Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 225 It's a Birthday

Chapter 225 It's a Birthday

Mr. Lin felt a little relieved, and it was not too difficult to eat and take medicine.

Once the patient can eat more than soup and medicine to keep alive, the body will gradually get better.

Everyone in the Lin family finally breathed a sigh of relief, the old man had passed this level.

But just after everyone got over it, a new problem came up.

The doctor told the old man to regain his appetite now, so he can't just use cakes as his main food.

You have to eat normally every day, even if you eat small meals, you should eat decent whole grains, medicinal soup and water.

This pastry cake is not easy for patients to digest, and it can be used once every two days at most.

When the old man heard that his rations were going to be reduced, how could he agree?

An 80-year-old man, he's been raving about wanting to eat the cake made by Su Tianxin all day long. His family thought he just wanted to eat a snack, so they replaced it with a steamed cake, which is better for digestion.

As a result, it was impossible for the old man to eat a bite of food.

The original, not the new.

The family lied to him that this was a new skill that Su Tianxin learned from the pastry master of Qiming Hotel.

The old man directly refuted: "It's a lie! Miss Su's dim sum can be tasted as soon as you eat it. It doesn't taste like that at all. The dim sum she makes is different from others. No matter what it is, you can taste it in one bite. Don't take it. The counterfeit came to fool him!"

The old man is too shrewd, and the children are also worried.

Don't give it to me, the old man won't eat a bite of food.

If you give it to me, I'm afraid that the old man will not be able to bear it if he eats too much food that is not easy to digest.

"I don't care, anyway, I'm afraid I will eat the snacks made by the little girl from the Su family, and I don't care if I don't eat cakes and biscuits.

It was fine for me to eat every day before, and my health was fine, can it be worse now than before? "

Mr. Lin feels that he has lived such an old age, how long can he live, and now he doesn't have so much time to wrong himself.

The old man has already said that, who dares to say anything more?

But it seems that the old man is getting better and better after eating the cake.

Although it is a bit wrong not to follow the doctor's advice, the old man's request can't be ignored, otherwise the old man can really do the thing of not eating a hunger strike now.

The Lin family tactfully wanted Su Tianxin to replace the cake with something easy to digest. After conveying it to her, Su Tianxin specially learned a few Chinese snacks to match with and sent them to Mr. Lin.

In order to thank her, the Lin family once again offered to make a concession on the cooperation project with the Su family that they were talking about before.

Although it is not tens of millions, it is still a profit of several million.

The Su family didn't refuse this time, after all, the daughter of the Su family didn't make snacks for nothing.

Desserts specially made for Mr. Lin and desserts made for practice are two different things.

Since the Lin family was sincere, they accepted it.


Christmas is Su Tianxin's birthday.

To be precise, it was the birthday of the two Su Tianxins.

Although Su Tianxin was not in the same year before rebirth as she is now, their two birthdays are Christmas.

In previous years, Su Tianxin's birthday before rebirth was always spent in the orphanage, while Su Tianxin of the Su family spent her birthday at home with her family.

This year, the Su family specially held a birthday dinner for Su Tianxin, which was also a formal introduction of her identity.

In the past, the Su family never held a formal birthday party to protect Su Tianxin. Now the whole world knows that Su Tianxin is the daughter of the Su family. .

 Thanks to the little angel "Gu Zijin" for the reward, okay~ Continue to ask for monthly tickets~ Don't be stingy if you have tickets~



(End of this chapter)

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