Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 121 Su Tianxin's Wishing Power

Chapter 121 Su Tianxin's Wishing Power

When Su Tianxin practiced making Shaqima that day, she thought that although she couldn't save the young man's father.

But she still hopes that this young man can be full of hope, don't be too pessimistic, and don't give up too early.

After the Shaqima was made that day, she gave it to the young man.

After the young man thanked him, he tasted one on the spot.

Miraculously, he said that after eating this Shaqima, he seemed to feel much better.

Immediately afterwards, he ate five or six more in one go.

After eating, he said that he still doesn't want to give up, as long as there is still time, he will not give up hope.

This hospital was not working, so he took his father to another house.

As long as you don't give up, there may be a way.

Even if he really didn't succeed in the end, he won't regret it after trying hard.

Su Tian didn't expect that eating a few pieces of Shaqima would actually make him less pessimistic all of a sudden.

The people on the side thought he had figured it out by himself.

I didn't think dim sum played such a big role in it.

Only Su Tianxin was so surprised that he wanted to exclaim.

Of course, a successful wish may be a coincidence.

So, she tried several times with several people one after another, and succeeded every time.

Su Tianxin was almost certain that the dim sum she made could really make a wish.

Of course, she made the wish herself.

These wishes can give people positive feelings through transmission.

Su Tianxin's discovery gave her great confidence in today's interview.

Her intuition told herself that making a wish on the dim sum might really help her get Master Avette's approval.

However, even with the help of wishing, Su Tianxin is not a person who will relax her requirements.

Her original intention of learning Dim Sum was not to get Avette's approval, to become the apprentice of a famous teacher, and to gain fame.

She really likes dim sum and wants to learn how to make delicious dim sum.

Even with such a powerful plug-in blessing, she still practiced very hard in the past few days.

Therefore, she dared to say that today's Shaqima actually tastes good.

She will not let herself be influenced by abilities that don't know where they come from, and don't know when they will disappear.

The power of this wish can add to the icing on the cake for her to make dim sum.

She will use it when necessary.

But it doesn't let the power of wishing decide whether the dim sum tastes good or not.

Moderate use can make her make snacks better, and people who eat snacks will be happy.

As long as he keeps his original intention, Su Tianxin will not abuse this ability.


Avette asked everyone to try the Shaqima made by Su Tianxin.

Everyone who was curious and felt that Evitt must have been deceived by the little girl was naturally full of interest.

"I seem to be inexplicably happy."

"I usually don't like to eat sweet things, but this Shaqima surprisingly makes me feel delicious."

"Oh, I didn't expect Huaguo to have such delicious snacks."


Except for the Su family, everyone ate a piece and praised it unconsciously.

This snack seems to be really different from what they thought.

It was delicious, very delicious!

Overwhelmingly good reviews.

Forget about the staff around Su Bai.

This is something made by the daughter of the big boss.

Even if the food is worse than pig food, they can still boast about it.

But for the people brought by Avette himself, the evaluation must be much more real.

The Su family father and son haven't eaten yet.

Watching the crowd helplessly, he praised this dish of the most ordinary Shaqima to the sky.

Obviously, speaking of truth from facts, just by looking at it, it is no better than those professional masters who go to the hotel.

Everyone's evaluation is so high, it's really a bit abnormal.

(End of this chapter)

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