Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3537 Dragon Palace

Chapter 3537 Dragon Palace

In the vast void, Fang Yi and Ao Xue finally stopped.

After confirming that there was no danger, he breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, Da Leiyin Temple and his party were quite thrilling. Fortunately, they finally ended successfully and successfully obtained two major scriptures.

It's just... this scripture is still in the hands of Fengshenmeng. The other party is studying in the Water God Temple, and he doesn't know when he will wake up. Fang Yi is not easy to disturb.

"How about it?"

At this moment, Ao Xue couldn't help asking.

He has never talked much, and it is rare for him to open his mouth to care about people.


Fang Yi smiled, "Finally, I am blessed with a great life, and my life is saved."

This playful tone caused Ao Xue to roll his eyes at him, and said: "Since your life is saved, then Daleiyin Temple will be in disaster, what should we do next?"

He seems to have confirmed that the Great Leiyin Temple suffered heavy losses, although the Great Leiyin Temple did not announce it to the outside world.

However, he really knows Fang Yi too well, he is the one who does not see the rabbit and does not scatter the eagle. Since he has escaped, it means that he has succeeded.

Just thinking about it, that's Da Leiyin Temple, and it still can't escape Fang Yi's disaster.

Involuntarily, the gaze he looked at Fang Yi became more and more like looking at a monster.

And Fang Yi seemed to have gotten used to it, curled his lips, and said: "What else can I do, of course just leave Misu Mountain."

Daleiyin Temple is looking for him all over the world, Misu Mountain is their territory, monolithic, it will be bad luck to stay, leaving is undoubtedly the best decision.

Although he has already escaped from Daleiyin Temple at this moment, there are many reasons for his escape this time. Fang Yi can't guarantee that he will have such good luck next time.

and so……

"Okay! It's not too late, then we'll leave now."

Ao Xue obviously didn't want to stay here any longer.

This Misu Mountain, everyone is like a fanatical believer, which makes him very unhappy.

However, how to leave, the two of them are a little bit in trouble.

Misu Mountain is the most stable mountain among the nine mountains and eight seas. Because of the rule of Daleiyin Temple, Misu Mountain has not received too much impact, and the space barrier is relatively stable. If you want to break through the space barrier and leave, you will almost impossible.

The only way is to look for those ready-made passages and cracks.

However, such a place must be guarded by the Great Leiyin Temple, and it may not be so easy to leave.

It seems that we can only force our way through!

After thinking about it, the two had no other choice.

Coincidentally, Fang Yi also knew about such a place, and it was from the mouth of the Moonless Saint Monk that the former had entered the Seven Sacred Mountains through that passage, and met Fang Yi there.

It was precisely because of this that Fang Yi specifically asked him about it in case he would leave later.

No, it really came in handy.

I just don't know what's going on with that channel.

Right now I can't control that much anymore, I can only go and have a look first.


Misu Mountain is vast and endless, similar to other nine mountains and eight seas. With the strength of the two and the concealment of the way of water, it is not too difficult to escape the detection of Daleiyin Temple in such a huge space.

What's more, Fang Yi's way of rebirth is enough to confuse the real with the fake, no one will find out.

Soon, the two came to a dark abyss.

This is exactly the area leading to the Seven Sacred Mountains that the Moonless Sage said. At the beginning, it was in Buzhou Mountain. Because of the impact of the Seven Sacred Mountains, the barriers between the two realms were loosened, and even Misu Mountain was affected.

Hence the crack.

"There's someone ahead!"

The two approached quickly. At this moment, Ao Xue's pupils couldn't help shrinking, and a killing intent emerged.

"Those damned bald donkeys? Just kill them?"

Ao Xue asked, his eyes were extremely cold.

Fang Yi curled his lips when he heard the words. The monks in front of him are nothing to worry about, but, in this way, it is inevitable to startle the snake. At that time...

"No hurry! Let's have a look first!"

"Why don't you dress up too?"

Fang Yi looked Ao Xue up and down. Although Ao Xue was unwilling, he eventually turned into a monk.

In Misu Mountain, the monks are the biggest and most honored. Although there are many ordinary warriors, they are generally not strong. Maybe it is suppressed by the major temples, or other reasons. In short, in Misu Mountain, Ordinary warriors are inferior.

Only monks are the darlings of this world.


As the two walked forward, there were more and more monks around, which seemed a little abnormal.

"What's going on? How could there be so many monks in such a remote place? Could it be that they are all rushing to the Seven Sacred Mountains? Or..."

Fang Yi's face was full of doubts, it's nothing more than going to the Seven Sacred Mountains, it's a trivial matter.

If Da Leiyin Temple noticed the whereabouts of the two of them, it would be a big trouble.

However, it shouldn't be possible. Moreover, these are ordinary monks. Although their strength is good in front of outsiders, if they are used against Fang Yi and Fang Yi, it would be too much fun, no different from courting death.

Wanting to understand this, the two inquired about it.

It doesn't matter if you don't inquire, as soon as you inquire, Ao Xue's pupils can't help but brighten up.

According to the news, just a few days ago, the entrance to the Seven Sacred Mountains was not far away, and the legendary Dragon Palace was inexplicably opened. These people came here after hearing the news, rushing to enter the Dragon Palace to find out.

Ao Xue, who is an ancient dragon clan, can imagine hearing the news about Dragon Palace.

Fang Yi was also taken aback.

Dragon Palace?

He vaguely remembered that he had entered it once when he was in the sea of ​​suffering, and it was from it that he obtained the Nine Dragon Seal, and because of this, he came into contact with the way of strength, and thus condensed the way of strength.

In addition, from it, he also activated the sword of eternity, and began to understand the way of eternity.

I never thought that the Dragon Palace would open again, why...

He vaguely remembered, didn't Dragon Palace only open once in a long time?how come……

Telling Ao Xue about his doubts, Ao Xue's eyes couldn't help but a look of suspicion flashed. According to him, the Dragon Palace was built by the Dragon King of the ancient Dragon Clan, and it contained endless treasures, especially for the Dragon Clan and Monster Clan. In other words, there are great benefits.

As for the law of opening, it is usually once every 5000 years, but the opening location is not fixed, any place in the Three Realms is possible.

It is also possible to open several places at the same time.

How, even he does not know, because he has never entered.

Since he practiced, the Dragon Palace has not been opened in Canghai, so...

However, he has heard the legend about the Dragon Palace since he was a child. It is said that the meaning of the three true dragons is contained in it, and whoever can obtain it will have the hope of becoming a true dragon.

The so-called real dragon here is a real real dragon, and each dragon clan can only master one of them.

Eternity, destruction, hope, one of the three true dragons.

In other words, Ao Xue has already comprehended the meaning of destruction, so eternity and hope can no longer be comprehended.

This kind of statement can't help but make Fang Yi startled, why the Dragon Clan can only comprehend one of them, but he comprehends destruction and eternity at the same time, which are almost two opposite rules.

This also made him more curious about Dragon Palace.


(End of this chapter)

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