Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 188 Mi Su, Shut Up

Chapter 188 Mi Su, Shut Up

It's still Migu who is not too big a deal to watch the excitement.

I don't know if Mi Su has the physique to watch the show, or if Qiao Muqing doesn't fit with him, he always watches the show.

"It is interesting?"

"It's quite interesting.

Young Master Qiao, I don't think you are very attractive.

I'm not as attractive as a young boy, but that kid from the Wei family has a much better reputation than you.

The little sister of the Su family's vision is still normal. "

It's not difficult for Mi Su to know what he wants to know.

Su Tianxin was interested in Qiao Muqing before, but then she suddenly realized something happened, and now the two of them seem to have lost their sense of each other.

In the beginning, Mi Su was because Qiao Muqing was interested in the younger sister of the Su family.

Later, after learning about the origin of this, Mi Su, who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, became more interested in Qiao Muqing.

Don't get me wrong, Mi Su's interest is purely to watch the fun.

Not an interest in socialist fraternity.

It is not new for a little girl to like Qiao Muqing.

It is not surprising that he gave up after being stimulated by him.

But there was a little girl who suddenly attracted Qiao Muqing's attention, which he thought was big news.

About Su Tianxin's injury yesterday, Su Yuexin handed it over to Mi Su to investigate.

Later, Qiao Muqing made a special trip to Mi Su and naturally knew about it.

So he felt that there would definitely be a good show to watch today. In fact, he came here specially to watch the show.

"That's none of your business.

I don't know what you want to do, but Miss Su family, you'd better not make up your mind. "

Qiao Muqing was a little displeased.

It's okay to watch his excitement, but just don't be interested in Su Tianxin.

"Yo, is it still protected?

Do you really think you are someone else's brother?

Didn't you hear what the little girl said just now, people have older brothers, don't they need you as a redundant older brother? "

Mi Gu didn't care if the words were irritating or not.

"Are you talking too much?"

If it was the usual Qiao Muqing, she really wouldn't be offended by his words, at most she would be too lazy to talk to Mi Su and just leave.

He was disgusted by Su Tian's heart just now, and his heart hadn't calmed down yet, and then he was provoked by Mi Su, so he didn't want to bear it.

Anyway, Mi Su also knows what kind of person he is, so he doesn't need to pretend in front of him.

"Tsk tsk, it's really ugly to be angry from embarrassment.

Do you want me to teach you two tricks to coax the little girl?

I don't think you can do it, what age is it, and you still play tricks about recognizing brothers and sisters.

Primary school students don't play this anymore, okay? "

Mi Su felt more and more interesting, he continued.

"Shut up, I'm not you, I don't have that kind of thought."

Mi Su obviously misunderstood what Qiao Muqing meant.

He thought that Qiao Muqing wanted to get close to Su Tianxin by identifying his sister.

But Qiao Muqing really didn't mean that.

"I don't know if there is, but now you look like you have been rejected for your confession, that's ugly..."

Mi Su dared to say it.

Qiao Muqing really didn't want to entangle her anymore, she stood up and was about to leave.

"Okay, I won't talk anymore, let's talk about business."

Seeing that Qiao Muqing really ignored him, Mi Su hurriedly stopped him.

It is important to watch the excitement, and it is also important to make money.

"What can you do?"

Qiao Muqing and Mi Su have not had any business contacts so far.

"I have some information here, you can read it first, and then give me a price.

My small business is not comparable to that of you, Mr. Qiao, who handles business in units of [-] million every day. "

When Mi Su and Qiao Muqing got along, they were very different from Su Yuexin.

Although the three of them are bad friends, they have always loved and killed each other.

Ke Misu always took special care of Qiao Muqing, who was always paralyzed and couldn't see any unnecessary expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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