Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 1040 Sealed Bone

Chapter 1040 Sealed Bone

"How did you know that I have a natural spiritual bone?"

Qiao Muqing didn't say whether he believed the vampire's words, but he was very concerned about it. The fact that he was born with a spiritual bone had been covered up when he descended to the mortal world, but he didn't expect this monster to know about it.

"I have a magic weapon, which guided me to find you. I'm not interested in your identity, but I want your spirit bone."

The blood-sucking demon took out a thing that looked like a spirit stone. Sure enough, the thing looked at Qiao Muqing like a dog who had seen its owner, and it was shining brightly, wanting to run in Qiao Muqing's direction. The stone in his hand, but it made Su Tian feel Erha's feeling with his own eyes, it's really amazing.

"This thing knows that I have spiritual bones on my body, it's amazing."

Without further ado, Qiao Muqing stretched out his hand to hook it, and the blood-sucking demon struggled to resist, but Qiao Muqing's magic power was too strong, and when the piece in his hand was restless, he had to break free, so the so-called magic weapon actually fell into Qiao Muqing's hands.

When the stone was in Qiao Muqing's hands, it was really like what Su Tianxin imagined. It acted like a baby to Qiao Muqing, and used its head, let's call it the head, to rub against Qiao Muqing. Did not see.

The magic weapon was very cold in the hands of the blood-sucking demon before, but it only showed excitement when it sensed the existence of the spirit bone. Now it looks crazy, right?

"It turns out that this little thing betrayed me." Qiao Muqing pinched the spirit stone and said with a smile.

"Shangxian recognizes this thing?"

Su Tian was also very curious. She had only heard about the natural spiritual bone in the legend, but she had never heard of a magic weapon that could find the spiritual bone. This thing is still wandering outside.

No matter how you look at it, I think there is a conspiracy in this matter.

"This thing is a bone from my hand when I was first born. I threw it in the world of vain life to suppress the evil gods during the war between immortals and demons. I didn't expect this thing to appear here again at this time. I thought that the evil gods had already I escaped into the mortal world, but I haven’t received any news from the heavens for many years, which is really abnormal.”

This matter is no small matter.

The reason why the Celestial Realm lost a lot in the battle between the Immortal and the Devil, and Shen Qi finally used the hand bone seal to barely save the situation was because the evil gods of the Immortal Realm betrayed the Immortal Realm and betrayed many secret weaknesses of the Immortal Realm.

The original evil god has already fallen into a demon, and there will be endless troubles just by killing him. The best way is to seal him.

The reason why Shen Qi's hand bones were used to seal the seal was, on the one hand, because Shen Qi was a medical immortal born with immortal bones, and his hand bones had the effect of suppressing all evil spirits in the world. On the other hand, it was also to prevent the evil gods from breaking through the seal one day and causing trouble to the Three Realms again. At that time, Shen Qineng learned about its dynamics for the first time.

But now that the hand bone is sealed, Shen Qi has never received any news of the evil god breaking the seal. Even now, there is no trace of the evil god's breath on this hand bone, which is too strange.

"This is actually the sealed hand bone? But how did it end up in the hands of the vampire? This is the territory of Western magic."

Su Tian was startled, this matter... probably has something to do with the inside of the fairy world.

Although the koi fairy is a little fairy, she also knows the seriousness of this matter. Who gave this fetish to the blood-sucking demon? It seems that the other party is really eyeing Shen Qi Shangxian.

"I also want to know who is so deliberate."

Shen Qi narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a hint of sternness.

(End of this chapter)

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