Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 211 Stern warning again

Chapter 211 Stern warning again

Su Tianxin didn't have the energy to pay attention to what happened to Jiang Ling and Fang Ting.

There was only one class this afternoon, and after class, she went to Qiming to continue the pastry class.


"Yue Xin, you introduced me to the Lin family's job hunting?"

Mi Su just accepted the entrustment of the Lin family today.

"Yes, are you in difficulty and don't want to pick it up?"

Su Yuexin didn't expect Mi Su to call him specifically for this matter.

"That's not true, I didn't expect you to take care of this matter now.

You didn't mind your own business before.Is it because of your young lady? "

Mi Su thinks her intuition is quite accurate.

"Is this nosy? It's just a little effort.

It can not only help the Lin family introduce a reliable way to find someone, but also help you generate income. You mean that I should introduce this business to others.

Do you, Mi Su, also feel that money is too much to bite your hand? "

Su Yuexin didn't think that Mi Su didn't want to make this money.

This guy wants to ask about his sister again, right?He will not be fooled.

"Am I that scary? Guard me like a thief.

Our sister is so cute, why don't I care about her? "

Mi Su knew that Su Yuexin had spotted it, so she simply stopped pretending.

"Who is your sister? You blindly identify relatives one by one.

That's my sister, stay away from me, she doesn't need your attention. "

Su Yuexin frowned on the other end of the phone.

What's wrong with everyone now?Why did everyone come to recognize my sister one by one.

He saw that they were all idle.

"Tsk tsk, the anger is quite high.

Why did Qiao Muqing get angry and run to me to vent his anger?

If you think it's inappropriate to be my sister, you can be my uncle, right? "

Mi Su is really brave.

"You are courting death, aren't you?"

Su Yuexin gritted her teeth.

"My fair lady and a gentleman are so good..."

"Shut up, there are so many girls out there, I've never messed with anyone you've harmed.

But my sister, no!

You better remember what I said today, or I will make a move. "

Su Yuexin seldom speaks such harsh words.

"Don't, I know, I don't dare to see your methods, Young Master Su, and I don't want to.

There are so many beautiful girls chasing me outside, I can't take it too hard to think about your eldest lady committing suicide and completely cutting off her peach blossoms.

Just kidding, I was just kidding. "

When Mi Su heard Su Yuexin's voice became fierce, she quickly stopped

He was really just trying to test Su Yuexin's attitude, and he didn't really have any thoughts about Su Tianxin.

Just kidding, Miss Su's family is nowhere to be expected by him.

He just wanted to see what Su Yuexin's attitude was towards the person who coveted his sister, and whether it was possible for him to be close as a friend.

Looking at it this way, Su Yuexin seemed to be very protective of his sister.

Hehe, he has no chance, especially Qiao Muqing.

Mi Su's strong self-confidence does not come from himself, but from Qiao Muqing.

Qiao Muqing blocked his own back road, and it was not so easy to open the way again.

This drama is absolutely wonderful, hehe, he is looking forward to the future plot more and more.

"I don't care if you're joking or probing.

Don't hit my sister. This is your last warning. "

Su Yuexin's tone is still serious, even if Mi Su is his only true friend, if it involves his sister, there is absolutely no need to discuss it.

"Understood, really long-winded, like an old man.

I said, are you a sister or a daughter?

If it weren't for the age difference between the two of you, it would be impossible, and I would doubt your sister's identity. "

Mi Suyu was not surprised and said what he wanted to complain about a long time ago.

(End of this chapter)

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