Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 162 A little girl took the lead

Chapter 162 Was Preempted by a Little Girl

Young, beautiful, famous lady, charity, internet celebrity...

Every point is a hotspot that stimulates the nerves of the public. This is the big news that dominates the hot searches every minute.

The reporters who had already turned on the live broadcast of the news did not dare to delay, and quickly posted the news on the Internet as soon as possible.

The other part of traditional media reporters also rushed to write press releases, take pictures, and send them back to the company for review as quickly as possible, leaving the headlines of tomorrow morning for this explosive news.

The cooperation between Master Avette and Su's, although in a large sense, is more important than the exposure of Su Tianxin's identity.

But in terms of news popularity, it is not necessarily clear which of the two is higher.

Anyway, journalists are not afraid of too much news, but of lack of hot spots.

The press conference officially started.

The host first introduced everyone present.

There is no emphasis, it is all mentioned in one sentence.

The next step is to introduce the content of the cooperation.

I thought it would be introduced by the host, and then leave a little time for the reporter to ask questions during the interview.

Unexpectedly, the introduction of the content of the cooperation was actually made by Master Avette himself.

The reporters could tell that he attached great importance to this cooperation with the Su Corporation.

"Let me introduce my new student, Miss Su Tianxin.

The main content of this press conference is to introduce my students to you.

Miss Su is very young, but she is very talented.

I believe that she will become an excellent pastry chef in the future. Please pay more attention to her growth.

Also love her a lot. "

Avette's words were brief, but the meaning expressed was very clear.

He has a new student?

This student is also a native of Hua, the daughter of the Su Group, that Su Tianxin who has already gathered many hot spots in her body?

Oh my god, didn't they post the manuscript a little too early? This is the hottest point, okay?

It turns out that Evitt's making such a big noise with Su's this time is not about cooperating, but accepting students...

Master Everett once had a student, and that student was also very talented.

It's a pity that he died young in an accident.

These decades have passed, and Avette has no idea of ​​recruiting students anymore. Everyone thought that he would never have any more students.

Now suddenly announces that he has a new student.

Still a Chinese, a little girl.

Why do even the reporters feel that this girl seems to have won glory for the country.

I don't know if the news is released, those pastry chefs who lined up abroad to worship Avett as their teacher will have their noses crooked.

So many people worked hard to perform, and no one was favored by Evitt for such a long time.

These people are not all ordinary passers-by.

Among them are some well-known pastry chefs, or pastry chefs who have won the honor of five-star chefs.

In these years, no one has been favored by Avette, and no one is much better than anyone who recognizes talent.

So at least I don't feel like a loser.

But now a little girl suddenly appeared, who was directly evaluated by Evitt as very talented.

Didn't they used to be untalented in Avette's eyes?

This is simply a man who overturned the whole boat with one shot.

I don't feel reconciled to thinking about them.

They actually lost to such a young lady who knew that she had no foundation in West Point.

But it's a pity... It's useless to be angry no matter how unwilling you are.

(End of this chapter)

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