takes only an instant before and after, and it is absolutely impossible for an ordinary person to do anything to him.

However, it is a pity that Fang Yi is not comparable to ordinary people. He had expected it a long time ago, and he had already set up a large formation in the surrounding void. The two strong blood clansmen did not notice it before. on heart.

At this moment, it is already too late to regret.

Seeing that the figure of the strong blood clan was about to leave, suddenly, countless sword shadows appeared out of thin air, blocking his way, like a sky, blocking everything.

How can it be?

Immediately, the blood man's complexion changed drastically, full of disbelief.

"Open it for me!"

He scolded angrily, and a terrifying power erupted from his body instantly, like a roaring huge wave, as if it wanted to completely swallow the sword net.

But it's a pity that no matter how overbearing that power is, the sword net is like an endless ocean. No matter how much energy surges in, it sinks like a rock, not even stirring up half a wave.

"No! This is absolutely impossible!"

At this moment, the strong man of the blood race seemed to have seen a ghost, his eyes were full of horror, thinking that he was an imposing fifth-level Dao expert, but he couldn't break through the formation set up by a second-level Dao, so it's no wonder he had such an expression.

"Humph! It's too much!"

At this moment, Fang Yi couldn't help but sneer, his eyes full of coldness.

Not to mention Ao Xue, the eyes that looked at the strong blood clan were like looking at a dead person.

One must know that a person whose cultivation base reaches the fifth level of the Dao is an extremely powerful person who dominates one side, and such a powerful person is almost impossible to be killed.

Just kidding, with such strength, if he was killed so easily, it would be fine.

But at this moment, that bloody strongman, a veritable fifth-level Daoist, was forced to go to heaven by the two of them. What's even more incredible is that they had already killed a fifth-level Daoist before that. People know that their jaws will drop in shock.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, little thief, do you really think you can kill Ben Zuo?"

Although the strong man of the blood race is pale at the moment, there is still a trace of stubbornness between his brows, which belongs to the pride of the strong.

Although his companion died, it was more due to carelessness. Fang Yi caught him by surprise and confronted him head-on. He didn't believe that the two of them could kill him.

And the reason why he escaped was because he knew that it was impossible to take down the two of them by himself alone, so...

However, he also didn't think that the two of them could take him down, it was just that his companion was killed and he was a little flustered.

Trapped at the moment, it felt like he was going all out, because he knew that he had countless companions exploring nearby, and he might find them at any time.

"What do you say?"

Fang Yi grinned. At this moment, he obviously had no interest in talking nonsense with the other party. As his mind turned, the immortal sword in his hand had already been chopped off.

Ao Xue was one step ahead of him, and the terrifying dragon claws directly reached out, smashing everything like a hand from God.

Boom! !

Suddenly, a large space fell off, as if the end was coming.

With one sword and one claw, he attacked the strong blood clan from two different directions at the same time.

not good!

The face of the strong blood man changed drastically. He was calm and composed before, but when he really felt all this, his face had become extremely pale.

The strength shown by the two of them far exceeded his expectations.

Originally, he thought that it was enough for Ao Xue to be strong, and he just had to be careful with the convenience.

However, at this moment, the fierce sword light made him clearly realize that it was not weaker than the other person's strength at all, and it was even more terrifying. Maybe the energy was not as good, but the killing spirit exuded was so powerful. It's frightening.

He couldn't beat four punches with both hands, and he was obviously a little flustered immediately, and was forced to retreat steadily.

"Bastards, you forced me!"

Suddenly, he shouted loudly, and the blood in his body exploded instantly, turning into countless blood mist.

And every drop of blood mist turned into figures in the end, densely packed, countless, and all of them were exactly the same as the strong man of the blood clan.

"Blood Shadow Clone!"

Ao Xue's pupils shrank, obviously recognizing the opponent's method, and immediately reminded: "This is the blood shadow clone, burning his own blood to exert several times his own strength, and each clone has half the strength of the main body."

What?so strong?

Hearing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but be surprised. There are so many blood shadow clones, and each one has half the strength of the main body, which is too amazing.

If this is in a group battle, isn't it invincible?

"However, once the blood burns, it also means that they will completely enter the weak stage. As long as these clones are destroyed, they will definitely die." Ao Xue reminded again.

That's it!

Fang Yi suddenly realized, but this information is completely useless to him, the strong blood clan has been trapped, left and right are just dead.

If they were in the outside world and were not trapped, for their own safety, the blood race might not be able to use this innate supernatural power, but here, under the trap, they have no scruples.

Fortunately, Fang Yi is not afraid.

Regardless of whether it was the way of strength or the monument of killing people, the number of people had lost their meaning in front of Fang Yi.

boom! !

While the mind was turning, the force field was instantly enveloped, and the terrifying power swept away, and the places it passed were like mountains pressing down.

Especially those blood shadow clones who were close, one by one, as if they couldn't bear the power, they burst open directly.

"how is this possible?"

Thousands of strong blood clans showed panic at the same time, and it was obviously beyond his expectations that a second-level Daoist could exude such a huge coercion.

This also makes his avatar look extremely ridiculous.

He couldn't even get close to Fang Yi, how could he kill him?What's the point of having more?

On the other side, Ao Xue was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, slaughtering wantonly, and wherever he passed, there was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

"No! Why is this happening?"

Thousands of strong blood clans showed panic. At this moment, he realized that he had made a fatal mistake. If he was dealing with ordinary strong men, he might have an advantage in numbers. The number of people at the price of weakening the strength is simply giving away heads.

However, when he reacted, it was too late, the two of them swept past like two real gods of death, until all the avatars turned into blood mist and dust, everything was a foregone conclusion.

And he, also in despair and unwillingness, died completely, and the only thing that caught his eyes was those two domineering figures.


(End of this chapter)

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