Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 1042 Implicated

Chapter 1042 Implicated

"Is this a clone again? How many clones does this guy have? Why didn't I see it at all?"

The Koi Fairy felt that her immortal power was a bit insufficient. She actually didn't notice this big clone at all.

"This is not a clone in the true sense. It is a puppet of the original body. It is normal not to be able to see it."

"Body puppet?"

"Yes, the main body puppet is a puppet transformed from the main body. Just like the sea anemone you know, it can split a puppet from itself, but this puppet shares spiritual power and blood with the main body. Now something has happened to this puppet. It The main body will also suffer strong backlash. It is strange that the original puppet technique is so weak. "

Shen Qi pondered for a moment, "The guy behind it came for me." Although there was some doubt about this before, now it is basically certain. It seems that he was the one who caused the little koi's trouble from the beginning to the end.

I don’t know if this little koi will blame him if he finds out...

"He and the guy behind him are here for you, right?"

"Huh? What did you say?"

Shen Qi subconsciously thought that he just blurted out what was in his heart, but after thinking about it, he didn't.

"I mean, these guys are definitely coming for you."

Su Tianxin repeated it again.

"I'm sorry that I got you into trouble. You should have been a free little fairy."

It was indeed his fault. He didn't realize earlier that this catastrophe and salvation might have been a trap set for him from the beginning.

"Don't say you're sorry, it's not your fault. Shen Qi is so kind to the Immortal. He always helps people in trouble, saves people, and saves immortals. Even if he is a low-class little monster who was born with a bad birth, he will not even ask to be in front of him. You will just stand by and watch. Why should such an immortal apologize for something that is not his fault at all? Those people who are targeting you are dirty, despicable and treacherous people." Su Tianxin said as she thought about what she had heard. The rumors about Shen Qi, the Immortal, made me feel that the guys who set up a trap to target Shen Qi were so hateful, and I felt like I was going to explode.

But he still calmed down and continued: "Furthermore, I chose to go down to earth to experience calamity, and it was not because of you at all. I am a little immortal, and it is an honor to be able to participate in the great mission of saving the world."

Su Tianxin tried her best to comfort Shen Qi.

"I didn't expect that one day I would be comforted by a little fairy. This feeling is quite new."

Shen Qi touched his nose and suppressed the smile on his lips.

This smile shouldn't be the expression of an immortal, but it was really sweet in his heart, and he couldn't bear it.

This little fairy is really kind, innocent and cute. She has a kind heart to save the world, but she is also simple and easy to understand at a glance.

I have to say that maybe it was because of this that even after he recovered his immortal bones and memories, he still couldn't treat Su Tianxin like he treated other people or immortals.

The ripples in my heart that once arose for her still cannot be calmed down. I always think about her, think about her, and even... these thoughts linger, probably just because she is so good.

It was so good that he couldn't let it go. He knew that this feeling might be a burden to her, but he still didn't want to give it up.

It has to be said that Lord Shangxian was moved. This was something that even a doctor as skilled as himself could not cure.

(End of this chapter)

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