Chapter 209

Su Tianxin doesn't need everyone to understand what she is doing.

As long as the family thinks what she does is okay.

"Is there anything delicious today?

I haven't seen you for two days. I really miss your cakes.

I only ate one piece of the cake you made at the reception that day. It was so delicious, even better than the donuts last time.

What else do you think can reach you? "

Jiang Ling changed the subject and talked about what Su Tian wanted to hear.

She discovered that Su Tianxin really likes people to praise her delicious dim sum.

"It's still a cake today. It's not easy to bring. I only brought two pieces. You two should share it."

Su Tianxin took out the prepared box and handed it out.

"Only two dollars?

Isn't that our point? "

Fang Ting is like a dog's nose, and he comes when he smells it.

"No, it's between us, it's none of your business."

Jiang Ling hurriedly protected the cake.

"Yes, indeed none of you."

Su Beibei also joined in the fun.

This cake was specially brought to them by Tianxin, and it was given to them wherever it was said.

After all, it is not only Su Tianxin's wish, but also delicious...

"You are too stingy, aren't we classmates? Can't we talk about the friendship between classmates?

The cake made by Goddess Tianxin is not something that can be eaten casually. Anyone who sees it will have a share. Anyway... I have caught up! "

Taking advantage of the unpreparedness of the two girls, Fang Ting snatched one away.

Since the soft ones are not enough, come hard ones, and whoever is late first will be the one to pay.

"Bandit, Fang Ting, you are a robber!"

The one who was robbed was Jiang Ling's, and Jiang Ling was so angry that he immediately went after him.

"Isn't it just a piece of cake? I'll bring some more tomorrow, and I'm not a kid, and I'm still chasing after a piece of cake."

Su Tianxin saw that everyone was looking towards them, so she quickly pulled them to sit down.

"Boys and girls together. Sit in a row and share fruit."

Su Tian suppressed a smile and arranged for the two of them.

"There's only one boy, Fang Ting is taking advantage."

Fang Ting's brother didn't come today, so Fang Ting is the only one at the moment. Jiang Ling is not convinced by this arrangement.

"Who says I'm alone, I have several brothers.

I went back on Friday night and said that I ate a cake made by Goddess Tianxin herself, and they were envious.

My piece of cake is to be distributed to the eight people in the dormitory.

The two of you share one piece, and the eight of us share one piece. Think about it, isn’t it more balanced? "

In Fang Ting's dormitory, he and Peng Yu were the only ones majoring in business administration, and the others were majoring in foreign affairs.

They didn't stay together in class, so Su Tianxin and the others didn't know Fang Ting's other roommates.

But all his roommates knew Su Tianxin, and they all regarded her as a goddess just like Fang Ting.

Even the more introverted Peng Yu is a fan of Su Tianxin.

"It sounds pretty pathetic.

Forget it, I won't argue with you this time, and next time, I will break your dog legs. "

Fang Ting was good-looking, and I heard that his family conditions were good. Jiang Ling didn't like him, but he didn't dislike him either.

After entering university, Jiang Ling set her boyfriend goal as Wei Yanzhi for the first time, but that was too difficult.

After the setback, she lowered her goal, and now she wants to find someone who can accompany her and treat her well.

Although Fang Ting keeps saying that he regards Su Tianxin as a goddess, in Jiang Ling's view, Fang Ting's attitude towards Su Tianxin is indeed fan worship.

That being the case, Fang Ting's conditions are not bad, and he is not annoying. Thinking about it, it's not bad.

It can be considered that Jiang Ling can be regarded as the object of her boyfriend's training, so she doesn't care so much.

(End of this chapter)

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