Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3583 Big Dream Astrolabe

Chapter 3583 Big Dream Astrolabe


The huge crowd looked at this scene in horror, full of inconceivability, the roulette was too bright and domineering, it turned slightly, and everything in the world seemed to be moved by it.

Everything seems to be drawn by him and at his mercy.

The horrific blow of the blood ancestor was no exception. Under its pull, he would repeatedly lose control.

"How could this be?"

Blazing Blood Patriarch seemed to have seen a ghost, his face was full of disbelief.

He has never been so passive like this moment. The roulette wheel is like an endless abyss, pulling his strength, making him trapped in it and unable to extricate himself.

An extremely dangerous breath followed.

How many years!

He can't remember clearly, this feeling has long since disappeared from his memory, but now it reappears.

And it was felt by a martial artist with a third level of avenue, which was simply unacceptable to him.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible, just who is it?"

The blazing blood patriarch's eyes became like a wolf, as if he was going to swallow Fang Yi alive. Fang Yi's strength obviously made him extremely suspicious. How could it be possible for a mere Dao Sanzhong to be so powerful?

This is simply impossible and breaks all the rules.

Therefore, he became curious about Fang Yi's identity, which super power was able to turn around and be reborn, or maybe it was other reasons. In short, he couldn't accept everything in front of him.

Even if he is like this, it is conceivable that the other people around him all seem to have seen a ghost.

In fact, Fang Yi is not.

At this moment, he didn't move at all. Those blue runes just gushed out of his body, which had nothing to do with him, and naturally they would not be under his control.

It's just that because the hidden function of the water temple is too powerful, outsiders have no way of knowing it, and mistakenly think that everything is his means.

But in fact, he was extremely shocked in his heart, shocked by Fengshenmeng's method.

Even Dao Yae was so shocked that she didn't even need to show her face. It is conceivable, then, what level of her real strength has reached?

At this moment, Fang Yi only felt that the distance between himself and Fengshenmeng was getting farther and farther.

Not only cultivation, but also others.

Boom! !

The world was in turmoil, as if the sky was turned upside down, and the terrifying power annihilated everything in the world.

The terrifying giant palm and the roulette collided together in an instant, and the endless air waves exploded wantonly, causing the huge world to collapse instantly, and everything sank.

The crowd watching all around, some of them weak, didn't even have time to react, they were engulfed by the aftermath and turned into countless fragments, blood mist filled the sky, what a tragic scene.

All kinds of desperate voices followed, like an endless hell.

The entire world was completely covered by the blast, and everything became invisible, only the shocking noise and roaring waves.

It wasn't until all the dust settled that everything around him reappeared in front of his eyes.

The crowd looked up and watched.

Fang Yi's domineering figure appeared in everyone's sight for the first time. He stood in place, as if he hadn't moved halfway from the beginning to the end, like a giant standing upright.

"Is he all right?"

The crowd couldn't be more shocked, they looked at each other, and saw the deep shock in each other's eyes.

In contrast, Ao Xue and the others were naturally overjoyed.

Fang Yi is fine, this is undoubtedly great news for them, even the Great Elder of the Dragon Clan is no exception, but... When he was happy, his eyes became a little complicated, Fang Yi was so powerful, This made them all a little at a loss.

Even Ao Xue is the same.

However, Ao Xue knew Fang Yi better than other people.

He had never seen Fang Yi display this blue rune before, so he couldn't help feeling a little suspicious in his heart.

"No! This is absolutely impossible!!"

On the other side, the Patriarch Blazing Blood, who was facing Fang Yi far away, also appeared in front of everyone at this moment. His face was slightly pale, and his expression was filled with disbelief, as if he had seen a ghost.

It's no wonder that, as a Dao Yae, fighting with a Dao Sane, he was slightly lower, how could he accept it.

As if he had received the greatest humiliation in his life, the anger in his heart could not help erupting.

The teeth seemed to be crushed.

Fang Yi didn't reply.

What should I say?Is it nothing more than that to say that the Dao Yae?Would it be too much to beat?In case Fengshenmeng stopped, it would be a big game, so he remained silent with no emotion on his face.

But the more so, the more majestic he feels.

Seeing the eyes of the people looking at him, he became extremely fearful.


Blazing Blood Patriarch is naturally an exception. At this moment, his heart is burning with anger, and he can't wait to tear Fang Yi into pieces. No matter how much he manages, the terrifying divine power is no longer reserved, and erupts in an instant.

Immediately, the world beyond nine days was in turmoil, as if it was about to collapse completely.

Fortunately, this is the sea of ​​Kunlun, and the space is stable.

If this was changed to other places such as the Shenmo Mountain, I am afraid that it would not be able to withstand such a terrifying power, and it would collapse directly.

Just kidding, Dao Yae's angry blow can be imagined.

Fang Yi also felt a little guilty, and his heart was pounding.

With his strength, he is not strong enough to face this blow. If he goes forward forcefully, he will definitely die.

Subconsciously, he almost ran away, but remembering the Fengshenmeng behind him, he gritted his teeth and persisted. Although the Fengshenmeng was no longer the Fengshenmeng, Fang Yi said that nothing had changed.

The same goes for his trust in Fengshen Meng.

Therefore, his face was expressionless, and he still stood where he was, without retreating half a point.

Fortunately, the endless blue runes did not disappoint him. The next moment, more vast runes poured in, like a blue ocean, and the huge roulette became clearer and more solid. Emerging from it, he roared to the sky, exuding unparalleled power.

Above the nine heavens, countless starlights were greatly moved, and the starlight was scattered like a galaxy pouring down.

It's the big dream astrolabe! !

Fang Yi naturally recognized the roulette at a glance. The difference is that the Dream Astrolabe is no longer what it used to be. From it, Fang Yi can feel the strong power of cause and effect.

Trapped in it, even the soul seems to be involved.

Fortunately, that force was not aimed at him.

But Patriarch Blazing Blood was different, his pupils changed drastically, and a hint of fear appeared in his old eyes.

yes!Facing this incomparably bright dream astrolabe, he felt fear for the first time.

Feel life threatened.

What an incredible thing this is for a Dao Yae powerhouse.

So much so that he retreated so violently that he didn't dare to confront the Great Dream Astrolabe head-on. Unfortunately, the Great Dream Astrolabe had already enveloped the surrounding area, like a millstone that crushed the world, crushing everything.

Press away with an unrivaled posture.


(End of this chapter)

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