Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3501 Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Assembly

Chapter 3501 Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Assembly

"He said that the Blood Buddha came from the Great Leiyin Temple."

The monk Wuyue's words were astonishing, which made Fang Yi startled.

From the Great Leiyin Temple?

Daleiyin Temple, which has always been hailed as a Buddhist holy place, actually has such an evil blood Buddha?Although there is no distinction between high and low in the Three Thousand Ways, everyone's cultivation method is quite different. The Blood Buddha is obviously full of evil and extremely terrifying. If it weren't for this, he would not have been suppressed in the Golden Dragon Buddha Realm.

It's just that I didn't expect it to come from Daleiyin Temple.

"He also said that the monk who suppressed the Blood Buddha came from Wufo Temple, and the dispute between Wufo Temple and Da Leiyin Temple may be related to this."

The Moonless Saint Monk continued.


No Buddhist temple?

Fang Yi suddenly remembered what the Moonless Monk had said to him before, that the Wufo Temple was wiped out by the Daleiyin Temple, and it had something to do with the Blood Buddha?

Could it be that because the Blood Buddha was suppressed, Da Leiyin Temple became angry?

No matter how you look at it, it is impossible!

The blood Buddha is extremely evil, even if it is for the sake of appearance, Daleiyin Temple will not let it go!

Fang Yi felt a little puzzled.

However, if he couldn't figure it out, he had to put it aside for the time being, because it didn't have much to do with him. Although he condensed the divine power contained in the blood Buddha, they all gathered into the way of killing, which has nothing to do with it.

When it came to Yuan Xiaosha Mi, it was definitely not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Otherwise, how could he know so much about it?

"What about him?"

After thinking about it, Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

"I don't know!" The Moonless Saint Monk shook his head, not seeing him early in the morning.

Although the three of them lived under the same roof, most of the time they practiced separately. Usually at this time, the young monk Liaoyuan would come to find them, but today there was no sign of them.

Of course, it's normal not to come occasionally, and the two of them didn't take it to heart.


Suddenly, Fang Yi shook his head, "He's not in his room, where did he go? When did he tell you this? Besides, what else did he say?"

Fang Yi felt that something was wrong.

Liao Yuan's little novice has always acted innocently, but he suddenly said that there must be a purpose.

"This..." The Moonless Monk was also startled, "Just yesterday, he wanted to look for you, but you weren't here, so he just said these things, and nothing else."

Find yourself?

Fang Yi couldn't help frowning, did he want to remind himself?

He knew that he had condensed the divine power left by the Blood Buddha?


how is this possible?He wasn't there at the time. Even before the Golden Dragon Dharma started, Fang Yi didn't notice such a person at all, as if he appeared suddenly.

Because of his disguised identity, Fang Yi has been extremely careful. It is almost certain that the other party is definitely not there.

How did the other party know?

Or, just thinking too much?

Fang Yi shook his head, and the Moonless Sacred Monk also looked solemn. The two looked at each other, and finally had to give up.

Liaoyuan is missing!

As time went by, the two had to confirm this matter. Master Huikong didn't show too much surprise, as if he had expected the matter, but just appeased Fang Yi and said that this place is the little one. Leiyin Temple, there will be nothing wrong with Yuanyuan, maybe he just left for a while.

Obviously, even he himself would not believe such nonsense, how could Fang Yi believe it.

Moreover, he always felt that all of this might have something to do with the other party.

Maybe it was because of what Liaoyuan exposed on the way of asking Xin, and Master Huikong knew about it, that's why the disappearance happened this time.

It's just... what is it?

Based on what he said to the Monk Wuyue and his experience, is it possible that he is related to the Wufo Temple?

Not to mention, this possibility is extremely high.

Otherwise, how could he know so many things?How could there be any flaws in the way of asking his heart? All of this must be some secret hidden in his heart.

However, Wufo Temple was suppressed by Daleiyin Temple. Master Huikong did not reveal his identity, but admitted that he was one of the three candidates. Perhaps, he was just waiting for this day to hand him over to Daleiyin Temple.

Perhaps, Liao Yuan has already been imprisoned by the Great Leiyin Temple at this moment.

If that's the case, I'm afraid there will be more bad luck than good luck.

Fang Yi felt that there were some unknown things in it, but it was a pity that they couldn't get in touch with them in their current situation, and he was a fake himself, so he had to be extra careful, so... he could only do nothing to help him .

Just kidding, this is Little Leiyin Temple, even if he knows something, he can only watch.

That's how it goes.

The disappearance of Liao Yuan's little novice was like an insignificant incident that didn't attract anyone's attention, as if he didn't exist in the first place.

The performance of Master Huikong and others further confirmed Fang Yi's inner guess.

It's just that it doesn't matter whether it's true or false.

In such a place, Fang Yi can only pray that the little novice Yuan will turn evil into good luck.

Naturally, all kinds of debates have not stopped, and the reputation of the Son of Ten Thousand Buddhas is getting more and more popular. In order to enter the top three of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Conference, Fang Yi has worked hard.

Soon, a month passed by.

The Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Assembly officially began.

Early in the morning, around the huge Little Leiyin Temple, an unknown number of monks had already gathered.

The Little Leiyin Temple soared into the sky, standing above this space.

The bright Buddha's light shrouded its body, making it seem to have turned into a hot sun, and people couldn't help but have an urge to worship.

In fact, many monks and the crowd who came to watch the ceremony have already bowed down with pious expressions.

The Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Assembly is the entire Little Leiyin Temple, no!It should be said that it is one of the most solemn and prosperous times in the entire Misu Mountain, and countless powerful people will come to watch the ceremony.

Only during this time, the Little Leiyin Temple will be allowed to enter.

This can be described as a good day for pilgrimage.

The dense crowd can be imagined.

However, despite the large number of people, the huge scene was extremely quiet and orderly.

The crowd watching the ceremony lined up on both sides, stepped slowly towards the towering Xiaoleiyin Temple, knelt three times and kowtowed nine times.

But like Fang Yi, Buddhist disciples from various temples who participated in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Assembly walked on the middle steps and stepped up step by step.

Although it is not three kneeling and nine knocking, it is similar, and salutes are required for each section of the line.

It's too cumbersome!

Fang Yi was very depressed, but there was nothing he could do. He couldn't do something special by himself, so he had to follow suit.

The Moonless Saint Monk didn't think so, but he really looked pious.

Unlike Fang Yi, he really practiced Buddhism. Although he was an outlier in the Buddhist sect when he was in Tianshan Mountain, he couldn't get rid of the Buddhist sect after all. The Daleiyin Temple is a holy place for the Buddhist sect, and his mood is not difficult to understand.

The grand Fa conference started grandly like this.

There is no day and night here, and naturally there is no time in the ordinary world. I don't know how long it took, and the group finally boarded the Xiaoleiyin Temple.

The huge square finally appeared in everyone's sight.


(End of this chapter)

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