Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3599 Dreamworld

Chapter 3599 Dreamworld

"The Immortal King of Town!"

Seeing the man in the red cloak, the Blood Emperor of Beiming blurted out, his eyes filled with disbelief.

The same is true for the ancestor of Blazing Blood, his face darkened instantly.

"Heh! Old Monster Blazing Blood, you're here too!"

The Taixu Fairyland group obviously noticed everyone at this moment, a sharp light flashed in the eyes of the Immortal King of Zhenyu, and a chill came from the corner of his mouth.

"The sky is big and the earth is big, where is the old man not allowed to go?"

Blazing Blood Patriarch looked unkind, and sneered again and again.

It can be seen that there seems to be a mismatch between the two.

Not surprisingly, Kunlun and Canghai have always been tense, and these leaders from all sides naturally felt impulsive. Jinling Zhanxian did not dare to be too presumptuous when diving into Canghai. Similarly, Xuehai and his party entered Kunlun with caution.

Of course, compared to Jinling Zhanxian, Chixue Patriarch is undoubtedly much stronger, so he didn't care too much, but his expression became a little ugly.

"What a big breath!"

The Immortal King of Zhenyu sneered, and his bright eyes narrowed slightly, shooting out a frightening light.

"I entered the sea from Taixu Wonderland, and your blood sea obstructed me in every possible way. Today, when you enter Kunlun, have you ever thought about what you will face?"

The Immortal King of Zhenyu sneered again and again, and as he spoke, the aura around him swept out like a storm.

It made the surrounding space rumble.

The silver-armored soldiers and the Golden Spirit Warrior Immortal behind him are also full of fighting spirit. In the sea, especially in the sea of ​​blood, these people are always involved by the blood clan. Now that they have come to Kunlun, they naturally want to find this place. , each of them seemed a little impatient.

"Stop talking nonsense, old thief in the town, if you want to fight, I will still be afraid of you!"

The Blazing Blood Patriarch snarled.

The situation in front of him is inevitable, no matter whether it is the pride of the blood race or himself, the group of people are not allowed to back down, and the strength of the two sides is equal, so there is no reason for them to back down, so...

"That's right! Then the king will come to learn about it."

boom! !

As he said that, the Immortal King Zhenyu took a big step, and a terrifying aura erupted instantly, like an erupting volcano.

The Nine Heavens Wind and Cloud surged for it, and the whole world was completely shrouded in a terrifying cloud in an instant, as if the end was approaching.

The original azure space became pitch black at this moment, filled with the breath of death.

"Humph! I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

The blazing blood patriarch's eyes turned cold, and he also stepped out. The surging blood energy was like a boiling sea of ​​blood, and instantly intertwined with the aura of the Immortal King of Zhenyu, causing this huge space to burst apart in an instant. The block collapsed, terrifying to the extreme.

Down below, the crowd who were fighting fiercely for those corpses all stopped at this moment, looking at the sky in horror.

But it's a pity that before they could react, that terrifying aura came in an instant.

Countless people were involved and turned into ashes.

From beginning to end, without even knowing what happened, countless people fell.

The scene was extremely tragic, filled with the breath of blood and death, making the huge space seem like an endless hell.

"Kill kill kill!!"

At the same time, Jinling Zhanxian and Beiming Blood Emperor also shot at the same time, and the soldiers behind them entered the battlefield together. The originally chaotic scene became even more chaotic because of the joining of the two major forces. .

All kinds of killing cries and desperate howls can be heard endlessly.

The bloody picture makes people shudder.

Not only here, but also in countless blue spaces, similar scenes are being staged.

All kinds of tragic battles are frightening.

However, what is even more strange is that in the outer space, just entering the blue void not far from the Great Dream Barrier, cold corpses appeared out of thin air. Without exception, they had no scars on the surface, but their souls They have all been annihilated, completely turned into an empty shell, just floating quietly in the void, extremely strange.

If the Blood Emperor of Beiming was here at this moment, he would be surprised to find that among those floating corpses, there were many blood disciples, and those blood disciples had clearly followed him before, following him and the strong men from the Taixu Wonderland. In the end, he fell into the great battle, but the corpse appeared here inexplicably.

It's just a pity that at this moment, he is inseparable from Jin Ling Zhanxian, and he can't understand everything in the outside world at all.

Don't say it's him, why not the Blazing Blood Patriarch.

Strictly speaking, everyone who broke into the Great Dream Barrier at this moment is the same. They seem to be trapped in a certain cage, knowing nothing about everything here, only knowing endless killing, never-ending kill.

In contrast, Fang Yi and Ao Xue in another space are so peaceful.

At this moment, under Fang Yi's body, the golden lotus platform is extremely bright. Although it is still a ninth-grade lotus platform, it is not as bright as before. The dazzling light makes people unable to open their eyes. The true god, supreme.

The Buddha's voice lingered and became more and more prosperous, and countless bright Sanskrit words circulated around him.

Incomparably mysterious.

yes!At this moment Fang Yi is not only absorbing this majestic soul power, but also comprehending the three scriptures.

The past sutra, the present sutra, and the future sutra, the three major scriptures are the supreme secret method of Daleiyin Temple, and they are all secret methods related to the way of the soul. Get twice the result with half the effort.

Moreover, Hua Lian'er's situation can't wait any longer.

So... Fang Yi didn't care about where this place was and what was waiting for him. He only knew that this was an excellent opportunity, and if he missed it, it would be difficult to meet again.

Numerous Sanskrit texts of the three major scriptures circulated in his sea of ​​consciousness, like inscriptions on the Dao, containing the truth of the Dao.

Because he has comprehended the way of rebirth, Fang Yi has the fastest comprehension of the past.

Those inscriptions circulated in his mind like beacons leading the way. He was puzzled about the way to the past, but at this moment, he suddenly felt enlightened.

As a result, the golden lotus platform under him also became brighter and brighter.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the three-color celestial infant is also shining brightly.

Not only that, but the half piece of lotus leaf of the virtuous golden lotus that had disappeared originally also appeared faintly at this moment, exuding an incomparably sacred aura.

The light penetrated through the body, making Fang Yi like a supreme god.

Seeing this scene, Ao Xue's pupils couldn't help but brighten up, with a hint of ready to move, excited?Shock?

Even above the endless void, at the highest point of the blue space, Fengshen Meng's bright eyes couldn't help opening, passed through the endless layered space, and finally landed on Fang Yi's body, revealing a trace of inexplicable smell.

After a long time, she withdrew her gaze and turned to the countless layers of space.

His eyes also became sharper and colder.


(End of this chapter)

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