Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 178 I was completely disgusted

Chapter 178 I was completely disgusted

So how did the normally delicate little girl survive until Yue Xin sent her to the hospital and saved her life?

What did he miss?

He was a little afraid to think.

On the way to the hospital, Qiao Muqing's mind was full of the photo of Su Tianxin after he was injured, and the calm eyes when he rushed to the hospital when Su Tianxin almost lost his life last time.

He didn't know what was wrong with him, he would be so nervous about a little girl.

Until my mother called, saying that Su Tianxin had been taken to their hospital, and he was close to the company, so I asked him to go and have a look first, and then I would arrive later.

Qiao Muqing hung up her mother's phone, thought about it, maybe she was so nervous because her mother was too nervous and Su Tian was upset, he was just a conditioned reflex.

If there was anything else, it might be guilt.

He felt sorry for the little girl, and he couldn't tell what he did wrong, but he felt that he owed her a little.

Qiao Muqing felt that she really didn't want to see Su Tian get hurt again.

So I rushed all the way here, and when I saw Su Tianxin, I didn't even think about it, I walked over and helped him look at the wound.

When he reacted, he was a little embarrassed at first, and then seeing Su Tian's disapproval, almost disgusted, he felt even more uncomfortable.

He thought that Su Tian's heart would be like the embarrassing blush after meeting that Wei Yanzhi last time.

I didn't expect it to be.

Fortunately, the reason he made up in a hurry not only deceived Su Yuexin, but also the little girl.

The other party heard from him that he mistook Su Tianxin for his younger brother Qiao Muxia, and then he put down his guard and disgust.

In fact, Qiao Muqing didn't feel any better than before, but he didn't dare to show it anymore.

"There were too many reporters and an accident happened."

Su Yuexin didn't want to talk too much, especially in front of her sister.

Qiao Muqing also reacted, and didn't ask any more questions.

"I'll take you back."

Since there is nothing serious in Su Tian's heart, let's go home and rest quickly.

"You are from the company, right?

Hurry up and go about your business.

I just send Tianxin myself. "

Just kidding, let him send it?

Will there be any accidents again? My sister is fine, and something will happen again?

What kind of physique does he have, doesn't he know it in his mind?

"I...Okay, then you all be careful."

Qiao Muqing originally wanted to say that he was not busy.

Seeing the look in Su Yuexin's eyes, he remembered that his nickname of 'Mould God' was not in vain, forget it, just pretend he never said it.

"Okay, let's talk tomorrow."

Tomorrow's younger sister's celebration reception, of course all members of the Qiao family will attend.

I'll talk about some things tomorrow.

"Brother Muqing, goodbye."

Su Tian greeted obediently and walked out with the help of her brother.

Originally, Su Yuexin wanted to carry her away, but Su Tian felt embarrassed, it was too embarrassing to be so big, so she resolutely refused.

Watching the two brothers and sisters and the bodyguards leave, Qiao Muqing's subordinates actually felt that the back of their boss was a bit bleak.

Just now, was it disgusting in Young Master Su's eyes?

Boss is pitiful.

Although, his physique of "Moldy God" is quite frightening.

Even his brothers who have grown up have treated him like this, which seems to make people feel sympathetic to him.

"Let's go, postpone the meeting until the evening, and go to talk about the scheduled projects in the afternoon."

Qiao Muqing turned her head and ordered her subordinates without emotion.

The meeting is postponed to the evening, so that means you need to work overtime late tonight?

Were they crazy just now?

Only then will they sympathize with the capitalists who exploit people!

(End of this chapter)

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