Chapter 255

"Of course it's you. The fans on my Weibo know that I will be your makeup artist this time, and they all urged me to sign an autograph and take a group photo.

I'm going to talk about the group photo later, let's talk about the signature first. "

Miss Xiao Jin has dealt with many big stars, and she has her own way of dealing with people.

As soon as she figured out Su Tianxin's kinder temperament, she let go, joking aside.

"You've said that, can I still say that I don't have a group photo? But, I'm not a celebrity, what's the use of asking me to sign my group photo?"

Su Tianxin also chatted with Miss Xiao Jin.

"Aren't you a star yet? You're better than a big star now, okay?

Sure enough, some people are born with hot search physiques. Now you can get hot search by yourself at every turn. It is estimated that your family is used to it, and no one tells you.

For example, this time your school's evening party is going to be on the Youth Channel. As soon as our channel's official website posted a message, it became a hot search, and the content was naturally the one where you were the host.

My own Weibo is the Weibo account of my usual work. To catch up with the popularity, I also got a little traffic saying that I will be a makeup artist for this event, and I have gained a lot of followers. They are all here to ask you for news .

In order to stabilize my new fans, I also have to sign the group photo to prove that I am not lying. Do you think it is easy for me? "

Miss Xiao Jin has no other choice but to envy someone like Su Tianxin who is born to be a lady.

People are more popular than others, she is a born eldest lady, and she is a winner in life from the moment she was born.Any piece of news can be a hot search physique.

Not to mention that she is a well-known makeup artist, even big stars are envious of her.

After finally having the opportunity to meet this eldest lady, Miss Xiao Jin had to make a good relationship with her.

Miss Xiao Jin didn't hide her intentions either. After all, it's really hard for a young lady of her background to know nothing about being silly and sweet.

Rather than concealing the intention and pretending to be friendly so that others will look down on it, it is better to state the intention openly and see if the eldest lady accepts her overture.

"Miss Jin, you have such good makeup skills and you know a lot of big stars. Are you afraid that you won't grow fans if someone mentions your name? Don't tease me."

Although Su Tianxin doesn't know much about Yule circle, she still knows some things.

"Yo! The little girl still understands this? It seems that my misery is not working.

However, a small makeup artist like me can't compare with other masters, and we don't have anyone to support.

That is to say, small stars who have just debuted or are not yet popular will occasionally mention it. When they become popular, they will look down on makeup artists of my level.

Look at what I'm talking about with you little girl, Tianxin, if you have any use for me in the future, just call me.You call me Miss Jin, I can't help you with other things, it's okay to do some makeup and styling for you. "

Miss Xiao Jin is telling the truth, their circle overlaps with the Yule circle quite a bit, and the rules are pretty much the same.However, Su Tianxin probably doesn't like to hear their nonsense, so it's better to say something useful.

"Then I would like to thank Miss Xiaojin first. I think the style you made is really suitable for me. Maybe I will have to ask you for help in future events."

Naturally, Su Tianxin would not reject Miss Xiaojin's overture, anyway, it was just a polite word to her, and it will not be necessary to say it in the future.

"Don't be polite to me, talk to me if you need it."

The smile on Miss Xiao Jin's face became more obvious when she got Su Tian's heart.

Su Tianxin never expected that the chance meeting would lead to a good relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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