Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3515 The Great War

Chapter 3515 The Great War

Time is even more mysterious, reversing yin and yang, tampering with heaven and changing fate, and there are very few people who can comprehend it.

Even if you see one or two occasionally, your understanding of the way of time is very limited.

The only thing Fang Yi has ever seen is the King of Time in the history of Shenmo Mountain, the man who ruled an era and stood at the peak of the Three Realms, and this is just the way of time.

It can be seen from this that the complete way of time will be against the sky.

It's a pity that Fang Yi can't touch it at all.

If there is, it is the two time fragments in the water temple, but the fragments can only speed up the flow of time in the water temple. Fang Yi has not touched the threshold at all to comprehend and use it.

There is no way, the way of time is too mysterious.

Known as one of the most incredible avenues among the three thousand avenues, one can imagine.

And life and death!

It sounds very simple, and Fang Yi's cultivation base has already surpassed life and death, but it is not the case.

The so-called life and death refers to the power of birth and death of all things, and the combination of destruction, eternity, existence, nothingness and so on.

Usually warriors can control one of them, and condense one of the avenues, which is enough to recruit the three realms.

And comprehending the complete way of life and death is almost non-existent.

Then there is cause and effect and reincarnation.

Karma, as the name suggests, is the cause of all things involved. Destiny is like a huge machine, and causality is the interaction of every part in it.

This metaphor may not be appropriate, but this is probably what Buddhism means by the cause and effect of past lives and future lives.

Similarly, the way of cause and effect is also extremely mysterious.

Almost unbreakable.

No one can get rid of it, more or less, the body is full of karma, even those legendary monks, who practice hard and avoid the world to become monks, in order to reduce karma.

However, it is only a small number, no one can get rid of cause and effect.

And even if he escaped from the world and became a monk, he would still be tainted with the karma of Buddhism, so how could he get rid of it?

It's just self-deception.

The same is true for reincarnation, everything is in reincarnation, so those super strong, as long as they can't escape, they can really get rid of this world, the entire three realms.

In the end, it is still inevitable to fall into reincarnation.

These are the six top laws, which maintain the basic operation of the entire Three Realms.

Whoever can control one of them will definitely become an existence that transcends the entire Three Realms, no!Not to mention controlling one of them, but whoever comprehends some of them will become one of the strongest in the Three Realms.

Liao Yuan is obviously such a strong man.

But Fang Yi doesn't know how strong he is, but he can be sure that he is far from being able to compete.

"What are we looking for?"

Looking left and right, he saw that there was no change in the Buddhas in the sky, but Liao Yuan's gaze was always patrolling in it, which made Fang Yi curious and couldn't help asking.

Liao Yuan frowned slightly, as if a little impatient, but still replied: "Of course it is the three major scriptures, didn't you come here for this?"

Three scriptures?

Fang Yi's pupils lit up when he heard this.

Naturally, he came here for this, but, even in such a dangerous place, there is still a chance to find the three scriptures?

"Although the Great Leiyin Temple will not allow outsiders to easily see the three scriptures, the scriptures are indeed in the Hall of Three Lives. As long as you can understand the mystery of them, you will have the opportunity to read them."

As Liao Yuan spoke, his tone became a little uncertain.

As if trying to remember something.

This made Fang Yi more and more puzzled. Could it be that the other party controlled Yuan's physical body, and his memory deviated?

or something else?

"Explore these Buddha statues carefully to see what's different among them, and if you find what's wrong with them, it may be in it."

After a pause, Liao Yuan added another sentence.

That's it!

Fang Yi nodded in astonishment, it seemed that there was still hope, and his eyes could not help but brighten.

In fact, he is not so interested in the three major scriptures. He only has to do this for Hua Lian'er, and he can't just watch Hua Lian'er fall into a coma with these possessions.

So now that the three major scriptures are in this space, I immediately became interested.

Immediately, he devoted himself to those Buddha statues, trying to find their differences.

Liaoyuan is the same.

Subconsciously, he glanced at Fang Yi again, and the brows became a little complicated and indescribable.

In this way, the two have been walking through the phantoms of those Buddhas.


I don't know how many Buddhas he passed through. Suddenly, Fang Yi noticed something was wrong. A familiar breath appeared in his perception. What should I say about the breath?

Looking at the phantom of the Buddha in front of him, a sinister red light was faintly carried away from the Buddha's light.

Fang Yi finally remembered, isn't this breath the Zengxue Buddha who was suppressed by the six-character beads during the Golden Dragon Ceremony?

Although there is a slight difference in the aura of the two, the fierce red light is absolutely unmistakable.

Maybe, this is the true deity of the Blood Buddha, but he went astray later and was suppressed by the six-character Buddhist beads.

Moreover, the holy monk Wuyue once said that the blood Buddha came from the Great Leiyin Temple, and the owner of the six-character beads that suppressed him came from the so-called Wufo Temple.

Looking at it this way, nine times out of ten I guessed right.

If this is the case, then what does it mean that the blood Buddha stands here?

Fang Yi was extremely puzzled, and subconsciously walked towards the Buddha statue.

Realizing this scene, Liao Yuan frowned, as if trying to dissuade him, but in the end he didn't speak, so he had to let Fang Yi go.

And Fang Yi, at the moment, was completely focused on this Buddha statue, trying to find out what was so strange about it.

But in an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the wind and clouds surged.

The next moment, he appeared directly in a chaotic space, with a terrifying aura, and a deathly aura filled him, as if he had fallen into an endless hell.

"Damn! What is this place?"

Fang Yi looked around, the golden space before had disappeared, and there were loud noises in the distance.

It sounded like a fierce fight.

Someone is fighting?

Could it be Zen Master Wuyu?

Fang Yi was a little curious, and his figure couldn't help moving, and he quickly walked in the direction of the battle.

really!From a distance, two figures were seen fighting fiercely.

Not Master Wuyu, but two Buddhas.

One of them, Fang Yi suddenly met, was the monk who was sitting on the roof in the territory of Jinlong Buddha and had the six-character Buddhist beads to suppress the blood Buddha in the suspected non-Buddhist temple.

As for the other monk, wait...

I saw that monk was completely suppressed by the monks of Wufo Temple, and retreated steadily.

Suddenly, a bloody light erupted from his body, and the Buddha's light that shrouded his body, and the bright golden body, all turned into blood, and it was the former Blood Buddha.

It's them?

They wrestle here?Could it be that he went back to the past again?

Back when the two fought?

Or is everything in front of you just an image, not a real existence?


However, just as Fang Yi was meditating, there was an angry shout, and suddenly it was the blood Buddha, and the knife-like eyes swept towards him, as if spanning the distance of time.


(End of this chapter)

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