Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 137 The Power of Wishing That Automatically Opens

Chapter 137 The Power of Wishing That Automatically Opens

"no, I'm fine.

I do not mean that.

I didn't expect you to make such delicious things.

No, I mean, your donuts are delicious. "

Jiang Ling is usually very eloquent, so why can't she speak after eating snacks.

"Thank you for your likes.

So can you give me some advice?

For example, what needs to be improved, this is my exam question, and I will use donuts to take the exam the day after tomorrow. "

Su Tianxin didn't bother about what Jiang Ling meant anymore. Anyway, she and Su Beibei really liked the donuts.

"It's already very good, there is nothing to improve."

Su Beibei didn't know that this donut could also be used for exams.

Jiang Ling was right. She really didn't eat donuts very much, and she only tasted donuts once on a classmate's birthday.

That classmate's family conditions are relatively good. At that time, the whole class was invited to her birthday party.

The dim sum of the day is said to be made by a famous shop, and it tastes good.

Although it's been a long time, Su Beibei feels that what Su Tianxin cooked today is even more delicious than that.

Ask her to make suggestions for improvement, but she really can't come up with it.

"If you have to talk about suggestions for improvement.

I think the appearance can also be improved.

The taste is already very good, if it is used for exams, then make the appearance more beautiful, it will be perfect. "

Jiang Ling wanted to say that he had nothing to say.

However, seeing Su Tianxin's expression, she didn't seem to be deliberately speaking ironically, this opinion was really what she needed.

After thinking about it, the only thing Jiangling can find fault with is the appearance of the donuts, which are not so good.

I may not have mastered it well when demoulding, just practice it a little bit.

"Thank you for your opinion, I also think that the appearance is still a bit worse now.

I'll practice again when I go back.

Try these two again and see which one tastes better. "

Su Tianxin took out the other two donuts.

"Just delicious."

"The one just now."

Just after taking a sip, both of them spoke at the same time.

This is obviously not done by one person.

Although, the latter one is also delicious.

And Jiang Ling could tell that this was done more professionally than what Su Tianxin did just now.

However, the strange thing is that this one is obviously already delicious, and I always feel that it lacks something compared to the previous one.

The two that Su Tianxin handed over just now were delivered to her home yesterday. Master Evitt personally made them, and was once stamped by the queen of country Y as the best strawberry donuts.

No matter in terms of appearance or taste, there is still a big difference in what she makes.

Although Su Tianxin is indeed talented and has a strong comprehension ability, she can learn things very quickly after being reborn.

But she is not so arrogant that she thinks that what she makes is better than the master's craftsmanship.

This effect is definitely brought about by the power of wishing.

For two days on the weekend, Su Tianxin originally wanted to practice at home without using the power of wishing, but when she was making snacks, she couldn't completely let her mind go and not think about anything.

As long as she thinks of it, it will be put into the donut.

The more I want to let go, the more flustered I am that I can't even knead the dough well.

Su Tian felt that going on like this was not an option, he might as well let nature take its course.

Just do what you have to do.

She still has no way to do it, to control the phenomenon with her mind.

This power of wishing seems to be bound to her, especially when making snacks, it's like a switch in the brain, it is automatically turned on.

It doesn't work if you don't want to use it.

(End of this chapter)

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