Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3475 Fengyue Saint Monk

Chapter 3475 Fengyue Saint Monk

As rumored, the so-called Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Assembly was actually an opportunity for Jinlong Temple to show its strength.

Of course, it is also a chance for the Buddhist disciples in the temple to exercise.

The Golden Dragon Temple governs the huge star field around it, and has the supreme power, but their rights all benefit from the Great Leiyin Temple.

To put it simply, the huge Misu Mountain is like a huge empire.

The absolute center of the empire is naturally the Great Leiyin Temple.

However, the Great Leiyin Temple is detached and hardly cares about these mundane matters, and these matters are handed over to forces such as Jinlong Temple.

There are not many temples like this in the entire Misu Mountain.

It is known as Misuwan Temple among the people.

That is to say, there are as many as [-]. Of course, this is just a general reference. It may not be [-], or it may be more than [-]. No one knows.

And Daleiyin Temple is an absolute holy place in the hearts of these temples, and even in the heart of the entire Misu Mountain.

They all dream of entering the Daleiyin Temple and comprehending Mahayana Buddhism.

The Great Leiyin Temple also gave corresponding conditions.

That is, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Assembly will be held every thousand years. Buddhists from all the temples in Mount Misu can participate in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Assembly, and strive to enter the Great Leiyin Temple with their own Buddhist supernatural powers.

Of course, this is extremely difficult.

You know it after thinking about it, but once it succeeds, it can be said to be a leap to the dragon gate for those Buddhist disciples and the temple behind him.

Therefore, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Assembly is the most solemn Dharma Assembly in the entire Misu Mountain.

Before this dharma meeting, in order to select suitable candidates, temples around the world usually hold a similar dharma meeting first. First, it is naturally to select better Buddhist disciples. Second, it can also show their own strength. consolidate their dominance.

Although Misu Mountain is like a monolith, internal competition is naturally indispensable.

The so-called Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Assembly in Jinlong Temple is such a similar Dharma Assembly, but it is collectively referred to as the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Assembly among the people, but in fact, this is not the real Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Assembly.

That's it!

When Fang Yi heard this, he suddenly realized.

Instead, he asked, "Why did they want to kill you? Just because you are so good?"

Fang Yi smiled playfully.

He didn't realize that he didn't do anything because of the bad behavior of these Jinlong Temple monks. In fact, in his mind, these monks were no different from ordinary people.

These monks desire power and strength even more than ordinary people.


There was a glint of coldness in the eyes of the holy monk Wuyue, "This is one aspect. In order to consolidate its position, Jinlong Temple has won almost all the monks in their temple, or the temples that are close to them. , However, I have never heard of anything like today."

"Although they were domineering before, they still had a bottom line, but this time..."

"Perhaps it is also because of the six-character mantra."


Fang Yi recalled that the Moonless Sage used his own strength to defeat the group of Jinlong Temple. Although he was also injured, he was able to defeat all of them with one, and was far superior to himself. The power of Zen Master Huanxi can be seen.

Moreover, even the Ice Queen admired the six-character mantra back then, so it can be seen.

Just, the Snow Queen and who?

In Fang Yi's view, the six-character mantra that even he admired seems to be a little weaker, and it is not commensurate with the Snow Queen's praise.

The Moonless Monk obviously also saw Fang Yi's doubts, and added: "To be honest, Fellow Daoist Fang, the six-character mantra I have comprehended is not complete, there is only one of them, so..."

It's almost there!

Fang Yi nodded, only to hear the Moonless Sage continue to say: "And the reason why I participated in the Dharma conference this time is also because of the six-character mantra. It is said that the six-character mantra is hidden in the golden dragon Buddha realm."


When Fang Yi heard this, his eyes could not help but light up slightly.

He was not interested in the six-character mantra, but in the upcoming Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Conference at Daleiyin Temple. If he could enter Daleiyin Temple in this way and wait for an opportunity, it would undoubtedly be more effective than blindly searching.


"Brother, you have a good journey. Brother promises you that he will avenge you, make Jinlong Temple pay the price, and let the people behind you be buried with you."

The holy monk Wuyue looked at the white-robed monk again with an angry look on his face.

While speaking, he wanted to incinerate this body.

"and many more!"

Fang Yi quickly dissuaded him.

The Moonless Monk looked at Fang Yi puzzled.

"Ahem! Fellow Daoist Wuyue, can you lend me the body of your junior brother? Fang also wants to see what is going on with this so-called Ten Thousand Buddhas Ceremony."

The Moonless Monk looked stunned, as if he didn't understand what Fang Yi wanted to say at all.

What is the difference between participating in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Assembly and the body of your own teacher and brother?

Moreover, Fang Yi is not a Buddhist disciple, so how could he be able to participate in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Assembly?However, although he was puzzled in his heart, he still nodded.

After all, his life and the body of his junior brother were saved by the other party.

"Thank you so much!"

Fang Yi smiled and didn't talk nonsense, and with a flash of Prisoner Sky Changer in his hand, he suddenly turned into that white-robed monk, even the fluctuation of his soul was exactly the same.

This sudden scene really changed the face of the Moonless Saint Monk, his eyes were full of astonishment.

"Junior Brother, you..."

It's not his fault, because he couldn't detect any flaws in Fang Yi's body.

The cultivation level has reached their level, the appearance is already a skin, which can change at any time, but everyone's soul fluctuation is unique, but at this moment, he sensed something, and his junior brother came back to life.

"Fellow Daoist Wuyue, it's me!"

Fang Yi said with his own voice and tone.

The Moonless Monk was in a trance this time, looking at Fang Yi incredulously.

Before, he only thought that Fang Yi was joking, but now he understood that if he attended the Ten Thousand Buddhas Ceremony in such a form, no one would be able to tell the difference.

"Fang Daoyou, if you have great supernatural powers, Wuyue will admire you." The monk Wuyue admired him immensely.

Fang Yi smiled and said, "Brother still calls me Daoist Fang? By the way, I don't know what this body was originally called?"

The Holy Monk Wuyue was stunned, and then replied: "Brother was just a little monk in the past, and he was only responsible for cleaning in Zhenlong Temple. He saved me by accident, so I took the dharma name 'Fengyue' for him."

No moon?Fengyue?Fengyue Saint Monk?

Fang Yi was a little taken aback.

"Well, from now on, I am the Holy Monk of Fengyue, the Golden Dragon Puja, here I come!" Fang Yi's mouth curled into a deep smile.

This smile fell into the eyes of the Moonless Sacred Monk, and the latter couldn't help but feel a strange feeling, as if Jinlong Temple was going to be in bad luck.

He is clear about the legend about Fang Yi, and Fang Yi has come all the way, experienced such a legend, and the previous shots all show that Fang Yi is extraordinary.

And having such a powerful companion made the Moonless Monk very much looking forward to the next Golden Dragon Ceremony.


(End of this chapter)

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