Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 100 Have to go to Dongcheng

Chapter 100 Have to go to Dongcheng

"Dancer" is a new concept holographic online game jointly developed by Joe's game company and technology company.

Equipped with the latest holographic online game equipment.

It stands to reason that Qiao's is the only one with this technology in China.

"Yes, the plagiarized one is "Dancer".

The other party was a small company, and they plagiarized more than half of the dancer's ideas and made a rough mobile game.

It's nothing compared to our project.

But that's it, they released it before we did, and it's going to have a big impact on Dancer. "

Shi Bo was also surprised, since this small company could get the idea of ​​"Dancer", why didn't they make such a rough mobile game.

It's simply a waste of money.

It doesn't feel simple behind this.

Why did the other party feel like they were tripping "The Dancer" and disgusted them, Qiao Shi?

"I see, I'm going back to the company now.

Inform the legal department that all the main creators and related personnel involved in the game project, as well as all the senior executives of the technology company, will come to the head office for a meeting within 10 minutes. "

Qiao Muqing hung up the phone and asked the driver, Xiao Chen, to transfer to Dongcheng.

This is the way to head office.

Even if there is a traffic jam, you have to go.

Apart from problems with the project, Qiao Muqing couldn't rest.

He turned on the computer and called up the project information of "Dancer", and also found the newly launched mobile game that plagiarized the idea.


Suddenly, the car body turned in a sharp direction and hit the lamp post of the viaduct.


Qiao Muqing stabilized her body and was about to ask what happened.

The front windshield was cracked, and the driver, Xiao Chen, was knocked unconscious on the steering wheel.

Three bangs followed immediately behind the car.boom!boom! "

Qiao Muqing looked back and saw a heavy truck collided head-on with the three cars behind, the scene was a bit scary.

He instantly understood that Xiao Chen must be avoiding the oncoming heavy truck when he turned in a hurry just now.

If it wasn't for Xiao Chen's professional training, he would be more prepared to deal with such emergencies.

And the car Qiao Muqing was riding in was also good in safety.

It was their car that was the first to bear the brunt of the impact of that heavy truck.

The consequences would be unimaginable.

When he asked the driver to go south, nothing happened. Not long after he got on the Dongcheng Highway, there was such a big accident.

Although, Qiao Muqing had encountered many troubles, big and small, before.

But this is the first time that such a serious serial crash has occurred.

At present, the driver is injured and he is fine, so this is considered lucky, right?

At this moment, Qiao Muqing suddenly remembered what Su Tianxin said before.

"Don't go east, it's easy to get blocked."

How is it so coincidental?

Could it be that Su Tianxin has the ability not necessarily to be a prophet?

As soon as this idea popped up, Qiao Muqing quickly stopped.

He felt that he was really crazy, and such thoughts could come out.

Call the police first and deal with the immediate accident.


"Tut duk duk...

How are the people inside?

We are the police..."

The traffic police came quickly.

There was a five-vehicle accident on the elevated road, and it was still in the evening rush hour.

Not only the wounded need to be sent to the hospital for treatment in time, but also the traffic needs to be diverted as soon as possible to avoid more accidents.

The firemen, ambulancemen, and traffic police, after a flurry, finally took the other wounded from the accident vehicle to the ambulance.

Fortunately, Qiao Muqing called the police in time, and all forces were mobilized relatively quickly.

In such a big accident, only one person was seriously injured and comatose, and the others are not life-threatening for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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