Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3520 Trap

Chapter 3520 Trap

I don't know how long it took, but still nothing.

There seems to be no difference in the four weeks.

Even if he knew the fate, he couldn't help frowning.

Subconsciously, he couldn't help looking at Fang Yi, as if he was saying: What's the matter?Haven't found it yet?

What is this look?Count on yourself?

Fang Yi was a little confused, emotional, this is why the other party brought him?It shouldn't be!The other party comprehends the way of cause and effect, and his means are as good as the sky. If the other party can't even notice anything, then you...

never mind!

After thinking about it, Fang Yi felt it carefully.

There seems to be no difference between the gods and Buddhas in the sky, and there is no sign of the three major scriptures.

Could it be that there are no three major scriptures here?

"No! The three major scriptures are in it, let alone you and me, even the eminent monks of Daleiyin Temple can't easily read it." As if he had seen through Fang Yi's heart, Liao Yuan said with certainty.

There is some truth to this.

If the three scriptures are really so good, it will not be so easy to obtain, but it will be troublesome.

What should I do?

Fang Yi was in a bit of a dilemma and was thinking. Suddenly, he couldn't help but think of the half piece of the twelfth-grade golden lotus that was fused by himself. Period, won from the hands of the first Buddha.

Daleiyin Temple was founded by the first Buddha, and the three scriptures must be inextricably related to this.

Moreover, it is rumored that if one comprehends the three major scriptures, one will have the opportunity to condense the golden lotus of twelve grades of merit. The relationship between the two is self-evident.

That being the case, it is hard to say...

Do it when you think of it.

Immediately, with a thought in Fang Yi's mind, he sank into the sea of ​​consciousness. Inside the three-color celestial baby, the bright golden light suddenly flourished. Under the three-color celestial baby, pieces of bright golden lotus bloomed instantly, forming a ninth-grade lotus platform , holding up the three-color celestial baby gently, it is obviously extremely sacred.

And on the ninth-grade lotus platform, half of the lotus leaves are more and more brilliant, and they are much more solid than the other parts.

Obviously, this part is exactly where half of the golden lotus is completely integrated.

There are also some mysterious runes densely covered on it, as if it contains some kind of axiom of heaven and earth, exuding an unparalleled aura.

Liao Yuan seemed to have understood everything, and looked at Fang Yi with a rather surprised look, and there was still hope.

as predicted!

The next moment, as the golden lotus bloomed, it seemed as if something was pulling the half of the golden lotus.

"I found it, it's there!"

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help being overjoyed, and he pointed in a certain direction and said.

Liaoyuan even made a sound of shuttle, like a flash of lightning coming out quickly, and in an instant, the two of them came to two huge Buddha statues.

The Buddha statue is solemn and sacred, and it seems to be no different from other Buddha statues, but the strange thing is that as the two get closer, the Buddha statue seems to become taller and brighter.

"It's them!"

Fang Yi's pupils were also full of joy, and the induction from the three-color Tianying was unmistakable.

But, why are there only two?

Could it be that because of the Lord of Ultimate Bliss, the past of burning the lamp was stolen, so... only two scriptures are left?

Fortunately, I have already comprehended the way of rebirth, the two major scriptures are the two major scriptures!I believe that as long as you obtain them, you should also be able to condense the golden lotus of the twelve ranks of merit.

And if it really doesn't work, then you can only go to Tianshan again to study the Sutra of Rebirth in Ultimate Bliss.

Let's see what else is left of the Bliss Sect.

Of course, this is something later, the most important thing in front of us is the two Buddha statues.

"Not bad! This is it!"

At this moment, Liao Yuan's eyes could not help but brighten, he seemed to be a little excited, he has always been extremely calm, even if it caused the three great Buddhas to appear, it would be an unbelievable thing for anyone, But in the end, he didn't take it seriously, as if nothing happened.

At this moment, just seeing these two Buddha statues, there is such an excited reaction, which is evident.

This made Fang Yi have to wonder, are these two Buddha statues really so amazing?

Are the three scriptures really so exaggerated?

If this is the case, it will be even more difficult to obtain the three major scriptures.

Just kidding, although Fang Yi doesn't know what Liao Yuan's cultivation base is, he knows the opponent's methods. It is absolutely unpredictable, at least Fang Yi has no confidence.

And in this way...

But the facts proved that he thought too much, let alone fate, Da Leiyin Temple would not agree.

"Little thief, have you finally appeared!"

Suddenly, the two huge Buddha statues came alive, and one of them sounded like a bell. Hearing the sound, it was suddenly the golden Buddha who had fought against them before.

How could this be?

Fang Yi's face changed obviously.

Did I feel wrong?Got it?

However, before he came back to his senses, Liao Yuan had already made a move without saying a word.

He just slapped a palm casually, and the terrifying power erupted instantly, like a rushing wave, rolling away, directly rolling towards the two golden Buddhas.


The golden Buddha shouted like thunder, as if his majesty had been provoked.

The Buddha's radiance all over his body turned into a huge Buddha's hand seal, which moved down toward Yuanyin.

Boom! !

Suddenly, the world was in turmoil, as if countless bombs had been dropped into the air, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and the whole world seemed to be doomsday.

Too strong!

Even Fang Yi couldn't help but feel startled at this moment.

It was also at this moment that he clearly realized the gap between himself and the two, which was not something he could contend with at all.

Fortunately, there is fate, otherwise...

At this moment, he was really lucky because of his impulsiveness, if it wasn't for the fate, he might be extremely difficult to be kind.

And even so, I don't know what will happen right now, so I can only take a step to see.

"Nie Zhan, who are you? How dare you wait for an opportunity to enter my Great Leiyin Temple. What is your purpose?" The golden Buddha scolded.

Liao Yuan's strength is so great, in Mount Misu, there is such a strong Daleiyinsi who is impossible not to know.

But in fact, the person in front of him seemed to appear out of thin air.

Every idiot knows that the other party must have other plans.

And this is also the reason why the golden Buddha was so angry.

Where is the Great Leiyin Temple?Buddhist holy land, who dares to be disrespectful?

But right now, the two of them have killed many monks of Daleiyin Temple, they are enemies of Daleiyin Temple everywhere, and they even have the secret of their past.

And the other one also ignored Da Leiyin Temple at all, entered Da Leiyin Temple openly and aboveboard, and crushed all the monks, making Da Leiyin Temple unable to refuse.


They already knew that the origin of fate was extraordinary long ago.

However, Daleiyin Temple has always been advertised as a holy place of Buddhism, and Liaoyuan won the championship in one fell swoop, which induced the three Buddhas to appear. Even they could not deprive Liyuan of entering the Hall of Three Lives, and could only wait for the other party to enter and figure out a way.

But no one thought that Liao Yuan's strength would be so great, it was just...

However, the Great Leiyin Temple is not weak. At this moment, countless phantoms of Buddha have gathered around.

The war is about to start.


(End of this chapter)

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