Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 1002 Was Discovered

Chapter 1002 Was Discovered
Su Tianxin looked at the natal orb that Su Hai took out, and then thought about the soul orb she helped Richard get back before.

Thinking about the treasure space bag that I can suddenly use, well, it seems that everyone has some secret and advanced magic weapons overnight.

She didn't seem to be able to pursue this matter, after all, she couldn't explain her own affairs.

Who doesn't have a little secret? Even if there is a little secret between partners, as long as it doesn't affect everyone's safety and interests, there is a secret.

Su Tianxin couldn't tell whether she was comforting herself or a little guilty, so she didn't ask too much about this matter, as long as Su Hai could ensure that its transformation would not be exposed by others, that would be enough.

"Two hours is a bit tight, but I will come back as soon as possible, you have to persevere."

Although Su Tianxin believed in Shanghai's ability, she still quietly went out after a warning.

When you go out of the palace, you can't go out in a big way, not only will you be seen by your parents, but also by the guards.

Su Tianxin used an invisibility method, this invisibility method can only deceive the eyes of ordinary people, if she really meets a magician who knows magic or another vampire, she will be seen, so she tries to walk close to the wall He walked to a place where no one was around, and quickly left the palace.

Su Tian thought that he had fooled everyone, and left a double who was very similar to him in the palace so no one would find out for the time being.

But what he didn't expect was that Qiao Muqing saw him when he came out of the room.

Although she used the invisibility method later, the person who was fine just now disappeared suddenly when she went out, how could Qiao Muqing not doubt it?
At that moment, he became anxious, thinking whether Su Tianxin was suddenly taken away by someone.

After all, he almost experienced danger once before, and he knew that Su Tianxin or himself might get into some troubles. When he came out this time, he was also mentally prepared, but he didn't expect to encounter them so soon.

He went around around Su Tianxin's room, but he couldn't find any trace of Su Tianxin. He hesitated whether to tell Su's family about it.

He thought about going to Su Tianxin's room first to see if there was any message left, but he didn't expect to meet another Su Tianxin.

Could it be that he was dazzled just now?How could he stay in the room when he obviously disappeared in front of his eyes?
Qiao Muqing didn't dare to be careless, fearing that it was a cover-up left by the person who took Su Tianxin away.

He thought about it, and told Su Tianxin something about his childhood, something that Su Tianxin probably wouldn't care too much about, but he still remembered.

He intentionally misspoken a few impressive details of this matter, just to see if Su Tianxin was still himself.

Sure enough, the other party didn't have the slightest impression of this matter, and it looked like a counterfeit at first glance, but this counterfeit still pretended to be quite similar, for example, some of Tian Xin's usual small unconscious movements could be seen on her body.

Qiao Muqing was shocked to see it, and his heart became more and more uneasy.

Now that it has been confirmed that Su Tianxin in front of him is not the real him, then Qiao Muqing can't sit still and must find out Su Tianxin's whereabouts as soon as possible and keep her safe.

"Who the hell are you? Where did Tian Xin go?"

Qiao Muqing didn't hesitate to ask the other party directly.

Su Hai was taken aback by this question.

"I'm Tianxin."

(End of this chapter)

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