Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 253 Calling Wei Yanzhi's Name

Chapter 253 Calling Wei Yanzhi's Name

"Why did the senior suddenly change his name? You used to call me Su Xuemei?"

Su Tianxin could only mention this half-jokingly.

"I just think it's a little strange to always call Su Xuemei, after all, you are now a schoolgirl I am familiar with, and you have to distinguish yourself from others.

Would you mind?I'll change it back if you mind. "

Wei Yanzhi said with a little embarrassment.

He actually hides his thoughts, but he is not good at lying, so he has a guilty conscience.

"I don't mind. It's just that I'm not used to it just now. The name is called by people. The senior thinks it's appropriate."

Su Tianxin is also a thin-skinned person, and she has already said so much, she can say "I mind if you don't call me that?" That's not possible, so I can only say that I don't mind.

Wei Yanzhi was actually quite cunning, what he said made Su Tianxin unable to refuse.

"Since we are so familiar, why don't you call me Senior Wei and call me by my name."

After Wei Yanzhi's little thought succeeded, he continued to encourage.

"Name? Wei Yanzhi?"

Su Tianxin herself is older than Wei Yanzhi, so it is not inappropriate to be called by her first name even at her current age, she really prefers to be called by her first name rather than senior.

It feels weird to learn from each other all day long.In the school where she went to university, only the seniors who were directly under the major were called senior brothers and senior sisters, and it was not so troublesome for those in other departments to be called by their first names directly.

"Indeed, I think my name sounds better."

A smile appeared on Wei Yanzhi's face unconsciously, as if the name was called, the relationship between the two of them has been drawn into a lot.


From that afternoon onwards, Su Tianxin followed Wei Yanzhi to prepare for the show.

The host’s draft will be familiar with it a few times, and the temporary hosts will feel that there is no problem with the draft after correcting it, that is, just wait for the rehearsal to check it again.

The key is Wei Yanzhi's show, Su Tian knows how to dance.

One of the two partners played the guqin and the other danced classical dances. They both wore classical costumes, and the imagery was very good.

According to the familiar feeling in memory, Su Tianxin simply arranged a dance to Wei Yanzhi's piano music, and everyone thought it was good.

When the two of them rehearsed until the next day, they were already busy enough due to time constraints, and they received a notice that this time the party would be jointly recorded with the TV station.

This news immediately made everyone even more flustered.

There is still a big difference between a student campus student party and a party that is going to be on a youth TV station.

I didn't receive this notification before, and it was only two days before the party. Where did I get it and make preparations?

Wei Yanzhi went to the school leaders on this matter to discuss and communicate to see if there is room for negotiation on this matter.

As a result, the school leaders said that they also received a temporary notice from above, which is the task of the Ministry of Education.

Some leaders wanted to come down to watch the show, and even asked Su Tianxin to attend by name.

The school leaders didn't expect Su Tianxin to be registered with the leaders above.

Fortunately, Su Tianxin has already taken the initiative to join the preparations for this evening party, otherwise, they would have to invite someone temporarily.

Wei Yanzhi also knew the school's embarrassment. Now that the task was over, he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

However, he said beforehand that the preparations for the evening party were prepared according to the school's level. Now that the party has been upgraded, if the effect is not good enough, the students can't be blamed for not having fun.

The school leader chuckled, and it was a solid statement.

(End of this chapter)

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