Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3492 Questioning

Chapter 3492 Questioning

For the next few days, everything went smoothly.

Sage Monk Wuyue originally wanted to comprehend the six-character Buddhist beads, but this was in the Golden Dragon Temple, and he had to give up because he had already caused unnecessary trouble to avoid suspicion.

As for Fang Yi, what he practiced was not a Buddhist technique at all, and it was impossible to cultivate and comprehend the way of killing in this Golden Dragon Temple. If that was the case, the entire Golden Dragon Temple might have to demolish him.

Therefore, he was also happy to have a few people at leisure.

In fact, it is said to be leisure, but it is not leisure at all. Little novice Liaoyuan is like a bird that has just been released from the cage, surrounding Fang Yi and the other all day long, asking questions, as if he knows nothing about everything Know.

It seems like a child who has not been involved in the world.

Fang Yi and the two also asked about his origin.

However, even he himself didn't know. He only said that he followed his master to practice in a temple in the mountains since he was a child. The temple was so dilapidated that even the plaque was gone, so even he didn't know what it was called. .

As for the incense, it is even more impossible.

There was only him and the master in the whole temple.

He doesn't even know what the master's name is, because he doesn't need to know, the master is the master, so what does it matter?

This moment made Fang Yi and the two very speechless.

As for why he came.

According to what Yuan said, it was because a few days ago, the master told him that he could leave to attend the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Assembly. After that, the master disappeared, and he could only follow the guidance.

And then...that's it.

The whole process is so simple, but it is a bit unbelievable.

If it wasn't Liao Yuan who said this, the two of them might not believe it, but seeing Yuan's innocent face, they couldn't doubt it.

The most important thing is that this has nothing to do with Fang Yi and the two of them at all, and it doesn't matter what the other party's background is.

"Brother Fengyue, are you really the son of ten thousand Buddhas? What is the son of ten thousand Buddhas?"

Liao Yuan asked again.

Fang Yi frowned helplessly, while the Moonless Sacred Monk was secretly delighted, as if he was watching Fang Yi's joke. A person like Fang Yi, with such incredible strength, can't do anything about it even with a little novice. This made him feel somewhat balanced.

"Senior Brother Wuyue, I heard that you have comprehended the six-character mantra. Is it true? What is the six-character mantra like?"

Seeing that Fang Yi didn't answer, Liao Yuan asked the moonless monk again.

It has to be said that it is absolutely impossible for others to ask such a question, and it is a taboo for practitioners to inquire about other people's treasures.

It can be seen that the other party looks like this, but the moonless monk doesn't know where the energy comes from.

Just can't answer.

"Are the three senior brothers here?" At this time, a voice came from outside the courtyard, "The host has invited the three senior brothers, and also asked the three senior brothers to move."

the voice continued.

finally come!

Fang Yi and the Moonless Monk couldn't help but look at each other. They had already guessed this day.

I'm afraid it has something to do with the Golden Dragon Buddha Realm.

"it is good!"

Immediately, Fang Yi replied.

Since the other party invited them, they naturally had no reason to shirk, and there was no need for that. They had to face it after being in Jinlong Temple and going to Daleiyin Temple later.

Not to mention the fate, he didn't have any ideas, and followed the two to a hall.

The Buddha statue in the main hall was solemn, and the monk asked the three of them to wait for a while before he went to report.

"Didn't you tell us to come? Why isn't he here?" Liao Yuan curled his lips, looking a little displeased. In his eyes, the respected Master Huikong was no different from ordinary people.

Because he didn't have a similar concept in his mind.

Fang Yi couldn't help but smiled, and was about to say something.

Suddenly, a resounding laugh came, "It really is the heart of a child!"

"Is it a Buddha statue? The Buddha statue actually spoke? The Buddha appeared!" Liao Yuan's face was full of shock and excitement, because the person who spoke was none other than the Buddha statue in the hall.

This made him feel like the Buddha had manifested himself, so he immediately bowed down.

Fang Yi and the moonless monk naturally did not have such awareness.

The appearance of the Buddha is just a little trick. Such a trick may be shocking to the eyes of ordinary people, but it is not worth mentioning in the eyes of Fang Yi and the other two.


Suddenly, Fang Yi seemed to have noticed something, and his eyes moved.

I saw that the huge Buddha statue really came alive, and stepped towards Fang Yi step by step. Besides, the space in front of him became a little distorted, and the figures of the moonless monk and Liao Yuan gradually disappeared.

Ah?Is this a separate question?

Fang Yi sneered in his heart, seeing through the other party's plan at once.

"Seeing the Buddha and not worshiping, is this the son of ten thousand Buddhas?" The Buddha statue was surrounded by golden light, and a loud and questioning voice sounded.

"Why do you want to worship? The Buddha is in your heart, not under your feet!"

Fang Yi replied calmly.

He won't be intimidated by this pretentious trick, just kidding, he can't see through this, how can he live to this day.

"If you have a Buddha in your heart, then you should pay homage to the Buddha sincerely. Otherwise, why would you reveal that you have a Buddha in your heart?"

"Since the Buddha is in the heart, why do you need to reveal it?"

During the question and answer, Fang Yi was tight-lipped.

Hahaha! !

The Buddha statue suddenly laughed, and the solemn Buddha statue changed accordingly, turning into a monk in a red cassock, whoever it was, Master Huikong, the abbot of Jinlong Temple.

"Worthy of being the son of ten thousand Buddhas, he is favored by Buddha."

Master Huikong looked at Fang Yi with satisfaction and nodded subconsciously.

Fang Yi kowtowed slightly as a salute.

"Heh! You don't even worship the Buddha, so why do you have to salute to me, an old monk?" Master Huikong laughed.

"When you meet the Buddha and don't worship, it means the Buddha is in your heart. Saluting to the abbot is the etiquette of the younger generation. The two cannot be compared." Fang Yi replied.

"Really? So, you don't have a monk in your heart."

Master Huikong's face changed as soon as he said it, and suddenly sank.

A huge coercion also followed.

What a powerful breath!

Fang Yi was also a little startled, if it was before, he might not be able to bear it, but now...

and many more!This is clearly a temptation.

Just as Fang Yi wanted to resist, he quickly gave up. He just showed his considerable strength and allowed his body to be crushed and bent a little bit.

Bean-sized drops of sweat rolled down his forehead.

Even the bones in the body are rattling.

"My monk asks you, within the Golden Dragon Buddha's realm, why did you attack my Buddhist disciples in the Golden Dragon Temple?" Master Huikong asked, his thunderous voice made people's eardrums go numb.

And in this voice, there is still a faint lingering sound of Buddha, invading the soul.

Let him not give birth to the slightest disobedience.

If it were an ordinary person, they would collapse in an instant, and they would say everything without reservation.

But Fang Yi naturally wouldn't, the way of rebirth made his soul extremely powerful, and how could ordinary people be able to control it, but what about the Moonless Saint Monk?

At this moment, he was a little worried about Saint Monk Without Moon.

However, he still said in his mouth: "The little monk doesn't understand what it means to host? Why do you attack the Buddhist disciples of Jinlong Temple? It has never happened before."


(End of this chapter)

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