Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3485 Half Buddha, Half Demon

Chapter 3485 Half Buddha, Half Demon

Because they were not sure what was going on inside the golden mask, the two walked very carefully and approached slowly.

Buzz! !

However, before the two of them approached, the golden mask trembled sharply and roared, as if it could no longer bear it.

Obviously, it must have suffered a great impact.

And since the impact is not on the outside, it must be on the inside.

Seeing this, Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but move, and he didn't bother to delay and left quickly.

This is even more so for the holy monk Wuyue, because he even felt that the six-character beads in his body were also ready to move, as if they were about to break out of his body. This was the induction between the same six-character beads.

Then the situation inside must be precarious.


There was a tremor, and as soon as the two of them approached the mask, they were instantly wrapped in it. When they reappeared, there was already a strange space in front of them, half of which was bright golden light, and the sound of Buddha was lingering, and the phantoms of Buddhas were condensed, sacred and solemn .

The other half is an endless sea of ​​blood, filled with terrifying killing aura and death aura, terrifying and evil.

That completely different energy entangled, filled the entire space, and the chamber resisted.

This is?

The eyes of the holy monk without moon were full of horror. Such a strange scene really made him extremely terrified, and what made him even more terrified was the terrifying blood and killing aura, which made him tremble in fear.

Even Fang Yi couldn't help being startled.

But again, there's still some angst around the corner.

This killing spirit is a disaster for others, but for him, it is likely to be nourishment, the nourishment of condensing the way of killing, and he can even sense that there is a faint feeling of hunger and thirst in the monument of killing people .

"Is it you?"

At this time, the monks of Jinlong Temple who had entered this strange space before had already discovered the two of them.

One by one, sharp eyes are projected.

However, they had no time to deal with the two of them at the moment, because in that sea of ​​blood, Zen Master Dabei was entangled in the aura of killing, and seemed to be in extreme pain, hugging his head and howling.

The bloody breath slowly invaded his body, making his breath extremely strange, and his whole body began to turn bright red.

Within the pupils, a strange red light also flashed.

How could this be?

The Monk Wuyue was astonished. Although he didn't understand what was going on in front of him, this scene gave him an extremely bad feeling and made his face turn pale.

The same goes for the monks of the Golden Dragon Temple.

look at each other.

"No! Save Senior Brother!" Someone shouted, the situation in front of him was obviously abnormal, and the bloody aura was obviously trying to occupy the body of Zen Master Dabei.

Boom! !

Immediately, one after another majestic attacks smashed into the bloody ocean, trying to save Zen Master Dabei.

But it's a pity that their attacks fell into the bloody ocean, like a mud cow into the sea, without even stirring up half of the waves.

However, in the golden space, the phantom images of the Buddhas became more and more solid, the sound of the Buddha was loud, and the light of the Buddha was brilliant, annihilating the bloody ocean inch by inch.

The Buddha's light and the bloody ocean are entangled, and in the junction, the space sinks instantly.

into an endless void.


These six-character Buddha beads are suppressing this sea of ​​blood. Judging from the situation, it is already extremely reluctant, and the sea of ​​blood may break out at any time.

And this also shows how extraordinary the Bloody Ocean is.

You know, this is the Golden Dragon Buddha Realm, the place where countless golden dragon eminent monks passed away, and the Buddha's light is vast.

Being suppressed in such a place, Bloody Wang Yang still has the ability to break through the seal. It is conceivable that Fang Yi felt a little incredible.

Just as he was pondering, the pupils of Chan Master Dabei had completely turned red.

The corners of his mouth also became extremely ferocious.

The color of pain is completely gone, and there is only evil and cruelty.


A group of Jinlong Temple monks obviously sensed that something was wrong, and hurriedly called out.

However, Zen Master Dabei's sinister and evil eyes swept over him, and a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. After that, he slammed his palm and grabbed the closest Buddhist disciple of Jinlong Temple.


Terrifying blood erupted, and a huge handprint was suddenly pressed down.

The handprint was a bit weird, half of it was shining with a brilliant golden light, and the other half was a terrifying blood, but it was even stronger than before.

not good!

The face of the Buddha changed greatly, trying to avoid and resist.

But to no avail.

In the end, he could only howl miserably. In the midst of despair and unwillingness, he was directly suppressed by that palm, and there was not even scum left.

The surroundings fell into a deathly silence, and the expressions of all the monks of Jinlong Temple changed drastically, and their faces were ashen. Looking at the eyes of Zen Master Dabei, it was like looking at a monster.

"Brother! It's us!!"

Some people are still trying to awaken the spiritual wisdom of Zen Master Dabei.

But what responded to them was another even more terrifying giant palm, which fell like the sky, scaring all the monks of Jinlong Temple to run around.

Fortunately, at this time, in the bright golden space, the phantom Buddha light of the Buddha skyrocketed.

Immediately, that terrifying palm was annihilated inch by inch under the Buddha's light.

"How did this happen? How did brother become like this? What is this place? And what kind of demon is hidden in that blood?"

At this moment, the monks of Jinlong Temple were obviously panicked.

The Golden Dragon Buddha Realm is relatively safe, and no one expected such a thing to happen.

Especially that blood energy seems to be getting stronger and stronger. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid...

The same is true for the monk without a moon. The six-character Buddhist beads are already ready to move, and there is still a voice in his heart telling him to use the Buddhist beads to suppress the evil in front of him. However, he is a little unsure, and subconsciously glances at Fang Yi.

Fang Yi obviously understood his thoughts, and said lightly: "No rush!"

This bloody ocean is nourishment for him, how can he just suppress it like this?

Of course, the Moonless Saint Monk didn't think about it either, if that was the case, then how could he talk about collecting the six-character beads?Even his own six-character Buddhist beads had to be put in, unless the bloody ocean could be completely suppressed, otherwise, the six-character Buddhist beads could only stay here forever.

However, with such an evil thing, the monk on the roof couldn't completely wipe it out, so how could he?

Although the Moonless Saint Monk is a bit frivolous, he is not stupid. With his strength, it is impossible.

That's why he didn't make a move for a long time.

However, at this moment, Zen Master Dabei fell into a complete madness, his eyes were blood red, like a blood-devouring Shura, he rushed towards the piece of Buddha's light and the monks of Jinlong Temple violently.

The terrifying blood energy rushed like a roaring ocean, causing the entire golden space to tremble.

Although the Buddha's light is still bright, it is no longer enough to suppress the bloody ocean.

The two are entangled, maybe the next moment, Bloody Ocean will be able to go against the trend, and by then, this piece of golden space may no longer be able to trap it.


(End of this chapter)

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