Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 258 Why Are You Treating Me Well

Chapter 258 Why Are You Treating Me Well

In this regard, she will never be able to compare with Su Beibei.

Even if Su Beibei wasn't the younger sister who grew up with Su Tianxin in the Orphanage, as long as Su Tianxin wasn't stupid, she should know who to protect.

Jiang Ling knew this in her heart, so she had nothing to feel wronged.

But on the scene, I still feel that I should not lose face too much, and I need to forcibly save my respect.

"Okay, I still believe in your photography skills, as long as you take my pictures as beautiful as the ones you take for yourself."

Su Tianxin had seen Jiang Ling's photos and repairs for herself, and it was indeed possible.

Although it is not as good as professional photographers, it can be retouched to make up for it, which is quite powerful.

"Okay, I promise to make you ten times more beautiful than me in the picture."

Jiang Ling was relieved when he heard Su Tianxin's words. It seems that the incident just now is over.

It's done!She just needs to be careful in the future, and don't push Su Beibei too much in front of Su Tianxin, and they can still be like before.

With this understanding, Jiang Ling finally stepped down the stairs and left with peace of mind.

"Tian Xin, why are you so nice to me?"

In the past, Su Beibei would occasionally feel that this name was very similar to the wealthy daughter who had exactly the same name as Sister Tian Xin.

But if you take a closer look, they don't really look alike except for their names.In appearance, temperament, and even the bearing of doing things, they are actually not the same.

It's possible that the tone of voice is just a little bit like that once in a while.

After all, there are so many people in the world, even people who are not related by blood can be similar in appearance, not to mention just the tone of voice.

Su Beibei had never doubted that Su Tianxin and Sister Tianxin could be related other than the same name.

But just now, Su Tianxin maintained that her demeanor and tone were too similar, too much like the sister Tianxin she knew, so she asked the words in her heart by accident.

"Why can't I be nice to you? I am happy, I like it, I think you are pleasing to the eye, so I just want to be nice to you, is that enough reason?"

Su Tian is not guilty at all, as the daughter of a wealthy family has the capital of self-will, even if he can decide whether to treat a person well or not just by seeing whether he likes him or not, this reason is quite useful.


Su Beibei looked at Su Tianxin who responded domineeringly, and suddenly felt that he was stupid to think that she was very similar to Sister Tianxin, and even thought that she might be Sister Tianxin at that moment.

Fortunately, she woke up quickly, otherwise she would feel that she was crazy.

How can a person who has passed away appear in front of him alive, let alone in the identity of someone else.Even if there is talk of time travel and resurrection in the novel, it is a novel after all.

Things that are impossible in reality are also said in the same way, she can't distinguish between fiction and reality.

"Then is there any doubt?"

Su Tianxin saw that Su Beibei looked a little disappointed, and couldn't bear it anymore.

Although she couldn't admit that she was her sister Tianxin, she could still take care of her and protect her as before.

"But obviously I want to protect you, why do you seem to be protecting you?"

Su Beibei suddenly realized that Su Tianxin stood up for her just now.

This is different from her previous starting point. She wanted to help Su Tianxin, and didn't want to cause trouble for her.

"Is there any difference? Aren't we friends? Friends take care of each other. Is there any major problem with Jiang Ling, but he is unforgiving and a bit bullying. One sentence from me should be worth a hundred sentences from you."

(End of this chapter)

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