Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3627 The Broken World

Chapter 3627 The Broken World

Hearing Fang Yi's words, Mo Tong's eyes lit up first, but then, he frowned slightly.

It is not an easy task to collect the World-Mietering Black Lotus.

In fact, he doesn't even know what Mieshi Heilian looks like, so how can he collect it?

However, even if it cannot be collected, it is good to be able to absorb some Shimo Origin Qi, just like the other party.

However, in this case, he naturally couldn't tell Fang Yi.

Otherwise, everything will be ruined.

"This one……"

He pondered for a while, thinking about how to answer, and finally said: "The Black Lotus of Mieshi is the thing of the first demon. I am afraid that no one dares to say that it can be collected. If there is a way, I am afraid it will be recorded in the demon clan."

He didn't dare to say that he was sure of it, and Fang Yi didn't think it was easy to fool.

For such a person, rather than fooling around, it is better to take it slowly.

Introduce the other party to the Demon Race first, and then discuss it in the long run. Moreover, only this statement can be convincing.

Sure enough, seeing Fang Yi's eyes light up, Motong couldn't help showing a knowing smile at the corner of his mouth.


Fang Yi nodded, and took a playful look at the magic pupil. What is the other party's mind, his heart is like a mirror, but the other party's words are correct. I am afraid that only the demons know about the method of collecting the world-killing black lotus. , and it's still those high-level demons, or maybe some classics of the demons.

In this way, it is really necessary to go to the Demon Race.

also good!There is nothing left and right, so why not take this trip, maybe you can really gain something?

As for worrying about the magic pupil cheating.

forget it!Fang Yi really didn't worry too much. First, relying on his own strength, Fang Yi already has the confidence to protect himself in any situation. Second, Mo Tong is not so stupid. He will definitely not tell others, and it is foolish to want to deal with Fang Yi on his own.

His only choice is to cooperate with Fang Yi, maybe he can get some benefits.

Otherwise, after finding the destination, take Fang Yi.

Of course, that depends on whether he has the ability.

So Fang Yi was not worried at all.

Not only was he not worried, but he also knew that Motong would definitely treat him as a guest of honor and treat him with courtesy.

"Then it's settled! You and I will go back to Shimozu, investigate the situation, and work together to collect the World-Mietering Black Lotus!" Fang Yi said lightly, with a look of winning.

as predicted!

Mo Tong was overjoyed immediately, and a fiery light flashed in his eyes.

"It's easy to say!" He smiled, and his attitude was completely different from before. People who didn't know thought he had a good relationship with Fang Yi.

A group of strong demons obviously also noticed the change between the two, with doubts on their faces.

The two ignored it directly, and exchanged a few pleasantries, as if they were friends who hadn't seen each other for many years.

"So when do we set off?"

Nothing happened, Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

Hua Lian'er's matter can be resolved one day sooner, it is undoubtedly the best, after all, it is a big stone in his heart, and, after collecting the black lotus of the world, the red lotus of the fire is also a big trouble, so it should be sooner rather than later.

Mo Tong had some doubts at first, wondering if Fang Yi really knew the whereabouts of Mie Shi Hei Lian.

Naturally, he would not believe Fang Yi's casual words.

It's just that there is no harm to him. As long as Fang Yi is introduced to the Demon Race, won't he be the one who decides at that time?

But Fang Yi's eagerness made him more convinced of this.

Otherwise, who would be in a hurry to die?

To enter the demon clan, isn't that the same as death for ordinary people?Fang Yi's eagerness further proves the credibility of the news.

"Not urgent!"

Mo Tong shook his head, "The Great Dream Barrier is making such a fuss, and the original power has not yet been discovered, so it's a pity to leave like this, or it will arouse suspicion, so..."

It has to be said that Mo Tong is extremely thoughtful.

Of course, it was also because of greed that he never forgot the so-called original power in the Great Dream Barrier.

Just leave like this, somewhat unwilling.

As for the Mieshi Heilian, as long as Fang Yi is pulled, it's never too late.

The most important thing is that even if he went to the Demon Race, he didn't know where to find a way to collect the World-Mietering Black Lotus. what.

This is the magic pupil's plan.

Although Fang Yi didn't know it very well, he didn't pay too much attention to it.

Mo Tong's words still make some sense, and leaving at this time really arouses suspicion.

Mo Tong can still withstand the detection of those hidden bosses, but not necessarily himself, once the truth is revealed, the consequences will be disastrous.

Staying here for the time being might as well be a solution. Anyway, with the cover of the demons, everything is easy to talk about.

Ok, deal!

Immediately, Fang Yi mingled with Motong and others. Of course, he was also a demon himself, and his terrifying demonic energy would not make anyone suspect.

"By the way! Brother Yi, why did you come here alone?"

The two gradually got acquainted and reported their names to each other, and the name Yi Feng came in handy again.

"Fellow daoists, I am preparing to go to the Demon Race, with the intention of secretly inquiring about the World-Mietering Black Lotus. After hearing about the Great Dream Barrier, I turned around to take a look."

Fang Yi was talking nonsense, but his face was full of sincerity.

The magic pupils all showed such an expression.

Perhaps after hearing these words, he was relieved just now, and he was relieved why Fang Yi would cooperate with him, and they hit it off immediately.

Feelings, the other party originally had such thoughts.

It's just that if one person wants to find something in the Demon Race, although it's not completely impossible, I'm afraid it's very slim. It's different when you cooperate with yourself, and the possibility is undoubtedly greater.

This is the real purpose of the other party.

In this way, the matter of the exterminating black lotus is even more credible.

According to Fang Yi, Fang Yi is a demon clan from other regions, not a demon clan. There is no need to prove this point, Fang Yi's demonic energy is enough to explain everything.

In this way, cooperating with yourself becomes the best choice, so...

Obviously, Mo Tong was relieved.

"That's right! What's going on with this dream enchantment? What kind of original power? Is there something to talk about here?"

After a pause, Fang Yi asked again.

He knows a little about the Great Dream Barrier, and the only thing he knows is hearsay.

As for the original power, I have never heard of it.

"You are not from Kunlun, so it's not surprising that you don't know. Let me tell you, this Great Dream Immortal is a remarkable figure. He ruled the world 10 years ago and crossed the Three Realms."

"As for this dream enchantment, it is said that it is the world she condenses."


Hearing Motong's words, Fang Yi was stunned.

Fengshenmeng actually condensed the world?Do not!Strictly speaking, it is the Great Dream Immortal Venerable, but she actually condensed the world?Then how come...

"It's just a pity, this is a broken world."


(End of this chapter)

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