Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3496

Chapter 3496

"Master, no suspicious person has been found here for the time being."

"Those Buddhist disciples are clamoring to go back one by one, and they are getting impatient. The major temples are also asking why their Buddhist disciples haven't come out yet."

Jinlong Temple presides over the main hall, Master Huikong frowned when he heard the report from the monks below.

It turned out that after the Golden Dragon Ceremony ended, he did not let the Buddhist disciples of the various temples leave, but made an excuse to let these people stay and see if he could find some clues from them.

But unfortunately, nothing so far.

And this Buddha also began to get impatient.

Obviously noticed something.

The monasteries also questioned one after another. There was no similar thing in the previous Golden Dragon Ceremony, so it's no wonder they were suspicious.

"It really doesn't work, let them go back temporarily!" After pondering for a while, Master Huikong finally said that it has been delayed for so many days, and it is no longer reasonable to delay.

Unless the news of the killing of Zen Master Dabei and others is made public, all temples are asked to cooperate with the investigation.

But, in this way, where is the majesty of the Golden Dragon Temple?

More importantly, with the strength of the Golden Dragon Temple, they couldn't even find the murderer hiding in the dark, and all the temples had to cooperate. Isn't this equivalent to slapping oneself in the face?

Such humiliation is unbearable for Jinlong Temple.

Once the news comes, it will undoubtedly have a devastating blow to the reputation of Jinlong Temple, so...

"Host, where are the three?"

At this time, another eminent monk looked at Master Huikong and asked.

The three people he mentioned naturally referred to Fang Yi and the three of them. The three stood out, and if they were suspected, they were naturally the biggest.

Don't say that those ordinary Buddhist disciples don't have this strength, even if they do, they don't stand out at the moment, and they don't seem to get the slightest benefit. If that's the case, why do they commit crimes?But it is still taking great risks, which is somewhat unreasonable.

Therefore, the suspicion of the three is undoubtedly the biggest.

However, Master Huikong couldn't help but frowned, shook his head after a while, and said: "There should be no doubts, and Dabei and others are not weak, I'm afraid these Buddha disciples are not enough."

"Is it true that something happened in the Buddha's territory? Is there something in it that even we don't know?"

Some people doubt.

"The Golden Dragon Buddha Realm has been passed down for countless thousands of years. If there is something we don't know, it is not surprising. What is strange is that if something happened, why only my monks in the Golden Dragon Temple were killed, and the others did not suffer any damage. Absolutely not normal."

"Yes! The murderer must still be among these people."

All the monks guessed, their eyes revealed a fierce look.

"Oh no!!"

However, at this moment, outside the main hall, a monk came in a hurry.

"What happened, what a fuss, how decent it is." A monk scolded.

"I have seen the host, all eminent monks, it's not good! Something happened to the Buddhist disciples, they all escaped, and many people died." The little monk replied.


As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the monks changed greatly, "What's going on? Tell me!"

"Yes!" the little monk quickly said, "I don't know the details, the little one is just ordered to patrol around, and then heard the chaos inside, and went up to look and found that all the Buddhas had already smashed into a ball. Several senior brothers were killed."

The little monk told the matter quickly.

It probably means that these Buddhists have been trapped for a long time. I don’t know who spread the rumors that Zen Master Dabei died. Jinlong Temple couldn’t find the murderer. They wanted to take these people to be buried with them. As a result, all the Buddhists were in chaos and tried to leave Jinlong Temple .

And this was undoubtedly hindered by the Golden Dragon Temple, and then impulsiveness occurred for some reason. A monk from the Golden Dragon Temple was killed. , all Buddhist disciples tried to rush out of the Golden Dragon Temple, and it became what it is now.


Master Huikong was so furious that he disappeared in place as soon as he moved.

When it reappeared, it was already the living place of the group of Buddhas, but it was already a mess, full of running Buddhas and corpses scattered on the ground.

"Bold! Stop it!"

The loud voice echoed in the sky and the earth, and a huge Buddha shrouded it. The terrifying coercion instantly stopped the crowd and trembled.

It's just a pity that after everything was counted, one-third of the Buddha's children had already fled.

Those left behind are all weak and relatively timid.

Afraid of revenge from Jinlong Temple, he had to stay.

"It's so unreasonable!" Master Huikong was furious, but the matter has come to this point, no matter how angry he is, it will be useless.

The scene in front of him also convinced him that the murderer was among these people before.

It's just that he didn't expect that the other party was so arrogant and dared to incite all the Buddhist disciples to make trouble in Jinlong Temple, which was completely beyond his expectation.

In his opinion, the other party should hide in the dark like a mouse, for fear of being discovered.

As a could he not be angry.

The same goes for the eminent monks in Jinlong Temple, looking at the messy scene in front of them, and the trembling Buddhist disciples, they have nowhere to vent their anger.

"Master, what should we do now?"

After such a big incident, everyone was a little confused.

Master Huikong also gritted his teeth with hatred, and shouted: "What else can I do? I can only let these people go, and at the same time, tell them that there are traitors who have mixed into the Buddha's disciples, intending to steal the Buddha in the Golden Dragon Buddha Realm." Bao was discovered by Zen Master Dabei and others, and in order to capture his accomplices, he had no choice but to keep all the Buddhist disciples in the temple."

"Now that the traitor has been captured, all Buddhist disciples can go back to the temple individually."

Master Huikong finished speaking through gritted teeth.

The majestic Jinlong Temple, has it ever suffered such a dumb loss?It's just that in the current situation, it's no longer enough not to let people go.

Moreover, the murderer must have escaped long ago, so why would he stay and wait for himself and others.

There is no point in forcing these people to stay.

It's hateful that he was actually deceived by the other party and deceived his own eyes. This is what he can't accept.

"That's it! Let them go, register them, and check those who have escaped one by one. No matter who he is, if he dares to commit crimes in my Jinlong Temple, I will make him pay a hundred times the price." .”

Master Huikong gritted his teeth.

The monks took orders.

However, no one noticed at all that Ao Xue was standing quietly among the disciples, as if nothing had happened.

No one knew that everything in front of him was led by him.

Do not!Perhaps he is just the executor, and the one who is really in charge is looking at this direction at the moment, with a deep smile on the corner of his mouth.

After this incident, the suspicion between the two of them can be completely eliminated.

Next, you can concentrate on preparing for the trip to Daleiyin Temple.

Speaking of which, it really makes people look forward to it.


(End of this chapter)

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