Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3535 Six Words Beads

Chapter 3535 Six Character Beads

On the side, the Moonless Saint Monk stared blankly at this scene, his expression a little dazed.

Just now, he wanted to help Fang Yi several times.

But in the end, Fang Yi didn't give him a chance at all, and he directly challenged Zen Master Wuyu, who was on the sixth level of the Dao, by himself, which made him extremely astonished.

Although he knew that Fang Yi was amazing, he never thought that it would be so amazing.

With the cultivation base of the third level of Dao, he easily overthrew Zen Master Wuyu.

Of course, the truth is not as easy as he sees.

The reason why Fang Yi was able to easily suppress the opponent was because of his own strong strength, and secondly, it had something to do with Zen Master Wuyu's underestimation of the enemy.

However, the most important thing is the erosion of killing spirit.

In the Hall of Three Lives, he had already taken down the opponent, but in the end he was forced to awaken by the opponent, so he didn't make a move, but the killing spirit had already invaded the opponent's soul.

Only when it is activated at this moment can it be easily crushed, otherwise, it will not be so easy.

Just kidding, the dominance of the sixth level of the avenue is not fake.

Fang Yi is strong, but after all, he is no more than the third level of Dao, and there is a huge gap with the opponent. This gap is not so easy to make up.

In a real fight, the two should be on equal footing.


Zen Master Wuyu was clutching his chest at this moment, couldn't help spurting a mouthful of blood, looked at Fang Yi's eyes, as if they were about to protrude, "You... who are you?"

He stared at Fang Yi, full of disbelief.

Naturally, Fang Yi didn't bother to pay attention to him. With one step, the terrifying way of strength and killing spread out instantly, and at the same time, he slashed out with a sword.

The killing spirit rolled out like a rushing wave. During this period, a huge killing spirit also condensed, like a real god of death, invincible.

Boom! !

The space split apart in an instant, and everything sank.

Zen Master Wuyu's complexion also changed drastically, his teeth seemed to be crushed, and the divine power in his body poured out, as if Fang Yi was going to fight to the death.

Immediately, two terrifying air waves collided violently, causing the sky to collapse.

It's like the end is coming.

On the surface, the two are evenly matched, and neither can do anything to the other, but in the soul, another shocking battle is also taking place. The terrifying killing soul is like the master of life, obliterating everything.

Zen Master Wuyu was traumatized in the first place, but at this moment his entire face has turned as white as paper.

The Buddha's light around him also disappeared, and it seemed that he was about to lose.

Fang Yi was overjoyed, and the corner of his mouth curled up with a hint of coldness, just as he was about to take down the opponent in one fell swoop, suddenly, the powerful aura in the depths of the opponent's soul throbbed again.

Damn it! !

He couldn't help cursing inwardly, it still doesn't work, once the other party suffers a serious injury, he will definitely wake up early.

I don't know how strong his body is.

He has not yet fully awakened after reaching the sixth level of the Great Dao, and his main body is probably...

Fang Yi was a little reconciled, but in the end he gave up for the sake of safety. Now is not the time, if there is any disturbance and Daleiyin Temple arrives, it will not be so simple to escape. As for Zen Master Wuyu, he can only We'll talk about that later.

As for the six-character Buddha bead in his hand, it is up to the Moonless Sage to figure out a way for himself.

Boom! !

There was another loud noise, and Zen Master Wuyu flew out like a cannonball.

However, this time, he was not angry, but only fearful. Looking at Fang Yi's eyes was like looking at a devil. Just now his soul was crushed, and he almost thought that he would not be able to be happy, but suddenly, the other party ...

He didn't have time to think about the reason.

At this moment, he already had the intention to withdraw.

There is no way, Fang Yi's power is far beyond his expectations, let alone seizing the six-character beads right now, maybe even his own beads will be taken away, and even his life will be kept, how dare he stay .

"Bastard! Remember this monk, sooner or later, this monk will tear your corpse into thousands of pieces."

As he spoke, his body moved, and he turned into a bolt of lightning and galloped away.

The majestic master of the sixth level of the Dao, the famous Zen Master Wuyu, chose to flee at this moment. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no one would believe it.

The Moonless Saint Monk was no exception. He stared blankly at the scene in front of him, his mouth shut in astonishment.

Fang Yi also curled his lips slightly, a little speechless.

However, Zen Master Wuyu is the sixth level of the Dao after all, it is almost impossible for him to kill the opponent, and if the fight continues, even the eminent monks of the Great Leiyin Temple will be alarmed.

Neither Fang Yi nor Zen Master Wuyu obviously wanted this.

Fang Yi naturally needless to say.

As for Zen Master Wuyu, he didn't have any good intentions in his actions, so naturally he was the same.

So this ending may be the best for the two of them.

"Fang... Junior Brother Fengyue, you..."

The Moonless Monk came back to his senses at this moment, and stared blankly at what Fang Yi wanted to say, but Fang Yi didn't give him a chance, and spoke first, saying: "This place is not a place to talk, let's leave first."

As soon as the words fell, a ripple appeared all over his body, and then he stepped into it and disappeared.

The Moonless Saint Monk also hurriedly chased after him.

In the same place, everything returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.


"Brother Fang, what's going on here? Why didn't you come out directly from the Hall of Three Lives, but followed Zen Master Wuyu? Could it be that the Great Leiyin Temple discovered your identity?"

In an endless void, the Moonless Saint Monk finally couldn't help asking.

In the past few days, he has repeatedly inquired about Fang Yi's whereabouts but found nothing.

Seeing Fang Yi now finally made him breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's a long story!"

Fang Yi smiled, and prevaricated at will. It wasn't that he didn't believe in the Moonless Sage, but that there was no need for it. Some things, the less you know, the safer you are.

Especially if the Moonless Saint Monk wants to stay in Mount Misu, he can't get involved with him too much, otherwise he will be harmed.

"That's right! Take this!"

Fang Yi didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out the remaining three six-character beads.

This thing may be a treasure to other people, but Fang Yi hasn't taken it seriously yet, and he has no interest in the so-called Buddhist supernatural powers. If it wasn't for awakening Hua Lian'er, he wouldn't bother to make this trip.

However, this is obviously different for the Moonless Saint Monk.

When the latter saw the three six-character beads, his eyes lit up immediately, as if the eyeballs were about to fall out.

", Brother Fang, where did you get the six-character beads, and there are so many?"

The Moonless Saint Monk was completely dumbfounded, trembling with excitement.

It's no wonder that the reason why he is here today is entirely because of a six-character Buddhist bead, otherwise, he might still be struggling in Tianshan. Now that Fang Yi has three six-character Buddhist beads, how can he not be surprised.

"Originally there were four pieces, plus the two pieces on your body, just enough to make them all together. Now that one piece has fallen into the hands of Zen Master Wuyu, you can only rely on yourself to get it back."

Fang Yi said nonchalantly, and handed the six-character Buddhist beads to the Moonless Sage.

The Moonless Saint Monk was obviously at a loss, dazed, as if he hadn't recovered yet.


(End of this chapter)

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