Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 220 I have started Weibo

Chapter 220 I have started Weibo

If an amateur Internet celebrity sells his own peripherals, this may not be too much attention.

But if the daughter of the Su family opened a store to sell her own photos and peripherals, she would be considered narcissistic.

No matter how you think about it, it's not appropriate anymore.

So this thing can't be done, it seems that fans really need a place to enclose themselves.

Is it okay to open Weibo?

"Go on, go on.

You are a celebrity now anyway, how can you not even have a Weibo?

I heard that Master Avette is going to open Weibo? "

"My teacher?

When did it happen, how come I don't know? "

It was the first time for Su Tianxin to hear the news.

"Master Avette is very up-to-date, okay?

He said on ins that he likes Huaguo very much, and he also thinks Huaguo's Weibo is very interesting, so he wants to open one.

You see, even your teacher has opened it. If you don’t open a Weibo, how can you pay attention to your teacher?

It's so unfilial. "

Jiang Ling's kung fu of climbing along the pole is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Even filial piety was pulled out.

"I admire you a lot. My teacher opened a Weibo account and I would be considered unfilial if I didn't pay attention to it."

Su Tian was so annoyed by her.

"Actually, opening a Weibo is not a bad thing.

I also want to follow you. "

It was rare for Su Beibei to chime in.

"Okay, I'll drive it, can't I just drive it when I get back?"

Su Tian didn't expect Su Beibei to think the same way.

But it's also that she rarely posts Moments on WeChat, and doesn't even have a Weibo. It seems that she is really out of touch with young people.

"What do you want to go back? Open it now, come here, and I will help you apply."

Is Jiang Ling afraid of Su Tian's repentance?

Su Tian handed over her mobile phone amusedly, and left Jiang Ling and Su Beibei to fiddle with it.

The two of them don't need to ask Su Tian what Weibo name they want, after all, they are both celebrities, so what screen name do they need, just put their real name and that's it.

When registering, Jiangling deliberately stated in the notes that the two items are 'Tsing University news anchor, disciple of Master Avette', and the photos are photos of beauties without makeup taken on the spot.In order for the official to pass the certification in time, hang a yellow V logo by the way.

The two secretly thought, if there is no need to mention Su Shi with these two, the Weibo official should have a wink and know what to do.

After the registration was approved, the two quickly took out their mobile phones to follow Su Tianxin. The matter of mutual relations should be handled by the eldest lady herself, and they dare not do it for her.

"Miss Su, are you going to pay attention to people?"

Jiang Ling asked tentatively.

After all, the eldest lady is also a celebrity, and not everyone can be on her follow list.

But it is still worth fighting for.

"Of course, otherwise why would I open Weibo?"

Su Tian felt that what she asked was really strange.

If you don't pay attention to people, do you pay attention to... the ecstasy?

Bah bah, she hasn't lived enough yet, she doesn't want to do business with the underworld.

A certain ecstasy who was pursuing performance in the world felt the merciless and undisguised disgust, and felt bitter.

This girl has no conscience, anyway, they are old acquaintances (ghosts), why can't they close each other?

Too careless.

After complaining, the ecstasy still took out his Three Realms mobile phone, opened Weibo and followed this one.

After all, the higher-ups sent people down to return the soul, and it seemed that there was a doorway. If he pays more attention, maybe he can get online with the higher-ups?

If any great god speaks a good word to him, maybe he will rise to the top and never have to do this hard work again.

Fortunately, Su Tianxin didn't know this man's operation, otherwise he would have been scared to death by him.

Who wouldn't be afraid of being stared at by a seductress all day long?

(End of this chapter)

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