Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 245: Unpacking Gifts

Chapter 245: Unpacking Gifts

This guess made Qiao Muqing feel a lot better, and when he thanked him again, there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth.

A person who has always had facial paralysis suddenly smiles, which is not normal in itself.

However, most people were indeed taken aback by this scene for a while.

Qiao Muqing is so pretty...

Such a good-looking person should smile more. What made him smile all of a sudden?

Just when everyone was guessing in their hearts, Su Yuexin, who was not confused by his 'beauty' and was still awake, had an alarm ringing in her heart.

Why is this guy smiling like this?Will Tian Xin be confused by him?

No, we have to separate the two quickly.

"Tianxin, it's time to cut the cake, let's go there."

"Well, Beibei, you have fun on your own, I'm going over."

Su Tianxin didn't see his brother's intentions, but he didn't want to stay by Qiao Muqing's side too much.

"Go, go, you are the main character today, we dare not hold on to you. I'll go back tonight and tell Su Qing the good news, and let her thank you personally.

Great God Mobai, let's celebrate together when the time comes. "

For such a big happy event, the orphanage will definitely be full of excitement. Su Beibei invited the two most important people to Su Qing.

"And us, what about us..."

Jiang Ling and Fang Ting are not far behind...

Qiao Muqing now felt more clearly the gap between himself and Su Tianxin.

He and these young children are not in the same circle at all, and they can't play together.

But even so, Qiao Muqing didn't want to see Su Tianxin and Wei Yanzhi get too close.

The little girl is still young and doesn't know how to look at men. When she grows up and has her own judgment, she won't be deceived so easily by men. Perhaps Qiao Muqing will be relieved to let her talk about boyfriends.

Now... he doesn't think so!


"Tian Xin, you have brought all your presents back, do you want to open them now or tomorrow?"

Su Yuexin knew that her sister's favorite thing to do every year was to unwrap the presents. However, in previous years, there was no public birthday party of this size. There were not so many presents, and the unwrapping was finished in a short while.

There are many guests this year, so there are also many gifts. It is not too late now, but my sister has been tired all night, so he wanted to ask if he should wait until tomorrow to open it.

"I'm not sleepy now, let's take it apart now."

Su Tian, ​​who has never really experienced what it feels like to open such a gift at the same time, is still a little eager to try.

"Then put it in the living room and disassemble it, and we will accompany you.

Not to mention that it feels good to open gifts with Tian Xin every year, and let me experience the feeling of returning to a little girl. "

Chu Xin smiled and hugged her daughter to her side. Before she knew it, her daughter was already 19 years old.

She is no longer the little girl who just wanted dolls and candy.

"You have always been a little girl. When you celebrate your birthday next year, I will also prepare a lot of presents for you to unwrap."

Su Bai thought his wife was feeling old and sighed, and promised with a strong desire to survive.

"I'm not really a kid, so there's no need to make such a fuss.

Buying a lot of gifts that I don't know if I like them or not, I don't know how to buy them directly in the mall. "

Chu Xin quickly shook her head and refused, one or two things like surprises are fine, but if there are too many, it will embarrass her husband and herself as well.

"That's true, how about we go shopping tomorrow?"

Su Bai instantly understood his wife's intentions.

"I said, you two are parents, can you not show your affection in front of your children, I can't bear it."

Su Yuexin couldn't stand seeing the two of them, should a single dog be fed dog food without dignity every day?Or my own parents, too much.

 It is customary to ask for a wave of monthly tickets and rewards, little angels take action~



(End of this chapter)

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