Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3498 Xiaoleiyin Temple

Chapter 3498 Xiaoleiyin Temple

"Quick! The Son of Ten Thousand Buddhas is here. I heard that he was invited by Zhenwu Temple to share his enlightenment on Buddhism at Zhenwu Temple. Hurry up and listen."

"Really? Then we must go. I heard that many people made breakthroughs on the spot after listening to his insights."

"So powerful? What is the origin of this Son of Ten Thousand Buddhas?"

"You don't know this? Are you ignorant? Let me tell you, the son of Ten Thousand Buddhas is the real son of Buddha. It is said that when he was born, Ten Thousand Buddhas flew into the sky, and since he was a child..."

Various rumors spread along with Fang Yi's itinerary.

Wherever he went, the alleys were empty.

Fang Yi was completely speechless, but the Moonless Monk still looked a little gloating. As for the little novice Yuan Yuan, he looked like he had never seen the world and was full of curiosity about everything.

In this way, I stopped and walked along the way, occasionally sharing my Buddhist experience, or learning to do something good, such as killing demons and demons.

Of course, these monsters were known in advance, and there was no need for Fang Yi to take action, and others would do it for him.

The only thing he has to do is to go to the scene and pose.

It can be regarded as a star's hidden life!

The only advantage is that wherever you go to any temple, you can receive super high-standard treatment, and it is easy to borrow some Buddhist scriptures.

This is also the only gratifying thing. Fang Yi is still looking forward to finding records related to the Sanshijing, but unfortunately, so far, nothing has been found.

Do not!It can't be said that there is no such thing at all, at least, when he talks about the great principles of Buddhism now, he is also clear and logical.

Even he himself doubted whether he really became a monk.

It's been a very slow journey.

Because it is necessary to let the rumors fly for a while, so that it is conducive to building momentum.

It has to be said that although the campaign was a bit cumbersome and exaggerated, the effect was indeed excellent. The reputation of the Son of Ten Thousand Buddhas had gradually spread, and related deeds had also become legends.

They have gained a lot of fame in this huge star field.

Even, there were quite a few Buddhist disciples seeking to see them, vowing to have countless followers, and Jinlong Temple also tacitly tolerated these people, as long as these people don't make trouble, they won't drive them away.

Therefore, originally there were only a hundred people in the team, but in the end, it actually developed to a thousand people, a mighty force.

Finally, after a long journey, the Little Leiyin Temple is in sight.

I forgot to mention that the Daleiyin Temple is a Buddhist holy place. It is located on the top of Misu Mountain. The Buddhist holy land pays attention to quietness, so the grand event is not at the Daleiyin Temple, but the Xiaoleiyin Temple under the Daleiyin Temple.

There is no difference between the two.

Xiaoleiyin Temple can be regarded as a temple specially built by Daleiyin Temple to deal with mundane affairs!It is as old as Daleiyin Temple.

And Daleiyin Temple is full of eminent monks who are ascetic, and they seldom pay attention to the affairs of the outside world, or to maintain the feeling of detachment.

It is precisely because of this that the world flocks to Daleiyin Temple.

After learning this, Fang Yi also felt speechless. He thought it would not be too difficult to enter Daleiyin Temple. Who would have thought...

On this day, the team finally arrived at the star field where the Little Leiyin Temple is located. The Little Leiyin Temple is not located on a certain planet, but directly floating in the endless void, like a city in the sky.

The scope is so wide that it is several times larger than the average planet.

What's even more amazing is that the light of Buddha surrounding the Little Leiyin Temple faintly condensed into a huge phantom of the Buddha. , in the palm of your hand.

It is like a Buddha kingdom in the palm of your hand, very magical.

Even when Fang Yi saw this scene, he couldn't help but secretly startled, it was indeed amazing, and this huge Buddha, faintly, made him feel that he didn't dare to blaspheme.

The originally noisy crowd suddenly fell silent.

The accompanying monks all became devout and worshiped.

Even Master Huikong is no exception.

Fang Yi was a little speechless, but at the moment he had no choice but to imitate. At the same time, his eyes were looking around, because he sensed a lot of powerful auras around him.

as predicted!

In the endless void all around, there are statues of Buddhas meditating devoutly toward the Little Leiyin Temple, like stone sculptures.

"These are the monks accompanying the puja. They are not allowed to enter Xiaoleiyin Temple. They can only wait in this void. Moreover, the Buddha power in this void is surging. With the improvement of cultivation, they can become more and more powerful. The closer you get to the Little Leiyin Temple, the stronger the Buddha power inside, it is an excellent place for cultivation, it is usually not open, only during the Ten Thousand Buddha Dharma Assembly, it will be open."

The Moonless Monk clearly saw Fang Yi's doubts, and quickly explained.

That's it!

When Fang Yi heard this, he suddenly realized that part of the reason why so many people came to Jinlong Temple and followed him was because of this!

Right!Everyone is so busy and eager to cultivate, whoever has nothing to do will follow him.

"In addition, if you really succeed in entering the Great Leiyin Temple, those who follow you will be favored by the Buddha, and the Buddha's power in this void will also skyrocket, greatly increasing the strength of your followers."

The Moonless Monk said again.

And such a thing?

A look of disbelief flashed in Fang Yi's eyes, no wonder, this makes more sense.

"Okay! The three Buddhist disciples will go with the old monk!" At this moment, Master Huikong finally spoke, looking at Fang Yi and the three of them.

He was accompanied by two other eminent monks. As for the others, they were all left in place.

Everything was just like what the Moonless Monk said, as he approached, the Buddha power around him became more and more surging, and Fang Yi couldn't help but want to absorb it.

Not long after, a huge barrier appeared in front of him.

The so-called barrier is actually a bright Buddha light, like a protective shield, protecting the entire Little Leiyin Temple.

"This is the realm of bliss, the holy land of Buddhism. It is said that no one can break through it."

The Moonless Monk seemed to be afraid that Fang Yi would not know, so he explained again.

Fang Yi really didn't know.

However, after hearing the words "Bliss Realm", he was stunned, because there were already two broken Bliss Realms in his hands.

Of course, those two points belonged to two strong men, and with their strength, naturally they couldn't compare with the Blissful Realm in front of them.

In the realm of bliss in front of him, even he felt a sense of powerlessness.

There is no need to break it, just the induction is enough.

And this also made Fang Yi hesitant, once he stepped into it, then...

The reason why the Moonless Monk reminded me was that they had similar worries. Not only the two of them, but also the little novice monk Liaoyuan had an extremely dignified and complicated expression at the moment.

However, the matter has come to this point, the three of them obviously will not say anything, and follow Master Huikong to plunge into the realm of bliss.

What awaits them, no one knows.


(End of this chapter)

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