Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3562 Devour

Chapter 3562 Devour

This? ?

what happened?

Fang Yi's complexion couldn't help but change. If he didn't fight well, how could he change?

The others were also in a daze, unable to understand the situation at all.


However, the huge real dragon did not stop at all, and roared towards Fang Yi, wrapped in huge waves, as if it wanted to completely engulf Fang Yi in it.

In this situation, Fang Yi had no choice but to shake his heart and prepare to welcome it.

He has never been a person who likes to back down, no matter how big the dilemma is, how will he know what will happen if he doesn't try.

However, the next moment, just as he was about to make a move, the roaring real dragon seemed to have changed slightly, and the meaning of eternity and destruction alternated more and more frequently, giving people a sense of erratic.

Even in it, Fang Yi didn't feel much hostility.

Isn't it coming for yourself?

Do not!Strictly speaking, isn't it to deal with yourself?But because of the change in the way of yin and yang?

Thinking of this possibility, Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but brighten. As his thoughts turned, the power of Yin and Yang circulated in his body instantly, and the two true dragons of eternity and destruction only seemed to feel it, showing a state of yin and yang. .

Above the sky, the huge real dragons also changed accordingly, as if to reflect each other.

Slowly, the two reached a certain fit.

Moan! !

Immediately afterwards, two shocking dragon chants followed, deafening. Above the nine heavens, it was as if ten thousand dragons were roaring, and the dragon shadows filled the entire world.

And the huge real dragon, roaring up to the sky, turned into one black and one white, and two strange energies poured into Fang Yi's body.

Suddenly, Fang Yi's aura seemed to climb to the peak in an instant, as majestic as a prison.

Like the ruler of heaven and earth.

Around him, there are thousands of dragon shadows entwined, which is extremely shocking.

All the demon clansmen's faces changed drastically, cold sweat broke out, and even Ao Xue's eyes became extremely deep, full of inconceivable.

Boom! !

The thunder continued, and the huge world seemed to explode completely. It was not until the two terrifying energies were poured into Fang Yi's body that everything came to an end. After losing these energies, the huge skeleton turned into a pile of white powder , Gone with the wind, leaving nothing in the end.


All the monsters present looked at each other in blank dismay, their eyes full of horror, and their gazes at Fang Yi became extremely strange.

Obviously, the scene in front of them made them puzzled.

Can't figure out the situation.

The same is true for Eternal Immortal Monarch, but he understands one thing, that all his calculations are in vain, not only that, he also lost his four Eternal Swords, which made him extremely distressed, and his heart was bleeding.

"Bastard! Return the Lord's Eternal Sword."

The next moment, he couldn't help but exploded, and his figure turned into a flash of lightning, shooting at Fang Yi.

The Sword of Eternity is his reliance. He has always dreamed of finding the last Sword of Eternity to condense the real Dao of Eternity. The result is good, so it is not difficult to understand his mood.

boom! !

I saw him attack fiercely, like a runaway beast.

If this is changed to the general Dao triple, it will definitely not feel good, and may even die on the spot.

The loss of the Eternal Sword does not mean that the strength of the Eternal Immortal Lord is no longer astonishing. In fact, he has already comprehended the way of eternity, and even without the Eternal Sword, he should not be underestimated.

It's just a pity that Fang Yi is not an ordinary person.

His strength is so strong that not many people know it at all, even if he boils blood, he is not sure.

At every critical moment, Fang Yi can always turn danger into a bargain. This is something they can't figure out. In his eyes, it seems like a bottomless black hole. No one knows where his bottom line is.

At least the Eternal Immortal Monarch in front of him is not enough.

Just kidding, even he can entangle with each other, and just now, that huge skeleton seems to have been swallowed by Fang Yi, and its strength may have been greatly improved compared to before.

Therefore, he didn't intend to make a move at all, and even looked forward to Fang Yi's move.

The same goes for all the monster races.

Fang Yi was a little apprehensive about the change he had just entered. Although Fang Yi appeared to be only at the third level of the Dao, the real dragon just now was not a vegetarian. Even the Primordial Ape King was defeated. It is conceivable.


Seeing that the attack of Eternal Immortal Monarch is about to fall.

Fang Yi raised his eyes slightly, one black and one white, two bright rays of light shot out from their pupils.


He only heard a soft hum and a clap of his giant palm.

Moan! !

Immediately, the sound of two dragon chants shocked the world, and terrifying energy erupted, one black and one white interlaced, eternity and destruction merged in it, and nothing could stop it.

Like a long river of silence, destroying everything.


Immortal Eternal obviously felt a huge threat, his pupils changed greatly, and his face became extremely ugly.

He shook his head desperately, as if he couldn't accept it.

It's no wonder that Fang Yi is no more than the third level of the Dao, and there is a world of difference between him and him. With the help of the eternal way, he usually ignores the existence of his peers. Now, a mere third level of the Dao makes him feel How could he accept such a huge threat, even being overwhelmed.

But the fact is that, the two incomparable energies, one black and one white, exuded peerless might.

It is not something that Eternal Immortal Monarch can contend with.

boom! !

The next moment, there was only a loud bang, and the two figures flew out at the same time.

Fang Yi flew out because of the energy gap, but he didn't look strange at all, instead his eyes were bright and he was full of fighting spirit.

But Eternal Immortal Monarch's complexion became as white as paper, and his eyes were full of fear and disbelief.

Even his body trembled slightly.

"No! This is impossible? Who is this? Why are you so strong?"

"Also, the true dragon's will can only control one of them, why can you merge eternity and destruction?"

The eyeballs of Eternal Immortal Lord seemed to fall out, filled with disbelief, looking at Fang Yi was like looking at a monster.


Hearing this, Fang Yi's heart couldn't help but move. It seems that only one of the three true dragons can really be understood.

So... why can I comprehend both?

This is really puzzling.

And unlike the previous skeleton, the reason why the skeleton has the aura of eternity and destruction is probably because of the way of yin and yang, and the fusion is not perfect. Although eternal marks and destruction alternate with each other, they are distinct.

And myself, before I came into contact with the way of yin and yang, I had already comprehended two kinds.

Now that he has comprehended the way of yin and yang, the two are incomparably compatible.

In this regard, the skeleton is far behind.

It's just the reason, I'm afraid I won't be able to figure it out for a while.

"Are you surprised? That only shows that you are incompetent? Now, let it all end!" Fang Yi has lost his patience, and he is still waiting to study the way of yin and yang.

While speaking, he had already made a move, and a huge real dragon's claw suddenly slapped it, revealing the power of destroying heaven and earth.


(End of this chapter)

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