Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3564 Control Dragon Palace

Chapter 3564 Control Dragon Palace


The two giant palms struck at the same time, and the terrifying power pressed down like mountains and seas. The space exploded under their huge squeeze, as if countless bombs had been dropped into the world.

It is said that there are three levels of avenues, and even stronger fighters, under such power, can only wait for death.

Jiuyue Xionghuang and others looked at Fang Yi at this moment with a hint of sympathy.

A Dao Sanchong, but being besieged by two Dao Yachong, isn't this luck?

Only waiting to die.

Ao Xue's face also changed dramatically, trying to save Fang Yi from the siege.

But it's a pity that the terrifying power caused the surrounding world to be entangled in two incomparable energies. Let alone breaking the siege, even if he wanted to take a step, it became extremely difficult.

I can only watch this scene helplessly.

Even Immortal Eternal, there is a trace of unwillingness in his eyes at this moment, because once Fang Yi is killed, for him, everything will be shattered.

The Eternal Sword fell into the hands of two Dao Yae, how could he get it back?

Otherwise, in Fang Yi's hands, there may be a glimmer of hope.

But in the situation before him, Fang Yi was sure to die.


Everyone understands that Fang Yi is already a dead man, a Dao Sanzhong, in the hands of two Dao Yazhong, there is no possibility of surviving, not even Fang Yi.

The fact is the same. Although Fang Yi is powerful, there is undoubtedly a huge gap between Fang Yi and Dao Yae.

Not to mention the two Dao Yae.

Of course, if these two Dao Yazhongs work together, Fang Yi will naturally not have a chance.

But obviously, they are not, so Fang Yi may not be dead when he arrives.

His eyes turned cold, and the terrifying aura in his body also erupted. The black and white aura rushed into the sky, accompanied by the sound of dragon chant, facing such two strong men, how dare he be careless, the energy in his body is not Don't hold back at all, go out with all your strength.

One black and one white, the two domineering auras are like two real dragons, soaring in the sky and the earth.

At the same time, he greeted the two giant palms.

It's just a pity that this attack is powerful, but it is still much weaker than the attacks of the two Dao Yae.

Fortunately, the monk Kongming and King Dapeng fought each other head-to-head.

The horrific attacks of the two were entangled with each other, giving Fang Yi a chance to breathe. The attacks of the two were not so much coming towards Fang Yi as they were going towards each other. It must not be something Fang Yi can bear.

And even so, the two real dragons, one black and one white, also burst into pieces as if struck by lightning.

Fang Yi's figure also flew upside down.

too strong!

Is this the power of the Eightfold Dao?

At this moment, Fang Yi's heart felt as if a huge wave was set off. He had long understood that the eight layers of the Dao were extraordinary, but it was only when he really met that he realized it deeply.

That feeling, as if facing an unshakable mountain, makes people unconsciously feel small.

As much as he was shocked, so was the crowd.

But what shocked them was not the two strong men with the eighth level of the Dao, but Fang Yi was able to survive under this blow, and he was fine, and it seemed that there was no serious problem.

This simply made them unbelievable, and their eyes were filled with disbelief.

Not to mention them, Dapeng Mingwang was startled.

"Interesting! No wonder it can make Da Leiyin Temple suffer a lot. It seems that this king has underestimated you."

King Dapeng Ming had a playful look on his face.

The monk Kongming was furious, as if sparks were about to be erupted from his pupils, and the Buddha's light around him surged again, as majestic as a prison.


Seeing this situation, Fang Yi knew that if he did not withdraw, the consequences would be unpredictable.

However, facing such two strong men, is it so easy to withdraw?No less than ascending to the sky.

But, you have to try.

Thinking that the Sword of Eternity can affect the guardian energy in the Dragon Palace, maybe this is his only chance. Immediately, with a thought in his mind, the four Swords of Eternity soared into the sky.

Because he has also comprehended the way of eternity, although it is not deep, he can control the sword of eternity freely.

Swipe! !

Immediately, four extremely bright sword lights pierced into the sky.

Seeing this scene, Eternal Immortal Lord couldn't help but twitch violently at the corner of his mouth. It was all his sword, but now, it fell into the hands of someone else, and he was manipulated freely by the other party. How could he bear it.

However, what made him even more unexpected was yet to come.

brush! !

The fifth radiant sword light shot up into the sky again, just like the previous four, suddenly it was the fifth eternal sword.

"No! How is this possible? The fifth Eternal Sword is in his hand?"

Eternal Immortal Lord felt that he was slapped severely.

I have worked so hard to get the fifth eternal sword, but now I realize that all the hard work I have been studying is useless, and I even make wedding dresses for others. One can imagine the depression in my heart.

A mouthful of blood couldn't help gushing out.

The gazes of King Dapeng Ming and Divine Monk Kong Ming also changed, and they gathered the five eternal swords together. Even they couldn't help feeling a bit of greed in their hearts.

If it was one or several eternal swords, with their strength, maybe it would not be too much.

But five handles, the meaning is completely different.

Because that means a complete eternal road, and the meaning of eternity is controlled by Canglong, one of the three true dragons. Its power is self-evident, how can the two not be moved.

Just when the eyes of the two became extremely bright, they were about to make a move.

Buzz! !

There was a roaring sound, and the five eternal swords began to be arranged in a strange way, and the five sword lights interweaved with each other, outlining an extremely complicated and mysterious pattern.

There seems to be a real dragon roaring in the pattern, which coincides with the sky and the earth.

This huge space seems to be under its control.

Do not!Not as if.

is really under its control.

At that moment, Fang Yi suddenly had a certain realization that he could control this space at will, and everything was under his control.

Do not!To be precise, it is not the so-called thing, but the people present.

As if... By the way, the entire Dragon Palace, the entire Dragon Palace is under his control, he can even see everything about the entire Dragon Palace, and where the exit of the Dragon Palace is.

The five eternal swords seem to not only contain the way of eternity, but also the key to control the entire Dragon Palace.

Boom! !

At the same time, the huge Dragon Palace also trembled violently, as if it had completely awakened.

King Dapeng Ming and Divine Monk Kongming clearly sensed something, both of them had disbelief on their faces, and the next moment, they both shot at the same time, as if they both knew that it would be too late if they didn't make a move.

boom!boom! !

Immediately, two terrifying attacks swept over, utterly horrified.

However, Fang Yi's face could no longer see much fluctuation, but instead showed a hint of sarcasm.


(End of this chapter)

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