Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 198 Sending cakes to the orphanage

Chapter 198 Sending cakes to the orphanage

Mrs. Lin didn't understand why her husband wasn't upstairs with his father-in-law, where he was going this early in the morning.

"I'll go to Su's house. Father still wants to eat another piece of cake, so I'll find a way.

You call Dr. Zhang and ask him to come. I'm afraid my father will be in trouble. "

Lin Pei still couldn't hold it back, with sadness in his tone, he quickly bowed his head and went out the door after speaking.

Mrs. Lin sighed, picked up the phone again and called Dr. Zhang, asking him to come and see how the old man is doing.


The Su family just had breakfast.

There are still a few cupcakes that Su Tianxin made, and they are stored in the refrigerator.

In fact, these are a few more that she deliberately made in the morning.

In a while, she will pack up and send it to the orphanage to the director, Mother Su.

Although Mama Su doesn't know that she is her baby Tianxin, she still wants to give Mama Su a taste of the things she made with her own hands.

She had already thought about the reason, and the cake was sent over with a donation.

She has made a lot of money in stocks during this time.

Together, there are 200 million small coffers.

A few days ago, I heard from Su Beibei that a little brother Su Qing in the orphanage had leukemia.

Su Qing, a child with autism since childhood, is different from healthy children.

Getting such a serious illness is even worse.

Su Tian felt very distressed.

Now I heard that part of the medical expenses has been applied for, and the other part has been helped by a public welfare fund.

Su Tian thought for a while, anyway, she had money, so she decided to donate some money to the orphanage.

It would be best to hire a nurse for Su Qing to take care of him, and also take out some edible nutrients for Su Qing.

She won't donate too much, just 10 yuan.

It can solve the problem without being too high-profile.

Su Tian was very aware of the situation in the orphanage.

Su's mother has to take care of so many children, it is difficult to have so much time to go to the hospital to take care of Su Qing.

Su Qing would definitely be scared when he was alone.

Someone took care of him, even if the final result was not good, he would not let him go through this period of time alone.

Su Tianxin can do very little, but it is better than doing nothing.

In addition to donating money, she also made a wish in the remaining snacks, hoping that Su Qing will recover soon and work hard to fight the disease bravely.

Su Tianxin only found out about this on Wednesday afternoon, and planned to meet with Su Beibei on Thursday to discuss it.

As a result, there were a lot of things these days, and she was accidentally injured, so she never had a chance.

Today, I simply asked my brother to help her send the money to the orphanage, and the cake delivery became smooth.

Su Tianxin was just thinking about going for a run with her brother when she heard the doorbell ring.

Looking at the appearance that it was only before eight o'clock, who came so early in the morning?

The Su family found it strange that few people visited so early in the morning.

Chen Ma, the family helper, went to open the door, and it was Lin Pei.

"Mrs. Su, Mrs. Su, I'm really sorry that I came to disturb you so early in the morning."

Lin Pei didn't call before coming, because he knew that it was really difficult to explain clearly on the phone.

It is more sincere to ask directly at the door.

But sincerity is sincerity, if someone is willing to help, it is due to love, if he is not willing, he can't force it.

He still understands this.

After all, even if the rich daughter learns how to make dim sum, it's not just for others to eat.

If it doesn't work, try first, and then find a way.

"In any case, Mr. Lin is too polite.

Are you in a hurry? "

Su Bo asked proactively with a look of some perplexity.

"I have an unfeeling request, and I can only be rude."

As soon as Lin Pei said this, the members of the Su family looked at each other.

Su Tian thought she was asking her father for help, and it was not suitable to stay here, so she was going to go upstairs to avoid it, but Lin Pei asked to stay.

(End of this chapter)

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