Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 202 I Really Admire Big Brother

Chapter 202 I Really Admire Big Brother

Lin Pei and the others were taken aback, and quickly invited the doctor in.

"It's okay, the old man is in good condition.

It may be that the heart disease has been resolved, and the state of mind is suddenly relaxed.

Let the old man rest. "

The doctor checked and it was fine.

The Lin family was relieved when the doctor said so.

Everyone was about to leave Mr. Lin's room to let him have a rest, when he heard him speak again.

"The cake is delicious, and I buy a few pieces every day. From now on, I will replace my meals with cake."

"You have a good idea, I still asked for these cakes.

Do you still eat every day?I don't have the ability to get it for you.

It's only a few yuan, so save some food. "

Seeing that the old man was still thinking about the cake, Lin Pei could only tell the truth.

"Just these few cakes, do you still need to ask?

Brother, where did you get it?So precious. "

It's either that Lin Laoer doesn't believe what his elder brother said, or it's strange that there are cakes that money can't buy.

"Miss Su made it herself. Do you think I have to ask for an extra copy?

If you have the ability, you can get it for our dad, anyway, I can't ask for it. "

Lin Pei told where the cake came from, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"You just went to Su's house?

People want cakes early in the morning? "

Lin Laosan thinks about that style of painting... and feels admiration for elder brother.It's not easy to go to Su's house for this kind of reason and beg for a few pieces of cake with the cheek.

"Dad, let's eat something else, this is too difficult."

Lin Laoer also persuaded his father.

"I just want to eat cake, I don't care what you do, anyway, I just want to eat cake..."

If the voice is replaced by a child of a certain age, coupled with the scene of splashing and rolling, it seems that there is really no sense of disobedience.

"Forget it, let's do this first, and I'll figure out a way later."

Lin Pei used the strategy of delaying the attack first. Anyway, there are still several yuan in the box, which is enough for today and tomorrow.

Let's coax the old man later, it's useless to say anything now.

"elder brother……"

Sister Lin Pei was afraid that her brother would make things difficult, so Lin Pei gave her a wink, but everyone understood and didn't interrupt.

Downstairs, the brothers and sisters discussed.

"The doctor said earlier that my father had a heart attack, and we never knew what was going on.

Now that I know it's my little sister's business, I can understand it.

I remember that before my mother left, she was always thinking about my little sister.

Mom has already left with regrets, so there is nothing I can do.

Dad, let's try our best to make the old man have no regrets.

I think we have to step up efforts to find people. In addition to relying on the traditional way of tracing people, TV and newspapers will publish them once, and rewards will be given as long as clues are provided.

In addition, use the Internet and find a private detective to see if you can get some news as soon as possible.

Now there is no need to stick to finding a living person, no matter whether it is life or death, as long as there is news, it will be considered an explanation to father. "

As the boss, Lin Pei has always had the most say in the family.

It seemed to be a discussion at the moment, but it was mainly because he put forward his ideas and asked everyone to provide more opinions.

"I also think we should try our best to find the little girl.

Whether it is life or death, after so many years, we have to know.

And brother, what do you think about dad talking about sponsoring orphans? "

The eldest daughter of the Lin family spoke rashly.

"Dad said you can raise him if you want."

Our Lin family does not talk about how big the family business is, but we are not short of raising a few children.

Besides, it's a good thing, I don't think it makes sense to promise the old man face to face, and then go back on it. "

Lin Pei didn't think it was a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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