Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 194 The wound healed too quickly

Chapter 194 The wound healed too quickly

"I saw Mu Qing chatting with Tian Xin today.

What do you mean by Mu Qing?

When Tian Xin chased him before, he always hid.

Now Tian Xin doesn't have that meaning anymore, and he always appears in front of Tian Xin.

Even if we reached a tacit agreement on the previous matter, no one will mention it anymore, but he must avoid suspicion, right? "

Chu Xin was not satisfied with Qiao Muqing's performance.

If you want her to say, it's best to have a consistent attitude.

It would be best if we hid in the past and now walk around.

"I don't know what he's thinking.

Maybe it's because Aunt Xu wants to recognize Tianxin as her daughter, but he hasn't given up on this matter yet? "

Su Yuexin also couldn't understand what that guy was trying to do.

"Forget it, I think Tian Xin really doesn't feel much influenced by him now, so let's leave this matter alone."

If Mu Qing was doing it for her mother, Chu Xin would have nothing to say.


It's the weekend again, the busy work of this week is over, Su Tianxin, who was supposed to sleep in, woke up early.

After officially becoming a teacher, she has to study harder.

The teacher will not live in Huaguo for a long time.

It was originally a short-term trip of two weeks.

Because after accepting Su Tianxin as a student, Avette temporarily decided to postpone it for another month, but he must go back before Christmas.

However, communication is advanced now.

Su Tianxin can meet with the teacher through video every day.

Teacher Aiweite can also teach through video, and Su Tianxin has to hand in her homework every three days.

She wants to send the finished snacks she made to the teacher by air internationally.

From the place where Su Tianxin is, it can be delivered within ten hours by special air freight.

This mode of transportation can not only guarantee the taste and freshness, but also be convenient and fast.

The only downside is that shipping is expensive.

However, Su Tianxin sent this courier to the question of whether it was expensive or not.

The airline she sent the express mail to was a company owned by one of Avette's cousins.

At the reception yesterday, Su Tianxin also met the teacher's cousin.

The other party was so angry that he almost wanted to open a dedicated flight line for Su Tian for free because of such a trivial matter.

If Avette hadn't stopped him in time, Su Tian's heart wouldn't know how much favor he owed.

For the other party, this little money may not be a big deal.

But for a little thing, Su Tian's heart is simply indebted to others, so it's a bit unnecessary.

"Are you up so early?"

As soon as Su Tianxin packed up and went downstairs, she saw her father sitting on the sofa and already reading a newspaper.

"Well, thinking about it and making yesterday's cake again, I think there are still some places that are not good enough."

Su Tian smiled back to her father's words.

"Working hard is important, don't get too tired.

I drank alcohol yesterday and my head still hurts, so I should take a good rest. "

Su Bai felt sorry for his daughter.

"I've been fine for a long time, and I can hardly see the wound."

Su Tianxin showed his father a look at the wound, to prove what he said was true.

She didn't know if the wishing snacks she made would work for her, so she tried it quietly yesterday.

She didn't expect that the wound would heal soon.

Simply divine!

Although she suffered minor injuries, it would take at least three or four days before no traces could be seen.

But she was fine in two days.

I don't know if it's because she is in such a good physique now, or if her wishing snacks are too powerful.

Anyway, this is a good thing.

However, she didn't plan to tell her family about this kind of thing.

She was afraid of scaring everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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