Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 150 Why is Wei Yanzhi special to you?

Chapter 150 Why is Wei Yanzhi special to you?

"It's been so long, what did you talk to Senior Wei about?"

Seeing that Su Tianxin finally came, Jiang Ling quickly pulled her aside and began to gossip.

"Shh... this is the library, I want to chat for a while and talk about it when we have dinner."

Su Tianxin pulled Jiang Ling back to the seat, quickly took out the book, and started studying against the clock.

Now she has to study every day and practice making dim sum.

There isn't that much time to waste, so let's put things like chatting in the leisure time of lunch.

Look at Su Tianxin, then look at Su Beibei.

Jiang Ling was too embarrassed to sit and read novels, so she had to take out the professional book and started to chew on it.

It was finally lunch time, and Jiang Ling was finally able to ask the question that he had held back for a long time.

"Tian Xin, are you familiar with Senior Wei Yanzhi?"

Let's ask step by step, straight to the point at the beginning, Jiang Ling is afraid that Miss Su will be annoyed by asking.

"I'm not familiar with you. The two of us met once, oh no, twice."

Su Tian really almost forgot about the unpleasant meeting last time.

"Why is your application form handed in by the senior himself?

Su Beibei, how did you submit your application form? "

"I just handed it over to the student union, how else can I hand it over?"

Su Beibei looked at Jiang Ling like an idiot.

The two are essentially false friends.

When someone bullied Su Tianxin, the two of them took a strangely unanimous stand.

On weekdays, although they have restrained a lot, they still fight each other.

Jiang Ling always said he was unforgiving, but Su Beibei was not easy to bully.

Every day you come and go, it's very lively.

"What kind of dead eyes do you have, of course I know that you are handed over to the student union.

Didn't I ask Tian Xin to compare with herself, isn't her treatment just average? "

Jiang Ling was insulted by Su Beibei's eyes of caring for the mentally retarded.

It exploded immediately.

"I don't have time to do it, and it happens that Senior Wei is more familiar with the procedure, so I will hand it in for me.

how?have opinions?

Want me to call Senior Wei and hand over a copy for you? "

Su Tian knew Jiang Ling was gossiping, but she just pretended not to know, what could Jiang Ling do with her?

"No, I didn't mean that.

I actually want to ask, is Senior Wei chasing you? "

Jiang Ling didn't mean that.

Miss Su couldn't tell if Wei Yanzhi was interested, but Wei Yanzhi was quite proactive.

"Don't be so narrow-minded.

Senior Wei is a good person and responsible for his work.

I was recruited into the news group by him, so why can't he arrange the formalities?

Besides, didn't Fang Ting say that before?

I'm the anchor specially recruited by the news team this year, shouldn't they treat me better?

If I quit, wouldn't their plan come to nothing? "

What Su Tian said seemed to be, it was quite like that.

"That should also be someone from the Propaganda Department, taking care of you, there is no need for the president to do it himself.

I think Senior Wei treats you really well.

Although he usually looks like he is easy to talk to, his personality is also recognized as good.

But I heard that he seldom gets closer to girls.

It is also rare to take the initiative to help this kind of favor.

Generally, it is the official business license process, and at most it will directly tell you how to submit the application.

I dare say he treats you better than ordinary girls. "

When Jiang Ling first entered the school, he fell in love with Wei Yanzhi.

Pretending to have met a few times by chance, and after bumping into a wall a few times, I felt that this person was too difficult to approach, so I planned to give up.

Looking at Su Tianxin and Wei Yanzhi now, it seems that they are getting closer, and I feel a little sour.

"I said, are you interested in Wei Yanzhi?

It's strange to stare at Tian Xin and Wei Yanzhi all the time. "

Su Beibei saw the clue.

(End of this chapter)

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