Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3524 Lurking

Chapter 3524 Lurking

What?Great Dream Immortal?

Not Fengshenmeng?

Or is it both the Great Dream Immortal and the Fengshen Meng?

Although he had doubts about Fengshenmeng's identity for a long time, Fang Yi still had an indescribable feeling deep in his heart when he heard the Buddha call out.

As if losing something crucial, lost and hesitant.

"So what if it's you? You didn't succeed 10 years ago, and it's also impossible to succeed today. Leave it to me!"

The giant Buddha shouted like thunder, and the monstrous Buddha power erupted, seemingly extremely angry.

A huge Buddha's hand print also condensed, covering almost the entire world, slowly pressing down with an unstoppable force.

Fengshenmeng, no!

Perhaps it can be said that the Great Dream Immortal Venerable has no expression on her face, and blue runes are surging in her bright pupils. From under her feet, the Great Dream Astrolabe is spinning rapidly, and the power of countless stars is scattered, covering her eyes. The whole body makes her invincible, sacred and inviolable.

The 28 Star Beast also roared up to the sky, and faced the huge Buddha's handprint.

Boom! !

It was as if countless shells had been thrown into the space between heaven and earth, and they exploded completely.

The terrifying air waves spread everywhere.

Even Fang Yi, in this turmoil, felt like duckweed, vulnerable to a single blow.

The terrifying power made him tremble even more, and it was at this moment that he deeply realized how big the gap between himself and the two was.

Fortunately, the blue runes of Great Dream Immortal Venerable shrouded this world, protecting him as well.

And Fang Yi, looking at the figure of Immortal Master Dameng or Fengshenmeng, his expression became a little weird, helpless?frustrated?He hesitated to speak.

However, in the current situation, even if he wanted to say something, it was impossible.

The giant Buddha intended to suppress the two of them, and did not give them a chance to breathe at all, and the countless Buddhas around them had completely sealed off this space.

The two could not escape.

"Dream Immortal Venerable, 10 years ago you fell in Daleiyin Temple, and 10 years later, you are also doomed to die."

The resonant voice of the giant Buddha reveals supreme majesty.

A look that has settled down to the Great Dream Immortal Venerable.

However, Great Dream Immortal Venerable didn't even look at him at all. The huge Great Dream Astrolabe was full of light, and countless stars fell down, turning into a shocking sword.

The radiant sword shadow made the heavens and the earth turn pale.

The space is azure blue, and the golden light is covered, as if turning into a blue ocean.

And that giant Buddha couldn't help flashing a sense of inconceivability in the pupils, the huge Buddha's palm was also cracked inch by inch, and the big dream astrolabe covered all directions, turning this huge world into a space under his control.

At the same time, on the big dream astrolabe, a huge hole also condensed.

This is forcibly breaking open the space and ignoring the blissful realm of the Great Leiyin Temple.

A desolate atmosphere overflowed from the hole.

It seems that this hole leads to endless chaos.

"How is it possible? You can't break through the realm of bliss laid down by the first Buddha." The giant Buddha seemed to have seen a ghost, and his face was full of disbelief.

yes!The reason why he is so calm and confident is precisely because the huge space of Daleiyin Temple is the realm of bliss laid down by the first Buddha. Not to mention today's Dharma-ending era, no one can break through the realm of bliss.

But now... the opponent actually broke through, and the aura coming from the hole has already proved everything.

Even though he didn't want to believe it, he had to admit it.

"Let's go quickly!"

Fang Yi was also staring blankly at this scene at the moment. Under such a battle, even he could no longer intervene and could only wait and see.

At this time, the voice of Immortal Master Dameng also exploded in his ears.

Although he was full of doubts in his heart, at this moment, he did not hesitate at all. With a quick figure, he sank into the entrance of the cave like a lightning bolt.

"Bastard! Where are you going!!"

The giant Buddha was furious, and the terrifying Buddha power was like a roaring giant wave, rushing towards the Great Dream Immortal and the Great Dream Astrolabe, but Fang Yi had already submerged into the black hole one step ahead.

Coupled with the cover of Immortal Venerable Dameng, it was finally safe and sound.

At the same time, the moment Fang Yi sank into the black hole, Great Dream Immortal also sank into it.

The endless blue runes receded into the black hole like a tide, and in an instant, the world turned golden again, as if everything before was an illusion.

"Bastards! You can't escape, even if you go to heaven and earth, this monk will smash your corpses into thousands of pieces..."

The giant Buddha's roar still echoed in the space.

The huge black hole also disappeared.

However, in Fang Yi's sea of ​​consciousness, the voice of Great Dream Immortal Venerable sounded again, "Quick! Enter the water temple."


Haven't you already escaped?Want to enter the water temple?

Fang Yi was stunned for a moment, but his movements did not stop at all. With a thought, the two disappeared out of thin air and entered the water temple.

And just to be on the safe side, he also used the way of water to smooth out all traces, as if the two had never appeared in this world.

"Bastard, look for it! Block the entire Misu Mountain, and find them for me, at all costs..."

Outside, the giant Buddha's roar was still echoing.

Inside the Water God Temple, it was exceptionally quiet.

Haven't you already escaped?How can you still hear the roar of the giant Buddha?

Could it be...the two of them didn't escape at all?Is this still inside the Sansheng Hall?It's just that the Great Dream Immortal used some special method to deceive the giant Buddha's perception?


If not, why hide in the water temple?This is simply for the sake of insurance, to achieve multiple disguises.

Knowing this truth, Fang Yi couldn't help but raise his heart again.

Subconsciously, he looked at Great Dream Immortal Venerable.

But Dameng Xianzun had his eyes tightly closed at this moment, as if he was sensing something. It was not until a long time later that he opened his bright eyes and said, "They have already left!"


Hearing this, Fang Yi confirmed his speculation that the two of them were indeed still in the Hall of Three Lives.

It seems that the first Buddha's realm of bliss is not so easy to break, even Dameng Xianzun had no choice but to use such tricks to deceive the people of Daleiyin Temple.


Looking at that familiar face, Fang Yi finally couldn't help it, and wanted to ask something.

However, Great Dream Immortal Venerable has already spoken first, "This is not a place to talk. Although I have concealed it from them for a while, it may not last long. The most urgent thing is to leave here as soon as possible. My breath has been locked and I cannot show up. , only you, you have comprehended the way of rebirth, enough to leave here with falsehood."

"It's not too late!"

Immortal Venerable Dream urged.

Obviously, even she would not dare to be careless in the face of Da Leiyin Temple.

Just kidding, the Great Leiyin Temple is one of the top forces in the Three Realms, and at this moment, they are in the base camp of the Great Leiyin Temple, one can imagine.

"it is good!"

Fang Yi nodded, and had to swallow the words that came to his mouth.

Glancing at Great Dream Immortal Venerable again, his figure disappeared into the Water God Temple out of thin air.

In the same place, Immortal Master Dameng looked at his leaving figure, and his expression became a little complicated, which could not be explained.


(End of this chapter)

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