Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3549 Comprehension

Chapter 3549 Comprehension

From the perspective of the outside world, everything around has returned to calm.

Fang Yi seems to have turned into a part of the black and white space, with the same breath, energy, and operation. It seems that there is no distinction between each other, like a whole.

"Is he okay?"

The group of monster clans naturally also discovered this scene, and each of them had incredible expressions on their faces.

You know, before the blood ape and the golden Buddha were caught in it, they had no power to fight back. Now, Fang Yi is safe and sound, so how can they not be surprised.

Ao Xue was the same, but he was more happy for Fang Yi.

Also full of curiosity.

However, Fang Yi naturally knew nothing about it. At this moment, he didn't have time to pay attention to other things. His mind was completely attracted by those black and white runes and thin lines, and his whole body entered a strange state for the first time, as if everything in the world was in his heart.

In the eyes of the crowd, he is only integrated with this black and white space, but in his heart, he seems to be integrated with the entire Three Realms.

A certain kind of enlightenment also faintly arose in his heart, Wuji gave birth to Taiji, Taiji gave birth to Liangyi, and Liangyi is yin and yang.

Everything in the world is divided into yin and yang, and only when yin and yang are reconciled can everything be derived.

This is the way of yin and yang!

I don't know how long it has passed, but Fang Yi seems to have a feeling.

In his body, the water temple and the wood temple also seemed to have a sense, forming a bright Taiji pattern, in which the yang fish and the yin fish were the water temple and the wood temple respectively.

The two temples rotated rapidly, the outside world, the black and white space, Fang Yi was like a huge black hole, and the black and white breath rushed towards his body like a flood.

A huge black and white vortex condenses.

At the same time, the two temples also erupted with incomparably bright light. In the water temple, Fengshen Meng seemed to have sensed something. She suddenly opened her eyes, and a look of astonishment flashed in her beautiful eyes, and she took a deep look at Fang Yi. With one glance, his eyes seemed to penetrate the endless void.

Then, she slowly closed her eyes again, allowing the black and white breath to pour into the Water God Temple and envelope herself.

In the Wooden Temple, Ji Wumeng was still like a statue.

Do not!Strictly speaking, Ji Wumeng and Wooden Temple were indistinguishable from each other, the strangeness was the influx of black and white aura, which made the aura around her soar.

Corresponding to Fang Yi from afar.

It seemed that at this moment, she had already turned into a Yin fish, and Fang Yi was none other than a Yang fish.

"what happened?"

Outside, seeing this astonishing scene, the faces of the crowd all changed drastically, and their figures retreated violently, as if they were afraid of being affected.

However, no one left. It seemed that everyone wanted to know what was going on.

Ao Xue's pupils were also bright, revealing an incredible light.

The vortex turned faster and faster, and more and more black and white auras were swallowed up, until the black and white auras were completely swallowed up, and the black and white space also collapsed, as if the end was approaching.

"Run away! This place is about to collapse!"

Seeing this, the crowd hurriedly retreated.

The energy of this inner world has been completely absorbed, so naturally it can no longer be preserved, and it will completely collapse at this moment.

Ao Xue didn't dare to stay, and quickly retreated.

He wasn't worried about Fang Yi, just kidding, Fang Yi had already absorbed the energy of this space, so how could something happen.

The black and white space returned to chaos, and Fang Yi was in this chaos. Finally, he opened his eyes, and black and white light burst out from his eyes.

With his giant palm poking out, the originally cracked black and white space stopped in an unbelievable state, and then condensed together, compressed sharply, forming a Tai Chi pattern.

In the end, what fell into Fang Yi's hand was a palm-sized Taiji pattern, which looked like gold but not jade, and I don't know what it was.

"It turns out that everything here is because of you!"

Fang Yi looked at the Yin-Yang jade, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, guessing that it should be the treasure of the Yin-Yang Taoist.

After the Yin-Yang Taoist died, it was this jade that maintained the existence of this world, allowing him to take advantage of it and touch the mystery of the Way of Yin-Yang.

The Way of Yin and Yang really deserves its reputation! !

Sensing the changes in himself, Fang Yi was overjoyed.

Not to mention the great improvement in strength, he even sensed that the way of yin and yang has a great connection with the five great temples. Otherwise, the water temple and the wood temple would not have such a change, and they actually formed a Tai Chi diagram.

He faintly felt that he had taken an extremely important step.

Although he has only touched the threshold of the way of yin and yang for the time being, with this jade, in time, he will definitely be able to achieve something. By then, there may be changes in the water temple and the wood temple.

At that time...

"How are you?"

The surroundings returned to calm, and the huge skeleton appeared in sight again.

Perhaps it was because of the exhaustion of energy. At this moment, with a bang, the skeleton directly collapsed and turned into a pile of dust.

Fang Yi shook his head to express that he was fine, and glanced at the dust.

Seeing this, Ao Xue couldn't help but relax his tense expression. Although he knew that Fang Yi would be fine, knowing and confirming it were two different things. After all, that space was too weird.

"You... what are you doing..."

After confirming that Fang Yi was safe, Ao Xue's cold eyes swept across the crowd of monsters and monks.

The purpose of his trip was not for this skeleton, but just happened to come across it. Now that the skeleton has turned into dust, he is naturally not interested in studying it, but is eager to understand what happened in the Dragon Palace.

"If you don't want to die, answer my question honestly. Why did the Dragon Palace open? Some people entered the Dragon Palace and told you everything you know about the Dragon Palace."

Ao Xue didn't have any nonsense, and asked directly.

Everything before seemed to have been left behind by him.

The way of yin and yang is really good, but everyone has their own chance, he will not force it, not to mention that it is Fang Yi who comprehends this chance, so he will not care.

"I...I said..."

Under Ao Xue's powerful oppression, several Yaozu quickly replied.

But unfortunately, their knowledge is very limited. According to them, the one who opened the Dragon Palace was the Eternal Immortal Lord. It is said that the monster clan powerhouse once had a battle with him. No one has ever experienced that battle. But since that battle, there have been many rumors, saying that Eternal Immortal Lord has determined the place where the three true dragons fell, and it is in the Dragon Palace. The Dragon Palace contains the meaning of the three true dragons, which has been regarded break.

The reason why the Dragon Palace was opened this time is to condense the eternal way.

This probably means these things, but the monster races don't know exactly how.

But the Dragon Palace has great benefits for the monster clans. This alone has attracted countless monster clans, so they don't know who actually entered the Dragon Palace.

To be sure, it must be a big deal.

Hearing this, Ao Xue's face couldn't help but darken, full of anger.


(End of this chapter)

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