Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3518 Unkind Invitation

Chapter 3518 Unkind Invitation

Boom! !

The Blood Buddha suffered a severe injury before, and now he is obviously unable to support him. Although he is powerful, his physical body is still far inferior to Fang Yi's.

What's more, two against one, the strength of the monks of Wufo Temple is not weaker than him.

The result can be imagined.

The ruin of the Blood Buddha has already happened.

"Bastards, dead donkeys, I will definitely kill you!" The Blood Buddha gritted his teeth, his eyes were bloodshot, at this moment, he seemed to know that there was no hope of recovery, as if he was about to flee.

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Facing such a strong man, it was obviously impossible to say that he was not nervous at all. In fact, his whole heart was raised in his throat.

Now that the opponent is going to lose, it is the best result for him.

Because it is impossible to completely kill the opponent.

Just kidding, that's the seventh-level powerhouse of the Dao, just the two of them?Kill the opponent?Don't be kidding, Fang Yi never thought about it in his dreams.

It was a blessing to be able to repel the opponent.

However, the monks of Wufo Temple seemed not to agree. Seeing that the Blood Buddha was about to escape, they immediately formed a seal with their hands, and the Buddha's light was shining all over him. A phantom of Buddha centered on the Blood Buddha surrounded him.

Countless Sanskrit words outline each other, like a giant net, enveloping the Blood Buddha.

"Vajra Subduing Demon Formation!"

The blood Buddha's pupils changed, and a monstrous anger emerged, "You bastard donkey, you want to trap me with this mere subdue demon array, it's just wishful thinking."

The blood Buddha sneered, and the terrifying aura erupted from his body instantly, causing the phantoms of Buddhas around him to burst apart one by one.

Obviously, it is almost impossible to trap the Blood Buddha with the cultivation of monks in Wufo Temple.

After all, the cultivation bases of the two are equivalent.

The Blood Buddha might be even better, so how could he trap him, but the monk of Wufo Temple didn't seem to give up at all, he quickly pinched the Buddhist beads in his hand with his ten fingers, and then threw them vigorously.

The six-character Buddha beads shine brightly, like a scorching sun hanging above the sky, and the bright light suppresses everything.

The other Buddhist beads and him reflect each other, strengthening the Vajra Buddha magic formation, and blending into the formation together.

Immediately, the phantom of the Buddha that had already collapsed condensed again, and became more solid than before, like a living thing.

Not only that, the aura of the monks in Wufo Temple has also become extremely terrifying, as if the whole body is burning.


Blood Buddha obviously sensed something was wrong, and his face changed drastically.

"Damn donkey, don't you want to kill yourself?" He yelled with all his strength, his pupils filled with panic.

Although Fang Yi didn't know why, he could also feel that the vitality of the monks in Wufo Temple was rapidly passing away. He seemed to be burning his own life to completely suppress the Blood Buddha.

"If I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell can suppress you, a demon, even if you die?"

The monks of Wufo Temple showed no fluctuations in expression.

As if death was not worth mentioning to him at all, his eyes were also resolute and terrifying, seeing death as home.


The blood Buddha was furious, the other party was not afraid of death, he was unwilling to sink in this way, roared in his mouth, and the divine power in his body erupted in an instant, trying to break down the Vajra Subduing Demon Formation.

However, with the blessing of the six-character Buddha beads and the burning of the life energy of the monks in the Wufo Temple, the Vajra Subduing Demon Formation has been completely transformed, like a cage of heaven and earth, completely imprisoning the Blood Buddha in it.

Coupled with Fang Yi's help, no matter how powerful that bloody river is, it cannot escape at this moment.

Being compressed and imprisoned step by step.


The Blood Buddha howled unwillingly, and the whole person was trapped in the cage, with a hideous look on his face.

"Damn donkey, you are dead, but I will come out one day, you can't stop me."

The cage shrank sharply, and finally the blood Buddha howled unwillingly, but it must have been a foregone conclusion, the phantoms of countless Buddhas turned into illusions, and finally condensed into an ancient temple, completely trapping the Blood Buddha in it.

The monks of Wufo Temple and the six-character Buddha beads fell on the ancient temple.

This is?

Watching this scene, Fang Yi couldn't help thinking of the suppressed Blood Buddha and the ancient temple in the Golden Dragon Buddha Realm.

Could it be that what I saw at the beginning happened at this moment?

Or is it just a video?

But if it's an image, I clearly participated in it again, what's going on?

Fang Yi felt extremely puzzled.

Above the ancient temple, the monks of the Wufo Temple seemed to have exhausted their vitality, and their whole body became sluggish, as if their energy and spirit had been emptied, and they were not far from death.

Fang Yi looked at him, and couldn't help feeling a little respect in his heart.

This was the first time he had shown respect to a monk, other than that, he didn't have much affection for other monks.

Whether it is the first Buddha seen in the chaotic period, or the many monks seen in Misu Mountain today.

All of them have nothing to do with eminent monks.

There is no difference from other monks.

However, the monk in the Wufo Temple in front of him is an exception. He did not hesitate to sacrifice himself to completely suppress the blood Buddha who fell into the devil's way, which is really admirable.

"Thank you for your help, little friend. The poor monk can't repay the kindness you have received today."

The corner of the monk's mouth curled up in apology and gratitude.

He also became weak when speaking.

It was as if he had exhausted all his strength.

"Master, you are being polite, but the monk also made a mistake." Fang Yi replied.

The monk from Wufo Temple shook his head with a smile, and said: "Everything is deterministic. Today is due to its daily fruit, and its daily cause is gold and daily fruit. The third generation of Karma Sutra, let me leave it to you!"

"Young master still needs to study hard."


Hearing this title, Fang Yi's face couldn't help but change, because he was still dressed as a monk of Fengyue at the moment, and the other party actually called him a son, so it was obvious what it meant.

The other party has already seen through his identity?

It's is this possible?

Also, what is going on with the Karma Sutra of the Three Times?

Even if the other party saw through his identity, where did the remarks about the cause and effect of the third life come from?

Could it be the third Karma Sutra that he had obtained in the Sutra Pavilion of Jinlong Temple?

Is the monk guarding the pavilion related to the person in front of him?

Fang Yi was completely confused and couldn't figure it out, but the monk of Wufo Temple obviously didn't mean to explain, and his situation was no longer allowed.

I just heard him continue to say: "Wufo Temple is doomed to suffer this catastrophe. Everything is a definite number. If you can't hide, you don't need to hide."

"Everything will be robbed by the young master. The poor monk has a merciless request. I hope that the young master can let the Wufo Temple pass on."

What do you mean?

Let the Wufo Temple pass on?Do you want to be a monk yourself?

Fang Yi doesn't have a good impression of the monk, and his goal is not Mount Misu, how can...

Fortunately, the monk of Wufo Temple said again: "This is the remaining six-character beads. I hope the donor can find someone who is destined for Wufo Temple, so that he can pass on the teachings of Wufo Temple."

As he said that, the monk spread out his hands, and four Buddhist beads appeared again in his hands.

It is the six-character beads.


(End of this chapter)

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