Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3556 Skeleton

Chapter 3556 Skeleton

"I've heard of the Great Tribulation of the Three Realms, and these tombstones should be peerless powerhouses who fell during the Great Tribulation of the Three Realms."

Fang Yi pondered for a moment, then replied thoughtfully.

Ao Xue glanced at him in surprise.

Regarding the catastrophe of the Three Realms, he naturally knows better than Fang Yi, who is in the sea, what's more, the Dragon Clan is one of the oldest races in the Three Realms, and I am afraid that not many people know more about the Three Realms than they do.

It's just that Ao Xue has been obsessed with cultivation, and ignores these trivial matters.

"This Dragon Palace may be the resting place built by a certain strongman of the Dragon Clan for those peerless strongmen who lost their lives. At least this place should be."

"It's also possible that the strong dragon clan is also among them."

Fang Yi then added another sentence.

Thinking of the Abyss of Nine Deaths, didn't he get the meaning of destruction there? The legendary underworld dragon may have fallen in the Abyss of Nine Deaths. Of course, this is just a guess, and he is not sure how it is.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that these two places do have great similarities.

And the former place hides the meaning of the destruction of the dragon.

So will it be here...

Boom! !

Fang Yi was meditating, when suddenly, there was a loud noise from a distance, like a rock-shattering start to the universe, and the powerful fluctuations continued to spread endlessly, which was extremely shocking.

The Eternal Sword in his hand also trembled sharply, as if trying to break free.

At the same time, in the endless void, one after another of bright attention also shot out, reflecting the sky and the earth.

"It means eternity!"

The eyes of Fang Yi and Ao Xue couldn't help changing drastically.

Similar fluctuations have appeared before, and it is because of this that the two people found this place, and it is self-evident that they have appeared again at this moment.

"It's the Eternal Immortal Lord, they really entered here."

Ao Xue's pupils were filled with killing intent.

At the same time as speaking, the whole person shot out like lightning, and a bloody rainbow flashed across the void.

Naturally, Fang Yi was the same, his eyes became a little deep, because from the fluctuation, he sensed a strong aura, but he also galloped away without hesitation.

Today, there is really nothing that can make him flinch.

What's more, this is Dragon Palace.

"Jiuyue Xionghuang, are you sure you want to continue? Hahaha!! If so, I will accompany you to the end. However, I will not know how many monster clans will be left by then."

In the middle of the cemetery is a huge blank space.

The surrounding tombstones are built around a blank space, and this blank space looks extremely strange.

The Eternal Immortal Sovereign stands proudly above the blank land at this moment, like a great emperor who reigns over the world, laughing wildly with his head up to the sky, tyrannical and unparalleled.

And around him, there are many monster clan powerhouses.

It's a pity that those monster clan powerhouses look uglier one by one.

The same is true for Jiuyue Xionghuang.

Because the four swords of eternity that shrouded Eternal Immortal Monarch's body, as well as those beams of incomparably bright beams of light in the endless void, are continuously providing energy to the opponent, making the opponent's strength skyrocket by countless times in an instant , a group of people just couldn't win it.

And the damage was not small, which made the faces of the Yaozu people look good.

Especially when they heard the other party's presumptuous words and arrogant laughter, it was as if they were slapping their faces fiercely, making the corners of their mouths twitch.

But, this feeling, this feeling, if I really want to keep entangled, I really don't know what will happen.

Of course, the group didn't care about Eternal Immortal Monarch.

Although Immortal Eternal is domineering, it is not enough to make them so afraid. What makes them afraid is the extremely bright beams of light, which obviously come from the power of the Dragon Palace. For some reason, they are actually used by the other party. This is what they are really afraid of. The place.

Because I can't figure out the details.

At this moment, in fact, not only the Yaozu people are in complicated moods, but also the Eternal Immortal Monarch.

Don't look at his overbearing words, but in fact, he is only one person after all, and it is obviously extremely reluctant to face so many strong monsters.

But he understands that the more he is like this, the less he can show it, otherwise, he can only be the one who retreats.

It was hard to find this world and the cemetery. The meaning of the real dragon is hidden in it. He is so willing to retreat, so...

"Bastard! Eternal Immortal Monarch, don't hesitate to bluff in front of me, and tell you, this is my Seven Sacred Mountains, and if my monster clan wants to kill you, you can't escape with your wings."

Jiuyue Xionghuang shouted like thunder.

This is true, after all, this is the Seven Sacred Mountains, if it completely annoys the Yaozu, it will indeed be extremely troublesome.

Eternal Immortal Lord naturally understood this too, but he still didn't show it on his face, and sneered: "That's right! But it's a pity, it's not enough for you people. I heard that King Dapeng Ming is also here. If he is here, I would You may be a little jealous, but unfortunately, I received the news that he and the monk of Misu Mountain are holding each other, and Misu Mountain and the Seven Sacred Mountains should be very lively at the moment!"

Eternal Immortal Jun had a playful smile on his face, with irony in his eyes.


When Jiuyue Xionghuang heard this, his face darkened.

"It seems that the Emperor has underestimated you, so you have already made arrangements, good! Very good!"

"So, the reason why the entrance to the Dragon Palace is opened here is because you did it on purpose? The reason is to keep my Seven Sacred Mountains and Misu Mountain in check, so that you can take advantage of it?"

Jiuyue Xionghuang still doesn't understand what's going on at this moment.

He always thought it was just some kind of coincidence, but he never thought that it turned out that everything was calculated by the other party.

Because no matter where the Dragon Palace is opened, it will inevitably cause a great commotion, attracting countless powerful people to flock to move, and this is obviously not what he is happy to see.

Because once this happens, he will have to face countless strong men.

However, such a situation was unavoidable, so he had to choose a place where the space barrier was relatively loose, and let the two forces check each other, so that he could reap the benefits.


The plan is going well, at least so far.

Those people in front of him couldn't stop him at all.

And at this moment, even if these people are notifying the outside powerhouses, he can take advantage of this to achieve his goal and show up after escaping from the Three Realms and waiting for success. At that time, no matter how dangerous the Three Realms are, he can go there The place.

"Do you understand now? Unfortunately, it's too late!"

The corner of Eternal Immortal Monarch's mouth twitched into a ferocious smile.

His eyes turned cold, and the four eternal swords shrouded his body suddenly shone brightly.

Moan! !

One after another dragon chants just followed, and the four eternal swords seemed to turn into four real dragons, soaring into the sky and soaring across the world.

And that huge blank land trembled violently as if it had sensed something.

Then it fell apart again.

At the same time, a huge skeleton began to appear in sight.


(End of this chapter)

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