A few people followed the captain of the guard and came directly outside the queen's residence. Now all the magicians who were invited are here, and I heard that the Su family is also here.

"my family……"

Su Tianxin couldn't feel the breath of her family at all, and the spiritual power she released didn't respond at all, she was a little scared.

"It's okay, they are only temporarily comatose and under control, and their lives are safe for the time being."

Qiao Muqing whispered to her.

Su Tian nodded heartily and didn't get distracted any more. Now she and Qiao Muqing will work together to deal with the vampire. Only by solving the fundamental problem can the Su family and more people be saved.

"People from outside come in."

A gloomy voice came from the queen's residence, making people very uncomfortable, "This voice makes me feel a little sick, could it be a vampire?"

Fran said bluntly.

"Presumptuous!" With a bang, the door in front of Fran exploded and scattered countless sawdust. A cloud of black mist rushed towards him. Qiao Muqing pulled him past to escape the attack of the black mist. Then I saw the cloud of black mist blowing out a deep black pit where Fran was standing just now.

Fran stepped forward and saw that the pit could no longer be called a pit, it should be called a hole, about tens of meters deep, he gasped and thanked Qiao Muqing: "Thank you, it's so dangerous."

"You're welcome, it's just a trick."

Others looked at the black mist with terrifying power, but in Qiao Muqing's eyes, it was really a trivial skill.After all, the opponent's methods are not enough in front of Shen Qi.

"You are finally here."

It seems that they are really waiting for Qiao Muqing and the others.

"There is no need to hide the head and the tail, since it is waiting for us to release the others."

With a light wave of Qiao Muqing's hand, the door to the queen's room disappeared immediately, and the wall next to it also disappeared. Now the room became a hall, and the situation inside was unobstructed.

The captain of the guard thought he was dazzled, was this a hallucination?really?Who can tell him how the wall and door disappeared?
I had expected that my three views would be completely destroyed today, but I didn't expect it to collapse so completely.

"Mom, dad, brother!" After the door and the wall were gone, the three Su family members who were held hostage in the room were instantly exposed. Su Tian wanted to go forward to check their situation, but was stopped by Qiao Muqing.


Sure enough, in the next second, an attack with poisonous smoke was approaching Su Tianxin. She was about to raise her hand to block it, but Qiao Muqing had already blocked it.

"what is this……"

The fact that the two of them have strong spiritual power is naturally nothing to them, but Fran and the captain of the guard who stood aside were indeed tricked.

Fran could barely spit out a few words before falling down. The guard captain passed out before he could react at all.

Looking back, none of the magicians who stood aside and tried to open the door to rescue the queen just now were spared.In an instant, it became Qiao Muqing, Su Tianxin and the vampire against each other. This scene was surprisingly strange.

"Now that the person I'm waiting for has arrived, those noisy bedbugs can be quiet." The vampire, who seemed very satisfied with his current situation, said something.

"Pretend as if that's the case."

Su Tian was speechless, although the fallen people couldn't help much, but it would be very troublesome to save them.If this vampire feels noisy, he can just say so, why not let them quit first?He obviously wanted to attack himself and Qiao Muqing, but in the end he accidentally hurt others to save his respect, and he is still a face-saving demon.

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