Chapter 164

Besides, now everyone has an equal opportunity to compete.

It's not like a press conference to see who is pleasing to the eye and who asks questions, who has a big name and who takes advantage.

Whoever can grab the first will win.

It doesn't matter whether you got the interview right by being a paparazzi or relying on connections to get the right to interview, anyway, let the results speak for themselves.

Such a big hot news is exciting to think about. Once you get an interview or even an exclusive interview, it will be the rhythm of promotion and salary increase.

The reporters have been staring at Su Tian recently as if they had been beaten to death.

"It's okay, just wait until the time passes.

However, Tian Xin is really photogenic. "

As expected of Chu Xin's own mother, no matter how she looked at it, she thought her daughter was pretty.

"That's not true, our Tianxin was a beauty embryo when I was a child, otherwise I could want to take it home since I was a child?

It's the two unlucky ones in my family who are unlucky.

By the way, how is that child from the Wei family doing with Tian Xin recently? "

Xu Qingxia thought of Wei Yanzhi whom Chu Xin mentioned that day.

"Tian Xin won't let me mention it, and I will ignore her for the time being.

She must study hard with Avette recently, and she doesn't have much time, so let's not let her be distracted.

Anyway, Wei Yanzhi's child is only in his third year, and he still intends to study as a graduate student in this school. The chance for the two of them to get along is still several years away, so there is no rush.

Tian Xin has a thin skin, and probably used it on Mu Qing from the time she was young to when she was most daring.

Alas... We also came here from this time.

They all understand what she's thinking at the moment.

I'm afraid that even if I let go, it will be difficult to dare to accept someone again for a while.

Slowly it will be fine. "

When talking to Xu Qingxia, Chu Xin didn't need to go around so much.

Both of them are mothers, and both love Tian Xin.

To be honest, I'm not afraid of Xu Qingxia thinking too much.

"That's true.

This matter is not only Mu Qing's problem, but also my fault for not intervening earlier, look, Tian Xin has been messed up now..."

"It doesn't make sense for you to say that.

If I want to hear you admit your mistakes, I won't tell you these things.

What should we do between us.

Sometimes people really have to talk about fate.

The children of our two families can't make it, and it's still not enough fate.

Originally, Tian Xin only had Mu Qing in her heart, and no one could see it.

This put Mu Qing down, and Wei Yanzhi suddenly appeared.

Such a big guy from Tsinghua University, Tian Xin knew not many of his classmates, so he met Wei Yanzhi.

It shows that the two are still somewhat related.

I really like that kid Wei Yanzhi.

Good character, good family style.

Look at the men of the Wei family, they all love their wives and don't mess around.

Compared with other families outside, the Wei family is the only one that I can admire.

If Tianxin can find him in the future, she will definitely not be able to bear the grievance. "

Chu Xin really had no one to talk to, so she could only talk to Xu Qingxia.

Although her husband is very considerate to her on weekdays, on the issue of her daughter, the two still have some disagreements.

Especially after my daughter almost had an accident this time.

Her husband didn't seem to support her desire to find a boyfriend for her daughter.

That's right, even Mu Qing can hurt her daughter so deeply, let alone other children.

Chu Xin wanted to have a good boy next to her daughter as soon as possible, so that she could forget the unhappiness before and truly experience the beauty of being in love once.

It's not because of a fruitless unrequited love that the daughter's future views on marriage and love will be affected.

Now she always says that she has no time and energy to think about these things.

In the eyes of a mother, that is escaping.

It is better to have someone help her out of this kind of escape.

 I was so busy for a few days that I didn't have time to look at the backstage, but there was still a cute little angel giving me a reward. I was so touched.

  Thanks to the little angel of "Seeing Unreal in Dreams" for the reward of this book, and thanks to the book friend "20191009142530255" for the reward of the character 'Wei Yanzhi', this is the first character reward received.

  The hostess expressed dissatisfaction!

  'Am I not cute or not beautiful enough?You guys actually like Wei Yanzhi and don't like me?Come, come, come... Hurry up and express your love for me, how can you make me worse than a male second?



(End of this chapter)

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