Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3527 Great Dream Immortal?Fengshen dream?

Chapter 3527 Great Dream Immortal?Fengshen dream?

What to do now?

After finally planning to take down the other party, I thought I could replace him, but I didn't have this kind of thing happen again, isn't this bad luck?

It is the reincarnation and rebirth of a certain power, and these powers cannot be mixed indiscriminately.

Fang Yi was completely speechless.

But in this situation, even the warning issued by Dameng Immortal Venerable, he naturally did not dare to continue. If something happened and the other party woke up early, the two of them would be completely finished.

That being the case, it can only be...

Fang Yi's eyes moved.

The next moment, the six-character Buddha beads shone brightly, and the radiant Buddha light seemed to be able to suppress everything in the world, and Taoist Master Asura couldn't help but screamed, as if he had been suppressed.

"Damn donkey, you are looking for death!"

He shouted even more angrily, as if out of breath.

And Zen Master Wuyu also woke up in an instant, as if he had walked through the gate of hell, and his whole body was soaked, as if he had been scooped up in the water.


He hadn't figured out what was going on just now, he thought he was doomed, but fortunately he was saved by the six-character Buddhist beads and turned the danger into safety.

Of course he would never have thought that Fang Yi was acting in all of this.

Since you can't take down the opponent, you can only be taken down by the opponent, and then use the opponent to escape from this world.

This is Fang Yi's plan.

"Master Shura, you also have today, take it for me!"

Zen Master Wuyu took advantage of the situation to pursue, and with the protection of the six-character beads, he immediately had no scruples.

And just now, Taoist Shura seemed to have suffered a great loss from the six-character Buddha beads, and it was the best opportunity to take down the opponent. How could he miss it, and the attack was like a storm, pouring towards Fang Yi.

Boom! !

The whole world exploded in an instant, and Fang Yi also retreated steadily, as if he had been defeated.

Of course, the "help" of the six-character prayer beads is also indispensable.

"Ignorant junior, dare you!"

In the end, he let out a roar of unwillingness, as if he had completely fallen, and the huge sea of ​​blood was also turbulent and wiped out inch by inch.

"Hahaha! Why don't I dare? You have been imprisoned for tens of thousands of years. You should have died long ago. Get lost!"

Zen Master Wuyu no longer concealed his greed, and the corners of his mouth were full of ferocious smiles.

The breath around him also became more and more terrifying.

As mighty as prison.

"Bastard!" Fang Yi was furious, but in fact he sneered inwardly, as if he was saying: Hurry up, work harder, so that I can be taken down in a fair and honest manner without revealing any flaws.


The divine power in Zen Master Wuyu's body was no longer reserved, and the terrifying power was like a rushing wave.

Coupled with the ten thousand zhang Buddha light of the six-character Buddha beads, the sea of ​​blood has completely collapsed.

And then there was a loud noise, and his huge figure was blasted out like a cannonball. In the end, he even made a tendency to run away, but unfortunately, with the six-character Buddha beads, he could only be trapped in it obediently. Among them, there is no escape.

Zen Master Wuyu didn't doubt it either.

Just kidding, the six-character Buddhist beads originally suppressed Taoist Shura, if Taoist Shura could escape, he would have escaped long ago.

It was logical that he couldn't escape, so he naturally wouldn't doubt it.

"Hahaha!! Die!"

In the end, with his wild laughter, Taoist Master Shura was completely annihilated under his terrifying attack and the suppression of the six-character prayer beads, leaving only a stone tablet exuding an endless killing atmosphere.

The stele is naturally the stele of killing people.

It's just that Fang Yi specially covered up some aura, and the aura of Shura is stronger.

Zen Master Wuyu has never been in contact with these things, and even Fang Yi and Taoist Shura can't tell the difference, so how can he tell what is in front of him.

Sensing the terrifying killing aura and surging divine power on it has already made him overjoyed.

This must be a great treasure.

What's more, there are six-character beads, so he naturally would not have thought that all of this was Fang Yi's arrangement.

Let me ask, who is willing to take out such two treasures for layout?

So... Zen Master Wuyu didn't have any doubts. At this moment, he was laughing wildly, extremely excited, and his whole body was dazzled by the great joy.

As for the Man Killing Monument, inside the Water God Temple, Fang Yi sneered when he saw this scene.

"Make you proud, you will cry in the future!"

He said fiercely, with an evil look drawn at the corner of his mouth.

"It's really worth it, the six-character Buddhist beads and the human-killing stele!" At this time, Immortal Master Dameng couldn't help but glance at Fang Yi, with an indescribably strange expression on his face.

Hearing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but glanced at her, and said, "Besides this, do you have other ways?"

Immortal Master Dameng didn't reply, if she had, she wouldn't let Fang Yi think of a way.

Her aura has been locked by the eminent monks of the Great Leiyin Temple, once she shows up, she will definitely be discovered.

But Fang Yi is different. The way of rebirth he comprehended is not much different from Buddhist eminent monks, and the way of killing has something in common with the way of Shura, so he can hide the truth.

It's just... the loss of the six-character Buddhist beads and the killing tablet really made him feel a little distressed.

Of course, the loss of the Murder Monument is temporary, and it is still under his control, and he can take it back at any time.

If the six-character Buddha beads fall into the opponent's hands, it may not be so easy to get them back.

However, he had no interest in the six-character Buddhist beads at first. As for the entrustment from the monks of Wufo Temple, he was also going to hand it over to the holy monk without moon. Now it seems that this six-character Buddhist bead can only be obtained by the holy monk without moon. up.

So good, it was a test for him.

Whether it can inherit everything from Wufo Temple and carry forward Wufo Temple is the first test.

"What about the three scriptures?"

At this time, Great Dream Immortal Venerable spoke again, pointing directly at the three scriptures.

No beating around the bush.

If it were someone else, Fang Yi would definitely not care about it, but the other party is the Great Dream Immortal, no!It should not be said that it is the Great Dream Immortal, but that extremely familiar face.

"Are you Dameng Xianzun or Fengshenmeng?"

Finally, he still couldn't help asking, looking straight at Immortal Dameng.

Immortal Master Dameng seemed to have expected such a question, and did not show any strangeness, but asked instead: "Is there a difference?"

"Of course there is!"

Fang Yi said affirmatively, "If you are Dameng Immortal Venerable, even if you die, you will never get the three scriptures in my hands, but if it is Fengshenmeng, she can take everything from me at will."

Fang Yi's tone was extremely firm, as if there was no room for negotiation.

Immortal Dameng stared at him blankly, with complicated eyes, and finally said: "I am Immortal Dameng."

Hearing this, Fang Yi felt extremely disappointed in his heart, because he was convinced that the other party was Fengshenmeng, but the other party said that he was Dameng Xianzun, which was tantamount to denying everything about Fengshenmeng, so how could he not be disappointed.

However, just when he was extremely depressed.

The voice of Great Dream Immortal Venerable sounded again, "It is also Fengshen Meng."


(End of this chapter)

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