Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3595 Enchantment

Chapter 3595 Enchantment

The Great Dream Barrier is located in the endless void at the junction of the Changsheng Wonderland and the Yuqing Wonderland.

The void here is obviously different from other places.

Because here is a piece of blue.

And there is a faint trace of strange energy fluctuations, as if they can erode people's souls.

"What a weird energy fluctuation."

Fang Yi looked down at the huge void, his eyes became a little deep, as if he wanted to penetrate the entire void completely.

"Not bad!"

Ao Xue also nodded, "It is said that this place was not like this before, because after the great war, it became like this. This huge void is completely covered by a blue sky, and the world calls it the Great Dream Knot. boundary."


This is the Great Dream Formation?

Fang Yi frowned when he heard this.

When it comes to the understanding of Fengshenmeng, obviously no one knows better than him.

However, there is obviously a gap between Fengshenmeng and Dameng Xianzun. Although the two are essentially the same person, Fang Yi said that the Fengshenmeng he understands is just the former Fengshenmeng, a relatively weak Fengshenmeng. World, he is also unheard of.

However, this blue sky has something in common with Fengshenmeng's inner world.

However, in comparison, Fengshenmeng's inner world is undoubtedly much smaller.

But this world is vast and boundless, and Fang Yi is completely confused.

"It doesn't look like anything special, why is this place one of Kunlun's dangerous places? One of the secret places explored by the world?" Fang Yi asked puzzled.

From the current point of view, there is nothing special about this blue space, except for the color.

But that doesn't say anything.

"Because it's weird!"

Ao Xue pondered for a while before replying, "Although the Great Dream Barrier looks ordinary, anyone who enters it is like dreaming, and when they come out, they are also in a daze, just like a dream, and, Everything that happened inside will slowly fade into memory like a dream.”

"To put it simply, the dream is extremely clear, but after waking up, everything will be gradually forgotten. The longer the time, the clearer the forgetting will be."

And such a thing?

There was no trace of surprise on Fang Yi's face.

The dream is indeed like this, but cultivators are different from ordinary people. Their souls are powerful, and their memories will not fade away easily, let alone fade away slowly. If there are powerful people who forcibly erase their memories, it’s okay Explain a little.

And this kind of memory that slowly disappears little by little is extremely incredible.

"Other than that, no one is sure whether the Great Dream Barrier is in this space." Ao Xue said surprisingly.

Fang Yi couldn't help but change his expression, and asked, "What do you mean?"

Are you not sure in this space?

Then why did I come here?

Or what is the purpose of those countless strong men pouring into this area?

Fang Yi was puzzled.

Ao Xue seemed to be the same, and said, "Because many people entered the Great Dream Barrier and did not enter from here, nor did they come out from here."

"Many people, thousands of miles away, have inexplicably entered the Great Dream Barrier. After waking up, they are also thousands of miles away. There are even legends that someone was once imprisoned in a certain place of death, but inexplicably Appeared in the Great Dream Formation."

"To put it simply, the Great Dream Barrier is like another world, the world of dreams. There are not only entrances to this world, there may be many more. Some people even suspect that everyone's dreams are entrances."

what! !

Hearing this, Fang Yi could no longer calm down, and his eyes were full of strange light.

Everyone's dreams are entrances?

Is this too scary?

In other words, isn't Fengshen Meng able to enter other people's dreams at will?Or drag others into your own dream world?If so?How terrifying would that be?

Is it because of this that Great Dream Immortal Venerable is famous?

"However, this is just a legend. Whether it is true or not is unknown, but the weirdness of this space is real."

"Moreover, people who enter the Great Dream Barrier will die in the form of their souls being wiped out, and their bodies floating in this void. If they enter a little more, they can see that there are many corpses floating in this space, all of them The strong who fell in it."

"Their souls were wiped out, without any injuries on the surface, and became empty shells."

As Ao Xue said, there was still a hint of fear on his face.

It is conceivable that it can make him afraid.

Fang Yi also frowned slightly. His soul was wiped out, but his body was not harmed.

It is nothing more than the soul entering the spiritual world and being completely obliterated.

Could it be that the so-called Great Dream Barrier is the spiritual world of the Great Dream Immortal?

No, the Dao of Dreams was originally a realm of illusion. Using the rules of dreams to outline an illusory space to wipe out these people is not difficult to understand.

It's just that Great Dream Immortal Venerable has already been reincarnated, how could it be...

never mind!Let's have a look first!

They come, the security.

Immediately, the two quickly headed towards the depths of the blue space.

All around, the same crowds could be seen pouring in from time to time. Strictly speaking, along the way, the two of them had encountered countless crowds, and everyone wanted to find out.

"Look! Sure enough, there is a corpse."

At this time, in the blue space ahead, one after another floating figures appeared in sight, and they were suddenly corpses without any fluctuation of soul.

Fang Yi sensed one by one, and his face became a little dignified.

Everything is just as Ao Xue said.

These people have no external injuries, but their souls have long since disappeared, and there are so many of them. From a distance, one by one black spots densely cover the space, which is weird and makes people feel chills down their spines.

"It seems that we are late, and many people have already entered the Great Dream Barrier."

Ao Xue looked at these floating corpses, his expression became a little stiff, and he couldn't tell whether it was regret or fear.

With so many corpses, it is obvious that a large number of strong people have entered the Great Dream Barrier.

It's just a pity that they all turned into cold corpses in the end.

The same is true for Fang Yi, but in comparison, he is undoubtedly more worried about the safety of Fengshenmeng, even though he knows that Fengshenmeng has far exceeded his expectations.


Surrounded by warriors who also poured into the Great Dream Barrier, seeing the corpses, their eyes suddenly became extremely hot.

yes!The purpose of these influx of cultivators is not all for the Great Dream Barrier itself, but more because of these floating corpses, because these corpses mean endless wealth.

Everything about them is waiting for successors to inherit.

It is precisely because of this that there is a steady stream of warriors pouring into the Great Dream Barrier.


(End of this chapter)

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